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Everything posted by Myran

  1. "The soldier then threw the delivery guy's bike a shot distance in a rage." Couldn't you at least bother to watch the video before writing an article about it? He doesn't "throw it in a fit of rage", he grabs the handlebar and accelerates the bike by accident. Do you seriously think he could have thrown a bike of that weight with a single hand?
  2. Jesus Christ, stop feeding the troll. What are the odds that another "interesting topic" will surface in the near future from this poster?
  3. Please substantiate this claim. It sounds like absolute nonsense.
  4. Typical motivational speaker mumbo jumbo – sounds good when 500 paying sheep are nodding their heads and going "That's so deep and true", but doesn't hold any water when you actully think about it.
  5. I pointed out that a seller can have ratings while their products don't, since they're separate. That's it. Kindly take your imaginary argument with someone else.
  6. Because product ratings and seller ratings are separate.
  7. Anyone can register at the provincial hospitals and get cheaper care there than in private hospitals. It has nothing to do with having a Thai ID card.
  8. Take a beginner's class in reading comprehension and basic logic if you seriously believe that. Of course I know. Thais get depressed, just like literally every other people in the world.
  9. And the award for the most mindblowingly stupid topic of the month goes to... Please tell me you're trolling.
  10. In my province you can't even renew it with a certificate from immigration, you have to get it from the tourist police, so perhaps check that out.
  11. Very well handled by the police, it seems. Not much of a choice but to shoot him when he ran after her.
  12. Poor girl. Betrayed in such a horrific way by her own mother. What an absolute monster.
  13. If you have an Under consideration stamp in your passport, you won't be on overstay. It basically allows you to stay until you get the actual extension stamp.
  14. Not sure what you're trying to say.
  15. Marty Friedman is up there with the greatest. The solo for Tornado of Souls is simply too good.
  16. Par for the course when Asean Now is doing the reporting. It was the same when people's houses were falling apart the other day because of construction next to them. Ridiculing people in distress for some cheap chuckles is insanely unprofessional and distasteful.
  17. Such a brave stance. He's saying the things no one else dares. I can't wait for his next videos: "I think stomping on puppies is BAD – fight me!", "Controversial opinion: Hitler wasn't very nice" and "How to kick in open doors – a complete guide to saying the obvious and getting pats on the back".
  18. Yes, and she complains that I walk in front of her instead of next to her. The problem being that when I slow down to let her catch up, she slows down as well.
  19. I'll keep wearing it. I can make all my stupid faces and breathe with my mouth open without people noticing, and people I know who I don't want to stop and talk to don't recognize me.
  20. Is that where you repair broken Caps Lock buttons? Because you could really use that service.
  21. Hi everyone, I've got some money on Paypal that I want to spend (I'm not interested in discussions regarding sending it to my bank, thanks), and I'm therefore looking for online shops in Thailand that accept Paypal. I'm looking for shops that ship from Thailand, since I want to avoid all problems with customs and duty. I already know of a good shop for computer stuff (InvadeIT), but would like to find some stuff for the wife, such as perfume, clothes, etc. If anyone knows of any online shops in Thailand that accept Paypal, please share them. Thanks.
  22. "The pointing left little doubt where the cracks were." Really classy to make fun of people whose homes are falling apart. Extremely unprofessional reporting.
  23. And the award for the most tone-deaf topic of the week goes to...
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