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Everything posted by Myran

  1. Again: "Acknowledging one problem isn't a proclamation that no other problems exist." Are you saying that the human rights organizations shouldn't bring up problems unless they can list every single problem in every single industry? With your "logic", no one can complain or bring up issues, because they can't mention them all and there are always bigger problems. Better to just keep silent about them all, rather than protesting against some of them, right? Not to mention that this particular protest is based on a report specifically about production of fishing nets, so it makes perfect sense that their complaint is specifically about that. It's like commenting on a local news story about pot holes in the local street being a problem, by writing: "But what about the starving children in Africa? Why aren't you addressing that?"
  2. Right, because you did. Nowhere does it say that fishin gear manufacturing is the only area with violations. That seems to be something you made up yourself. Acknowledging one problem isn't a proclamation that no other problems exist.
  3. No idea why you would expect me to explain that. I suggest you contact the organizations in question and ask them yourself.
  4. I wonder what they're going to do in terms of marriage extensions, considering the rules are different for men and women.
  5. That's horrible. Can you link some of the sources where they are pushing this narrative?
  6. You wrote "I don't need to accommodate any clerk wishing to visit my home," which is what people are responding to. They are saying that you will absolutely have to comply with home visists if the government should decide it's necessary for retirement extensions. That's it, no one is saying that home visits are a thing for retirement extensions.
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