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Everything posted by Myran

  1. Will they start to share with USA starting next year, or are they already sharing with USA now and will start to share with Europe and the Pacific next year?
  2. Wow, what a brave bet... "even though she was eliminated in the competition" "The much beloved candidate ultimately fell short in the competition held in Israel, with the prize going to Miss India"
  3. And the family can't come up with 5K themselves? These campaigns always read like, "Help us raise the money so one of us don't have to sell their second car." Of course, that might not be the case here. They might have done everything they can already and just need help with that last little bit. On the other hand, what's the point of flying a body across the world? The person has already passed on, just bury/cremate the body where he is and hold a funeral at a different location. I'll never understand this obsession with what is basically just the shell of the actual person.
  4. The office in Ubon city is also really good. Definitely the best immigration office I've dealt with in Thailand. Always legitimately helpful and they really helped me out of a tough spot a while back, even though they could've just brushed it off and told me to deal with it myself.
  5. Any news regarding other forms of transfers to Thai accounts, like direct transfers? Are the banks going to start asking for proof for where the money comes from and that you've paid tax for it, like when you receive money from family in Europe? I've never experienced it so far, but if they're going to start asking for it, it's good to know in advance so that you can prepare the relevant documents.
  6. I've received the email as well. You'll still be able to make payments with it, but the money will be charged from the linked bank account. You won't be able to receive money through it or keep money in it. So no, you won't have to kiss your personal PP account goodbye, but you won't be able to receive money through it in any way.
  7. A concern for what? That an insignificantly small group of anonymous edge-lords have said something bad about a group consisting of tens of millions of people? Laugh about their ignorance and need to push other people down in order to feel better about themselves, and move on with your lives.
  8. That's not what experienced means. A guy can have 50 years of experience driving motorcycles, but still drive without a helmet – doesn't make him any less experienced, just stupid.
  9. Again, I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say, what your point is, or why you're quoting me. I'm not offended in the slightest, just extremely confused as to what you're trying to convey.
  10. Not sure why you're quoting me. I haven't asked for information about residency or citizenship, nor does anything you write in any way refute my point.
  11. No idea what you're trying to say. You claimed that without a Thai passport, you're a tourist, which would include people with permanent residency status.
  12. Uh-oh, who's going to break the news to the people with permanent residency but no Thai passport?
  13. She's supposed to be picking blueberries, which grow close to the ground in the Nordic countries. We don't even call the plant a bush, because it's so small.
  14. Cool. I have a special rock in my pocket and have always been treated extremely well at the immigration office as well. It's all thanks to the rock, I'm sure. I'm not trying to sound pretentious, it's just a really great rock.
  15. Is that the case for the Ubon immigration office (in the city)? Do you only need a witness for the home visit the first year?
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