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Everything posted by Myran

  1. Reminds me of the time my neighbor fell penis first into another womans nether regions while she happened to be lying in the bed his wife usually occupied. Talk about bad luck.
  2. I've never experienced this behavior. It sounds like a mix of delusion, oversensitivity, and confirmation bias on your part. The few foreigners I've seen treated with some sort of disdain by Thai people where themselves acting anti-socially or entitled in some way.
  3. "room was covered in smog" Incredibly unlikely.
  4. Did you read the article? The headline and article spells out that he was trying to evade immigration officials. Nowhere does it imply that the was attendind immigration offices, border crossings, or other places where you might happen upon immigration officers.
  5. Where's the scandal? He isn't allowed to kiss people because he's a governor?
  6. No one would mistake a bottle of 7-Up for water after opening it. The fizz clearly gives it away. Funny anecdote, but you obviously didn't put it in your coffee.
  7. "as his popularity has brought worldwide recognition to Kanchanaburi" Who should be the first to tell them that no one outside of Thailand has any idea who this guy is?
  8. Because I like it and love when busy-bodies throw a hissy-fit over it, just like my socks in sandals.
  9. Which is why you encourage them to not set their minds on picking your house, by making it the riskiest one to enter (well-lit outside, doors/windows that are harder and noisier to break up, etc.).
  10. Gotta love people who are so incredibly insecure that they can't state that their opinions are simply their own, but have to claim that, "everyone else thinks the same, they're just too afraid to admit it." No, mate. You're the one who's afraid.
  11. "Namkanisorn also highlighted that nurses in Thailand are working an average of 80 hours per week" I sincerely doubt that.
  12. Why on Earth would that "fuel hope for same-sex marriage"? It's essentially a man marrying a woman.
  13. I will revert to the same condition as before I was born, which is to not exist. Nothing magical or special about it, so make the most out of the time you get.
  14. Yeah, <deleted> heterocentric, bigotted, vile, neo-nazi dumbasses such as myself, for making an observation based on a potentially positive outcome. I've learned my lesson and will stay the hell away from commenting on anything regarding homosexuality. Thank you, Jingthing, for gatekeeping these topics and making sure only the right people are allowed to have an opinion and comment.
  15. Gonna be interesting to see whether or not foreign males married to Thai males will have to show financial proof for the marriage extension (since female foreigners married to Thai males don't have to).
  16. "his device for recording parcel data malfunctioned due to sweat dripping onto the screen, causing the package to be marked as received without actually having been delivered" ????
  17. I recently spilled wine on one of my favourite T-shirts. Damn Brexit!
  18. Myran

    an awful day

    Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.
  19. What is up with all the nonsense topics being posted on AN as of late? Are some members being paid or incentivized to post as many topics as possible to increase activity, or what's going on?
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