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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. A few years ago, I stopped at a Zebra crossing to allow the pedestrians to cross the road (4-lanes). On my right side there was another car which had stopped for the pedetrians. Nonetheless, a motorcycle driver who was late for his Som-Tam session chose to pass us on the left and scoped the pedestrians. Crossing a street in Thailand is a risky businnes.
  2. Was the driver a THAI? He speaks pretty good English to whoever was with him in the car.
  3. So, it's OK for this MORON to go into demolishing mode and start to attack the car? Guess we have found a bigger moron here. Maybe familiy of the Swiss guy who thinks that he has the right to hurt other people just because he is on holiday in the country and Thais shall respect his habits.
  4. Which way it sounds better? 16 rpm or 78rpm?
  5. While sorting out the boxes with old stuff, I found an old record. I tried to play it on my record player, 16 rpm and 78 rpm, but the band sounds awfull. Does anybody know this band?
  6. He wanted only to impress his girl Nothing serious
  7. Found this video today. Happened at Central in Koh Samui, 3 days ago, according to the OP. Didn't see it on ASUAN NOW. Quality tourists again FSave.Io_GKKa8RmMiSywoj4EAOCaBEa93ThBbmdjAAAF.mp4
  8. In my 23 years of living in Thailand, I had a few times a confrontation with the Police or other officials. I could keep my dignitude and said that I didn't do that. On the otherhand, saying that I am sorry for the trouble and a few banknotes exchanging hands worked well and I did not die or was deported. Talking is Silver and keeping silent is gold.
  9. He who has never commited any sin cast the first stone - famous quote of the Rolling Stones on 2500 AD.
  10. He did exactly that at the police station.. But his wife needed to add a complete diatribe to it and made everybody furious.
  11. I feel compassion with this guy who felt a sudden bowel movement and chosed to defecate on the street. That was maybe not his best idea, but at that moment it was urgent. Although, he could have pull his paints up and go to a public toilet to wash himself instead taking a bath at a shrine.
  12. That seems to be a common problem with all court decisions. In 1987 I was awarded by the courts a sum of money from my ex-wife. So far so good. But I never saw 1 dime of that sum into my bank account. My ex-wife claimed always that she had no income (above the level that can be witheld by the courts) and that she was insolvable. With the interest over the years I would be now a rich man. But my ex-wife chosed to die a few years ago and the only thing that's real are the bills of the lawyer and the courts.
  13. Will the Swiss Expat be allowed to stay in Thailand or not? Let's see who have it right.
  14. Udon Thanee is an Isan part of Thailand where 2 diffuerent Tuk-tuk models are used. The first is the model used in Bangkok which is a transfersal 2 seater and uses an engine on LPG (with the common distinctive tuk-tuk sound). Difficult to fall out of this model without being noticed. The second model is a modified Motorbike with 2 rows of seats lengthwise. The seats are inclined towards the road and easy to fall out of these if the road conditions are not good.
  15. A common behavior for EVERY politician in this world. Being a liar is a common request to be a politician.
  16. I can show you court documents, translated by a legal translator (appointed by the courts), that are 10 times worse as a Google translation. A friend of mine needed adoption papers for the Australian Government. He paid for a LEGAL Thai-English translation of the adoption papers and when presented to the Australlian government they almost pissed in their trousers from laughter. Sometimes, a Google translation is muchmore accurate as the "appointed translators".
  17. I did a Google on my name and about 63 hits came up with the exact same name as me and 1 of them being born on the same date as me. He lives in the USA and is a well know lawyer. A name is not unique and even a birth date can be common.
  18. I don't use my Twitter account already longtime. Will need to open it again and find Qatar.
  19. I have received your message. Will try the link later. Thanks
  20. Very limited Link and of no use for any questions not related to the "MENU".
  21. Yes, I am a member of Qatar. I clicked on the "Chat" button and waited more than 10 minutes for a connection. I gave up after 10 minutes.
  22. So much ado for nothing. The Swiss guy has MONEY and the case will never reach the courts. Just like every known case in Thailand (Joe Ferrari, Red bukk scion, etc.) if this doctor has a little bit of working grey matter in her head, she better would accept the money and drop the case.
  23. Does anybody know an email address of QATAR Airlines? I wanted to ask some information but the only way to communicate with them seems to be trough a Hotline which keeps me waiting forever.
  24. I am pretty sure that the SUN GHOSTS have something to do with the glass cracks. Better call the monks to exorcise these Sun Ghosts.
  25. No need to check Twitter. Facebook/Instagram is FULL of them.
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