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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. Not so irrelevant:- if you check in with passport (or driving licence, which carries your passport number) because then the hotel notifies immigration.... or should.... so now you may have a change of address on record, across a provincial border, and you are open to all the TM30,TM28 palaver. I know that you are supposed not to have to do it if you have a "permanent" address registered. But times are hard and the sharks are circling! Best not to present them with bait. Just because one is paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get one.
  2. Try advertising as a house-sitter. There are many farang owners, stuck abroad or unable to find tenants, who would be happy to have a responsible person occupy their vacant property, foc or for peppercorn rental, if you pay common fees, electricity and water.
  3. I live in Chonburi, just did it online from Trat, no problem. Checked in to hotel with pink card, so no TMxx involved.
  4. Further update:- I now have an email notifying the approval of my applocation, with the slip as pdf attachment. It was sent within 24hours, but I only got it two hours later!. Still waiting for the other. Only strange thing, the slips from immi normally have a barcode: these have none.
  5. Ok, here is an update. You are of course correct. I followed the link and re-registered. My password came by email in minutes. I entered my data and submitted...the acknowledgement of receipt came in minutes. Did my wifs'...again acknowledged in minutes. That was yesterday. Today I checked online, both applications marked approved and the slips printable from pdf. BUT I have not received an email confirming approval.
  6. Sorry to rain on your parade, folks, but on the strength of this report I just tried the Android app, reports for wife and me due on Monday. Both cases, completed everything successfully, as far as submission. Then, I got a reminder not to overstay, go see immigration. Could not proceed further. Our extensions are good to the end of March, so no overtstay ! Easier and quicker to drop in to Jomtien, two minutes. Filling in the app crapp takes 5, 555.
  7. What a disappointing thread. Another minute of my life wasted.
  8. Gaia says, "Up to you! I will protect myself, any way I can. I have been here much longer than you. I will still be here, long after you are gone."
  9. It makes perfect sense......if you happen to own a private hospit_al/el or two!
  10. I know there are a lot of dinosaurs in Hua Hin, but I didn`t know that they sold them......????
  11. It ill behoves an officer with the surname "Plodee" to threaten police officers!
  12. If you get a third jab, how do you update your yellow covid pssport? Anyone know?
  13. "Which part of "NO" do you not understand? Are you deaf, or stupid?"
  14. Hand gel is not like KY. There is a difference, but you might not notice it.....until after a few minutes.
  15. We used to buy Aussie minced beef at BigC Extra in Pattaya, at 450 baht/kg. Recently a company has taken over the butchery franchise, and the same mince is now 650/kg. All their other cuts of beef have gone up in proportion. It used to be a busy counter with a staff of 6 or so. Now there are two, and hardly any customers. They have started bogof offers, the resultant prices are still high, and the quality has gone down. For a while we tried other branches, but now the same franchise has taken over, and they are now penetrating Tops! Other supermarkets are offering low-fat mince at seemingly reasonable prices, but do you really want fluorescent orange mince, which dyes the cooking oil?....or tasteless carpetburgers? So far only Villa comes up to scratch.
  16. Ok, the guy did what he did, and will no doubt suffer consequences. What I do not understand is; why did he call his embassy to tell them he would turn himself in? If he was gaily swanning around the country how did he get to know the police were on bis trail? His phone was apparently offline, and there are no "wanted" posters on the streets.
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