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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. That by the time you have got here, they will have found twenty new ways to shaft you.
  2. Truly, not a grammar police post! I love the rodent reference. I know the keys are next to each other, and spellcheck ducks.
  3. Judicial process as entertainment for the masses. Bring on Madame Guillotine and les Tricoteuse.
  4. A 10km bridge generates twice as many brown envelopes than a 5km bridge. Silly boy!
  5. Good people may or may not wear a mask. Bad people pretend to wear a mask, by not putting it over their nose or by putting it under their chin. They are deceitful, but who are they deceiving? Themselves.
  6. If they moored a couple of submarines under the boats, they could increase the throughput by 0.01% and justify their cost!
  7. As every Douglas Adams disciple knows, Mice run the world, so the PM should be asking them, surely?
  8. I agree with everything you say except the word "communist". Fascist, elitist, or plutocratic, perhaps?
  9. DTAC here, me and farang wife, retirement and spouse visas. Never a problem.
  10. Do I detect the scaly foot of a male avian TV employee in the composition of this article? Or just a lump of uncooked female bread?
  11. So, what did you, and everyone else, do with the black plastic bags, after use? Just asking.
  12. I learned a new word there.........and it wasn't "thees "
  13. As others have said, they are a kind of slug. They are eating lichen and algae off your bike or its cover. If you sprinkle table salt around, they will not go near it - even one grain is anathema to them. If you sprinkle it on them, they suffer a spectacularly unpleasant and messy death!
  14. Foremost milk is much like all the rest, Meiji is however the best for frothing for cappuccino. Foremost whipping cream, however, is the only one which works well.
  15. The inevitable end of declination is death!
  16. I am told by my Thai friends that any and all legislation concerning alcoholic beverages is driven, or heavily influenced, by "religious" influences......especially Muslim, from spouses, relatives, etc. of politicians at the top of the tree, plus the fanatical tee-totalism of some.
  17. As I understand it, "a group of more than one" "in the presence of alcohol" is illegal. Go to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200. Do you have a "get out of jail free" card?
  18. Well it's a lot better than any other exchange rate available to me. I can't speak for others. 70satang makes a big difference on £5000. 3,500 baht, to be exact. Enough for a beer or two.
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