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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. The key to this problem is a good Exit strategy, planned and organised well in advance of necessity. I've got mine.......have you?
  2. @rooster, I can only hope you are fully vaccinated. Not against Covid, but against lead poisoning. Because you are for sure making yourself a target! (I'm not sure if you can vaccinate against concrete boots)
  3. You do yourself an injustice! You ARE famous.......at least on TV (sorry, the other one, AN).
  4. When two of my nephews went to school, they steadfastly refused to learn to write or spell. They were bright, intelligent kids, "We have keyboards, why do I need to write", they said. "We have spellcheck, so what does spelling matter". Their father is a bottom end software developer and 'consultant', so had all the latest kit.. Roll on twenty years, they are drones in the dregs of society. No one will employ them for anything other than menial labour.
  5. only if you pay the corkage, use their receptacle, and they wash it after.
  6. I have become an expert at laundering money! It is amazing what these modern notes will withstand - bleach, solvents various, rubbing, drying and ironing. Mostly they come out like new, only ever had one £20 I could not rescue, and good old Bank of England replaced it foc - eventually.
  7. When I lived in Rhodesia (remember that?) 40-odd years ago, the African mammas used to carry their paper money in their underwear. The look, feel and smell of that cash was truly disgusting - it could easily have been there for years!
  8. Don't worry about it, they didn't do much learning before, and they won't do much after!
  9. As a matter of interest, can anyone post a map of police regions? Mr. Google doesn't seem to know!
  10. Define safe! But no, it's not. Until sewage, rivers and khlongs start running uphill, it never will be "safe".
  11. I hate to be picky in such a tragic story but:- "A lagoon is a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by a narrow landform, such as reefs, barrier islands, barrier peninsulas, or isthmuses. Lagoons are commonly divided into coastal lagoons and atoll lagoons. They have also been identified as occurring on mixed-sand and gravel coastlines. Wikipedia" Ban Bueng is miles inland and across the Chonburi mountains from the sea. This was a pond, not a lagoon.
  12. Why are you wasting my time and bandwidth with this puerile (rap?
  13. I don't believe that "Thailand", "design", and "roads" can co-exist in the same sentence.
  14. Don't waste your money. You will be locked in forever to Apples monopolistic policies. A mid to top end Android will, these days, do everything an iPad can do, and more, for a lot less outlay and on-costs. I have a Huawei pad, which is superb, and an iPad mini, which is only ok. Apple service is slow and expensive (batteries, etc.,), Huawei, in Pattaya at least, is quick and cheap.
  15. I agree with you. Our 30-ish year old townhouse was "renovated" a couple of years before we moved in ten years ago. On each floor we have a modern, quite posh Nahm toilet. The ground floor "hong nam" had been becoming increasingly smelly, and the grout around the base of the toilet was cracking and discoulored. Eventually I decided to remove the bowl and see what was going on, suspecting the lack of any seal to the sewage pipe. The grout was diamond hard and stuck fast to both the bowl and the floor tiles - it was a two-day nightmare to separate them without cracking anything. Sure enough, under the bowl I found a ragged hole in the tiles, a blue pipe 1" short of the surface, no seals at all, and accumulations of you know what. To make matters worse, the hole and pipe did not even line up with the toilet bowl outlet, and there were no screws in the holes to secure the base to the floor. These toilets are supplied, at time of purchase, with mastic sealing rings. Our friend, who built a twenty-four room guest house, had a stack of these rings - because the builders didn't use them! - and she had problems with most of her toilets. I ended up making - because I could not buy - an adapter to fit the misaligned pipe and fill the gap, then sealed the pan correctly to the adapter, screwed the pan to the floor on a bed of silicone, properly finished. Smell gone. I doubt that centipedes could have found their way through the old "seal", but it would only have been a matter of time. Now I have to do the other two, what joy. No way can I trust a "chan" to do it!
  16. So, does that mean a day trip to Singapore is now theoretically possible? (Apart from no flights, and SG rules, obviously)
  17. I have not seen this anywhere. What are the rules on BYO? Is it against the law to drink your own booze, after all the restaurant did not sell it to you?
  18. It is amazing how powerful, directable and programmable modern watering systems can be. And you are a fan of massed pipes and drums bands, aren't you? Pigeons are a huge problem. A gas powered cannon scares them away quite effectively. Or, take up paramotoring. Nod nod, wink wink, know what I mean?
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