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Everything posted by Grusa

  1. If you repost the picture as something other than .PNG I might be able to help you!
  2. Am I alone in seriously considering cancellation of my AN subscription? Enough of this garbage, both sides of the dialogues.
  3. Yes but...true or not is irrelevant, here. If it damages reputation, it is found guilty. aka loss of face.
  4. or install Aptoide. It generally has all the apps Google won't let you have.
  5. I don't think it was fatty....... it was an eponymous little man from the nearby restaurant.
  6. I have grave doubts about the strength of many of the rusty welded steel grids one sees on the roads. Some held together by the remaing rusty flakes. It seems amazing we don't see more " cement lorry with wheels stuck in drain hole" stories.
  7. If it's stainless, Daeng Lohakit, if its aluminium, little guy next door. Not far from floating market, opposite side. https://maps.app.goo.gl/v5cFsebvaCegAw316
  8. But....but .....but.... What if they are right, and we(you?) are wrong! `
  9. At least he didn't leave his towel on it.
  10. Could it be, it's not the parking, it's the illegal silencer amplifier?
  11. I would suggest you speak to Wise directly. They are incredibly helpful and polite.
  12. Yes but, search for "decent coffee shops"......
  13. Ah! Prime suspect, then.
  14. For not much more, a driver with it. But, no guarantee not drunk!
  15. For 700baht one can hire a decent car for a day, hereabouts. Not sure about Phuket, but doubt it is much more.
  16. Farangs, maybe?
  17. Thaigers Tale
  18. The problem with these heaters is the ambient inlet water temperature. In winter, cold water, you need a lot of power to get it up to a comfortable temperature. Mid-seasons, warmer inlet water, output too hot so you mix cold at the shower. Hot season, like now, inlet water warm, output far too hot, so you mix cold at fhe shower, reducing the flow through the heater ("the slower the flow the hotter the water") and it overheats and trips.....for your protection! As said elsewhere, yes, open it up....but not until you have isolated the power! The reset will be a tiny grey button on a 4-pronged thingy on the heater element. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING WITH YOUR FINGERS,use an insulated screwdriver to click the reset, replace the cover, then switch the power back on. Reduce the power setting until the hot season is over.
  19. What, pray, does this mean, exactly?
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