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Everything posted by bbi1

  1. Can you register yourself on the TM30 as a tenant? If you have the rental contract and owners passport (foreign owner) and other details as part of the rental contract? Saves a trip to immigration
  2. What's the link to the online TM30 portal? Can you use the online TM30 portal yourself as a tenant?
  3. Jomtien - then you definitely need to do a TM30 EACH AND EVERY TIME you come back to Thailand, unless you want a 1,900 baht fine. This was straight from the horses mouth from a couple of months ago, unless things have changed recently.
  4. What FB posts have you worried? Any links?
  5. YES, if you are using Jomtien Immigration. EACH AND EVERY entry into Thailand, even if ON THE EXACT SAME VISA needs a TM30 done. Info was given straight from the horses mouth when I asked the TM30 desk when filing my TM30.
  6. 1. 60 day tourist visa, I presume it was a SETV? 2. Which airport did you enter from? 3. Did you purchase one of those $7 or $14 "booking" tickets out of the country that is usually recommended on this forum?
  7. 12pm to 1am is actually 13 hours. And no, there was never a 12pm noon closing time ???????? 1am is actually an earlier closing time. Everything closes around 2am - 3am every night.
  8. How much do the taxi mafia kiosks get out of the booked fare? Say the customer agrees on a 1k baht fare to go back to BKK. How much does the driver get and how much goes to the taxi mafia kiosk?
  9. Surprised nobody here knows about this. I'm going with yes, you can still enter on the 25th December, being the Valid Until date of 25th December 2023. Unless someone says otherwise that 24th December is the last date to enter?
  10. Say for example, your METV has a Valid Until date of 25th December 2023, can you still enter on the 25th December and you will still get 60 days? I know in the past it used to say "Enter Before" but now it says "Valid Until"
  11. Time for the OP to dish out those sunglasses at night while strolling Beach Rd looking for night time some company
  12. What about the border run companies into Cambodia with vans packed only with Laotions and Burmese? Are they the same and any good? They usually charge around the 1k baht for a border run. You won't have to deal with those oversized fat farangs taking up too much seat space.
  13. He thought you were handsum man and wanted your photo for some "after-evening" activities when he was all alone.
  14. If you're putting your kids future as utmost important, no way would you even think about Laos or Cambodia.
  15. If you think Thailand is a <deleted>hole, then Laos/Cambodia is 100 times more of a <deleted>hole than Thailand. Why on earth are you even trying to consider such countries? If you like shopping malls all over the place like in Thailand, Laos is definitely not like that.
  16. What gets the best exchange rate for amounts five figure dollar amount? Changing the THB to your home country's currency while in Thailand, then taking the cash back home, or using DeeMoney or Skrill?
  17. Photocopy of Valid Passport Photocopy of Thai Work Permit/Visa - What if the Lao person is doing 30 day visa runs? Photocopy of Current Country of Residence Visa - What's this??? Photocopy of Passport pages with all entry and exit stamps to/from Thailand 2 Passport size photographs Obtain 2 sets of hardcopy of original fingerprints at the Royal Thai Embassy or local Police Station in your country - Really, they want this???
  18. Ok, thanks. As a foreigner, did you just produce your original passport & nothing else for them to do the check? On their website has everything written in Thai, even though it's linked from the English section of their website for "REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (Apply in person for applicant residing in Thailand)"here: https://pcscenter.sbpolice.go.th/news/REQUIREDDOCUMENTS(ApplyinpersonforapplicantresidinginThailand)_25.html Or are all foreigners meant to follow the instructions REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (Apply by Mail for applicant residing in abroad) here even if they are in Thailand: https://pcscenter.sbpolice.go.th/news/REQUIREDDOCUMENTS(ApplybyMailforapplicantresidinginabroad)_32.html
  19. How much is the "special" fee and what is CIB? Thanks
  20. Both myself and my Lao partner need to apply for a Thai police certificate for a visa to my country. 1. Is it possible to get this done online for a Non-Thai person or do we need to go to the Police Headquarters in BKK to get this done? It's a big of a pain needs to be done in person. 2. Can anyone who's in Thailand apply for one, doesn't matter if you are here on a visa or are on a 30 day visa exempt? 3. If applying at the BKK headquarters, do you just need to bring your passport with you? 4. Do you need to provide a copy of all entry/exit stamps in your passport? 5. Has anyone recently done one and what what the rough turnaround time to get one? Is there a fast-track option to get it quickly?
  21. Ok, I tried it with the KBank app to check by doing a pay to the PEA and entering the CA/Ref No1 and get the following message: "Sorry - The system cannot process your transaction at this moment. Please try again later." Does this mean there's no outstanding amount to pay and the previous CounterService Pay payment went through successfully?
  22. I'm the tenant, not the owner though. Can anyone just check usage & payment status of a property via the PEA app?
  23. Anyone else using CounterService App to pay their electricity bills with credit card? I get a Payment Success email but if I look at the history on the app, it says payment failed. This also happened last month too, but both this time and last month the credit card was charged by them. Also, how do we know for sure that the PEA bill was paid? If it didn't go through, would it show on this month's new bill the outstanding amount from last month in addition to this month's charges?
  24. If you could please do this, this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  25. Did they ask for any proof of this? Because when an employee they want employment contract, payslips, etc. and when a business owner they want proof of business registration, etc.
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