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Everything posted by bbi1

  1. Geez, now they are raiding tourist clubs on Walking St. Great image for the tourists in high season, all clubs being closed around 2am-3am and clubs being raided. Tourists, don't bother coming to Thailand. They don't want you to spend your money here.
  2. I usually carry my big cash in my undies. Girl's always think I've got a big anaconda down below when they see the bulge. Joke's on them, it's only money.
  3. ไปแล้วไปเลย ไปเลย Anyone able to assist with the translations of the 2 above words and when they are appropriate to use? Thanks
  4. I've always walked on Beach Rd very late at night/ early hours of the morning. Guess I don't look like someone who's approachable or someone or someone who's friendly.
  5. Well, that's what happens when weed is available everywhere, being sold every 50m from the next seller.
  6. 200 baht per day. 150 baht per day if you are "handsum man"
  7. Busses are full because of a public holiday? People going back to BKK after a long weekend of partying in Pattaya?
  8. That's what happens when the cops go around closing Walking St early before 3am, like they did yesterday. Shootings and stabbings. Just let the people enjoy Walking St and you won't have this type of violence near there.
  9. Bolt and Indrive are the best. Forget about Grab.
  10. Alternatively, word could've spread that you're a bad tipper so drivers aren't accepting your orders.
  11. Which one of you guys here are the ones caught in the picture. C'mon, own up!
  12. I think you've been put on the blacklist. Other people seem to have no issues getting deliveries.
  13. "Central i said to the wife lets try and dodge the traffic and get a taxi to Soi Buchow so the wife asked a taxi at the rank on second road. 400 baht i thought she was joking but no that is what they wanted for basically 5 mins in a taxi" Is your wife Thai or a foreigner? I'm guessing a foreigner as a Thai would know better than to use a taxi rank on 2nd Rd. It's a no-brainer that one of the Apps are the way to go. "as she ordered a taxi to Don Mueng Airport from Pattaya 1800-- 2000 " And to go to BKK, it should be common knowledge for a Thai to flag down a BKK taxi, not go through a taxi mafia and negotiate the fare with the driver directly. Would've only been around 1k to Don Meung.
  14. Don't be cheap and get a car service for 1k baht to the airport, if you are leaving that early
  15. Everybody pays their "tab" when they get their drink. I've never for the life of me seen a nightclub where you get a "tab" and pay at the end just before you leave. Imaging the nightmare trying to get people to pay, when tons of people are coming and going in and out of the nightclubs.
  16. They really did this at Lucifers on Walking St? What year was that? Not a good look for all the tourists that go to that club and Walking St.
  17. It is for the people silly enough to buy at the top of the cycle ????
  18. An 80% drop in the value of Bitcoin is very normal too. In other crypto, going to $0 is very normal.
  19. Damn, that sucks big time ????
  20. "I'm a total crypto sceptic. Check my past posts. But for the love of god there is a double digit inflation worldwide and I just can't in good faith watch my savings evaporate. " Ouch, a 60%+ loss from when you bought BTC has gotta hurt more than watching your savings evaporate ???? Hopefully you're not still holding and had a stop loss in place to exit.
  21. "After not eating for a week" - you survived on only water for a week? I don't think I could do that purely for weight loss. Two small meals per day is the most I could go down to.
  22. Yep, was a smart decision to watch it from my condo balcony. A lot more comfy, no crowds, and awesome views. No risk of "chaos if they get a flash flood" lol
  23. Taxi mafia paying off the cops to get rid of the competition? How are coppers meant to know who's a Bolt driver and not? It could be just a friend in the car with the driver.
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