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Posts posted by roger101

  1. 2 hours ago, joskeshake said:

    last week i took as usual 4 lottery tickets in front of Friendship en to my suprise they charged me 90 bath/piece.This is in front of a supermaket, so i think police dont care when nobody complains.

    I wouldn't pay. If nobody paid their 90 baht price they would soon go back to 80 baht.

  2. On 9/11/2016 at 1:44 PM, Lite Beer said:


    Maybe you would be kind enough to let us all know how is is achieved.

    A link to your source would be appreciated by all.

    If you go into the Key Visa web site and click on Thai Visa then  Retirement Visa you will see what I mean. Or click on Marriage Visa.


  3. On 9/7/2016 at 0:45 PM, dontoearth said:

      Just buy a single package or two for experimenting.  I could never find a way to choke them down...UGH!  And I am sucker for beetroot and bitter apple and all sorts of appetite killers and fillers.  I never found them dried!  That might help a lot.  The ones in slime...oh .. the world slime says it all

    I find that rinsing well and then dry frying to remove the excess water works well. Then mixed with whatever sauce I am using and I find it very difficult to tell the difference from normal spaghetti.

  4. 13 hours ago, remobb said:

    If you want to be 100% sure contact the pensions dept. I have just recently started receiving mine and have found they are very efficient. My pension is paid directly into my Thai bank account on the dot every month.

    My pension is paid into my UK bank and then I transfer it over via Transferwise. I get a good rate of exchange which is quoted before the transaction is carried out. Is your exchange rate compatible. I got 45.6 last week.

  5. I went into an insurance broker today in Pattaya to inquire about insurance for a golf cart and an electric bike. I was told that as there was  no Green or Blue book for these insurance wasn't possible. What I'm trying to find out  was this information due to the broker not having access to a policy that covers them or is there no policy in Thailand to cover them.

    I could possibly understand the golf cart but I was also told no cover for  normal bicycles.

    What do other people who own golf carts or electric bikes do for insurance or don't they have any.

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