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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I read that every one degree below 25C increases the electricity use by 10%. 24C is OK, in fact I wake up at 3 in the morning because I feel too cold and turn the air con off.
  2. That's why God gave us air con, in my bedroom it was 24C last night, even my dogs sleep with us, they howl until I let them in the room.
  3. He is farting in everybody's general direction, it's too scary for elderly supporters.
  4. Why is this news? It's like saying today will be hot......Let me see now, suspended pending a thorough investigation by their peers where it will be found it was all a misunderstanding and the lady will be sued for bringing the good name of the police into ill repute.
  5. more fool them, that's one way to ruin a holiday......"what did you see in Thailand"? "A jail cell"
  6. Actually it is serious, it is symbolic.......you aren't coming back! This probably was not done lightly.
  7. Yeah, businesses linked to tax payers money when bailouts are needed, who was it who said, "I don't know what the greater crime is, to rob a bank or to ground one".
  8. Oh I think it's understandable, consider that after WW2 a lot of streets in Germany had their names changed from Adolf Hitler Strasse to something more representative of a move away from an era of madness, lies and terror.
  9. I think it's safe to say that someone did not wish him well.
  10. It is as it is, I don't care, I have no debt and I don't live in America, but the world seems to be going to hell in a hand cart, being old has its advantages.
  11. I agree he isn't 'clean', who is but I am reminded of a Churchill quote, "So, you have enemies, that is good, it shows you have stood up for something".
  12. I didn't say Biden was ineffective, just geriatric. If you follow the many economic experts on Youtube you can see that the 'strong economy' is a lie, the increase in (poor quality) jobs is always revised downwards at the beginning of a new month, there are wage increases to offset inflation but what isn't said is that at the same time the number of hours worked are cut down due to lack of orders, it's the last step before mass layoffs. Americans are broke, mass delinquencies on credit card payments (23% interest) where even minimum payments are no longer affordable. Houses are no longer affordable, car repossessions are rising drastically, the yield curve is still inverted causing banks to restrict credit, the medium to small banks are basically insolvent due to the commercial property price decline, beyond 50% which are on their books as collateral for the original price. Every 100 days the government debt rises by one trillion dollars, social security for the baby boomers is unafordable. America has the strange situation of a recession with high interest rates, the interest paid on government debt each month is more than the defense budget. does that sound like a strong economy? Trump is just the top of the dung heap underneath him in the Senat are a large number of spineless supporters, Marjory Taylor Green of low IQ is just one example. Certainly there are some good people in the GOP who oppose Trump (far to few) America isn't alone with a failing economy, the economic crisis is worldwide and America, due to its reserve currency status, will be the last domino to fall (probably just as other countries start to recover).
  13. Yes, I can't understand anybody being upset by the sight of busty substances these days, they are in newspapers and on the covers of some magazines, in the west at least. She really ought to be sent home although the cost of an air ticket will be a problem.
  14. Poor America, you really are in a mess, no morals, no class, drowning in debt, a geriatric president, a moron contender with dementia and a poor education system.........in God you trust (it's about all you can rely on).
  15. I watched a program about an A&E department in an English hospital recently. The doctors and nurses were extremely kind as were most of the patients but about 10% were rude trouble makers and violent. The hospital had to employ security staff to protect the doctors and nurses. I expect this is typical throughout the world, I find it hard to believe that the average Russian is worse than anybody else although the unaccustomed hot weather, alcohol and a language problem while on holiday could exaggerate their normal behaviour. I haven't met many Russians but those I have met (small families) spoke bad English and almost seemed to expect rejection from a westerner, once that was overcome they seemed reasonable friendly people.
  16. I watched a program about an A&E department in an English hospital recently. The doctors and nurses were extremely kind as were most of the patients but about 10% were rude trouble makers and violent. The hospital had to employ security staff to protect the doctors and nurses. I expect this is typical throughout the world, I find it hard to believe that the average Russian is worse than anybody else although the unaccustomed hot weather, alcohol and a language problem while on holiday could exaggerate their normal behaviour. I haven't met many Russians but those I have met (small families) spoke bad English and almost seemed to expect rejection from a westerner, once that was overcome they seemed reasonable friendly people.
  17. We also resemble a fish at the very beginning and later a human fetus is indistinguishable from that of a chimpanzee. What counts is what comes out at the end however vehemently it may be denied.
  18. Whatever, you invite them in. Have I ruined your day?
  19. Hold on! let me get my camera, could you count to three before you pull the pin?
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