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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I'm not surprised, no lord thinks about his lackey. No we aren't obsessed with the US, a country full of wide open spaces surrounded by teeth.
  2. The sensible soldier is the one who pretends to be keen and then finds the thickest stone wall or the deepest trench to hide in, being a live coward is preferable to being a dead or maimed for life hero, the mindset 'for king and country' is for idiots only.
  3. What a stupid statement, perverts aren't reserved to the UK. I'm British and I have raised two young Thai step daughters to adulthood and now with my wife take care of their children when their mothers are at work, the idea that anything like this could happen to them horrifies me.
  4. Don't politicize everything. There is certainly a lack of discipline these days, especially in America when one sees the violence, credit card debt and superficial relationships. Technology must take some blame, everybody has their faces stuck into an iPhone, few want to read or learn. When I was young, before this technology I taught myself to speak fluent German, not because I had to but because I wanted to, later as I neared retirement and considered Thailand as a retirement goal I taught myself to read and write Thai. Years later in Thailand while reading a Thai book I heard my stepdaughter say to her mother, "Why does he do that to himself", for her reading was a punishment, it turned out that at 12 years old she could barely read, when I complained to her teacher about this he said I can't let the class be held back by a few weak learners so I took it upon myself to teach her (lots of tears), her mother just didn't have the patience. Now at 23 she has a university degree in business marketing. It all comes down to discipline, from oneself as well as outside. Admittedly there has, since 25 years ago, arisen 'new' methods of teaching in the UK and probably America which has a 'woke' basis from 'enlightened' politicians which has proved disastrous and recent technology hasn't helped, I've read recently that Gen Z people are basically unemployable but they are wizards with iPhone's .
  5. You mean lots of whores, cheap booze and shops that sell weed?
  6. The KKK will never buy a Jaguar.
  7. Come now, they are all fake liars and sociopaths, no decent person would be a politician, a lawyer or a used car salesman. The halls of governance aren't spiritual retreats, they give up their morals at the door, they speak and vote for what's good for number one. As in Gilbert and Sullivan's opera, "I always voted at my party's call and never thought of thinking for myself at all".
  8. Trans are not women, they're an excuse for closet gays.
  9. I'm glad someone is breaking a lance for those poor talking animals, enough is enough, give them back some dignity, look what they've done to those poor jaguars.
  10. Why should that bother a foreign student
  11. A real team, soon to be locked away.
  12. Where I am I've seen police cars weaving around people using the zebra crossing 200 meters from the police station
  13. The 'have not's' maga voters won't like this but you have to make sacrifices to make America great again
  14. Since they will be going to prison and subsequently sent back to India I suggest that the loaned money is now a gift.
  15. Only Germans, it seems the sharks have a taste for German blood considering the news lately. It must be a horrifying experience though, unexpectedly being bitten by something large under water.
  16. Old mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to fetch poor Rover a bone, as she bent over over came Rover, Rover had a bone of his own.
  17. Some similarity with Nora Batty (the last of the summer wine) Compo would have loved her.
  18. Policies have to reflect economic realities, party leaders can promise a lot before they are in power (see Starmer). Trump isn't even in power yet but already the social security and medicare cuts are looming and his wished for trade wars are harbingers of higher inflation and blockchain disruptions. He is threatening Brics with 100% tariffs if they ditch the dollar, it hasn't occurred to him that times are changing, America is no longer all powerful and the dollar isn't as strong and stable as it once was, America's bullying has brought new boys to the block who are forming alliances and they will succeed, America's short lived empire is teetering on the edge of collapse, it will seek isolation at first but this will cut it off from competition in which innovation thrives and it will be left behind. Next year 40% of America's debt matures, it will be interesting to see if the world is willing to finance 15 trillion dollars further and to what conditions. The bully is cornered and instead of confrontation it will now have to negotiate and its representative, Trump, isn't liked or respected.
  19. I too couldn't believe Trump won, not because his opponent was good, she wasn't but because Trump is a degenerate, a poor businessman, a liar, not very eloquent and not very intelligent. I think Kamala was chose for reasons of race and gender. Nobody is going to clear up anybody's mess because governments world wide don't act, they react, they don't write the story they read it. Look at the pending world recession, it is causal stemming from multiple sources, governments and central banks will try to mitigate its effects (and usually make things worse) but the truth is nobody is in control of anything, it's the causal flow of life, the water is running downstream until it meets a valley. During Trump's term there will be a bad recession and large unemployment and he will be blamed which is unfair since this would come about no matter who was President. All one can say is, 'this too will pass' but it wont pass because of any one person, it will pass due to causal events over which we have no control.
  20. Fine cuisine Trump style, two Hamburgers and a diet coke, Donny knows a thing or two about sophistication having dined in the best European McDonalds on his trips abroad.
  21. two cigarettes and a coffee at 4 am and then back to bed.
  22. A case for DEI, can't get more inclusive than encouraging sexual molestation from the mentally disadvantaged. Maybe her boss drives a Faguar.
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