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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Every country's citizens will blame their leaders for economic downturns. We are at the beginning of a worldwide synchronized recession, it doesn't matter where you live, China, USA, or Europe, economic pain is everywhere. In the US many small banks are basically insolvent. With people maxing out their credit cards just for basics and so the malls have gone to the model 'buy now pay later' from the 60's era. Recessions due to wars and huge national debts are things we have had before but not in a worldwide synchronized way, there was always an 'engine' of stability somewhere which helped pull everyone out but not now. The great recession in the '30's comes close to our coming situation and indeed correlating economic graphs of today show a similarity of what happened then, especially the huge climbs in the stock market (miles apart from the real economy) just before the great crash.
  2. I don't think you of all people should use the word intelligence.
  3. No not more but increasing, something unheard of in the UK earlier but then so was unheated schools and food banks.
  4. He says his wallet was stolen......the 8,000 Baht he had wasn't in his wallet luckily
  5. Really? where on earth do live and where do you socialize. Your ethnic group is a myth, also guns are now being used in the UK as well. Society is breaking down in the UK, probably due to increased poverty, check it out on Google.
  6. So they spread Charter out on t' tea table, And John signed his name like a lamb, His writing in places was sticky and thick Through dipping his pen in the jam.
  7. The kick-off were sharp at two-thirty, And soon as the whistle had went Both sides started banging each other 'Til the swineherds could hear them in Kent.
  8. Yes, it's enough to make one give up smoking.
  9. I quite agree with you regarding the carrying of guns but the prolific stabbings in the UK doesn't make me think that the UK is safer than Thailand; I've been here nearly 19 years and have never felt threatened.
  10. Sometimes I think that the only decent beings in human society are their cats and dogs.
  11. Obviously a socially responsible and caring man,....... he's wearing a mask.
  12. Hardly massive, I worked out that if I bring in 76,000 every month then with all the deductions I would have to pay 13,750 per year, works out to 1,145 per month, that isn't going to break the bank, it's important to stay in the 5% bracket.
  13. It narrows down the continent, if they had been white they would be called farang.
  14. Precisely. The West, especially America is saddled with so much debt that the interest paid takes a large part of the GDP, on the other hand Thailand has a low debt to GDP at the moment, they could afford it to pump the economy to tie them over until times improve; The danger is if times don't improve for a long time (likely) they will need even more debt to continue the cycle, however if they don't encourage consumption they will have a stagnating economy, like the rest of the world they are between a rock and a hard place. The West has already run out of economic ammunition to fight the coming world synchronized recession, Thailand is in a better situation in this regard and should act before things get too bad and hope the world has an economic miracle. Nothing wrong with sensible debt ie. debt that will eventually generate income like spending on infrastructure, education, investing in home grown manufacturing etc. Helicopter money as the West has done is short lived, just kicking the can down the road.
  15. I agree, they should follow the example set by the West who have magnificent economies.
  16. 50% unemployment in China and they need Thai workers?? Sounds dodgy to me.
  17. Nomen est omen. 10 years is a long time to keep this secret, neither of the girls thought about reporting this, especially when they were older? and why did his wife put up with the ghastly situation?
  18. I don't suppose he was drunk by any chance? I like the fact that he stumbled over some wire mesh because they were improving the pavement surface.......the pavements last victim.
  19. Neanderthals weren't stupid, they survived and thrived in the worst cold weather that nature could throw at them. They occupied areas from England to Israel, they had their own culture and it appears they were capable of abstract thought. Their brains were slightly larger than ours but with a slightly different arrangement (seen from the internal imprint on skulls). All non Africans have 3 to 4% Neanderthal genes as interbreeding with homo sapiens seems to have been a regular occurrence. They had a form of aspirin made from bark which is effective, they also developed a glue from pitch which involved a complicated chemical process. If you are English then your genetic make up is more similar to that of a German than a Welsh person and your language is Indo-Germanic.
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