Having 800k here is no big deal, might need it for urgent medical care, we know hospitals need payment up front often even with insurance, which may get denied anyway. We also know money transfers from abroad can be delayed even with Wise 🦉
I find the airfryer excellent, for only circ 1,500 baht you get a good low energy oven. Certainly healthier than deep frying so chips, roast potatoes, chicken, ribs are all very good. Even cheese on toast is good
They've taken sugar out of most cokes, 7 Eleven etc, but usually the street drink sellers use the original glass bottle Cokes.
Why don't people use a glass with their beer cans? would be fine
you scanned and it automatically showed the baht or you added the baht amount?
I've never seen it but could be bank error, repeat transactions, I can't see it happening automatically when you paid, i can see someone paying manually twice
We are talking about Thailand and Thais and they are the worst I've seen at those things in the list, but of course the system is rubbish too, training, law enforcement etc
Ignorance is bliss with you, everyone knows people see the list above day in day out.
How many km a year do you drive or ride here? i do about 25k km so i see a lot
They are reckless:
Drunk driving
No helmet
Pulling out without looking
Not indicating
Not proper training
Too fast
Too slow
On the phone
Not using mirrors
Motorbikes overloaded