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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. Is the busiest place still. So you're guessing, no idea of costs, margins, you're just plain negative
  2. it's not, ask the office, they'll put you straight
  3. The mistake was putting it in her name to start with, no need, just let her have it now, only worth 20k
  4. Make money? plus someone said he had Diabetes type 1, if true maybe some truth in his health being reason for sale. To be fair he is good at setting these places up and that's why he's done at least 3, probably hassle running a busy place
  5. Look at the PSC website (Pattaya Sport Club) they have a whole list of discounted green fees each month and a list of bars. Cheapest green fee will be around 400 baht for say Plutaluang. I recommend Pattavia, Khoa Kheow, Greenwood, Green Valley. A very good course which sometimes has a 2,000 baht all in deal with bars is Laem Chabang
  6. We were talking pre covid, now it's covid and no one here so quite obvious why it's dropped, like condos, houses and rent
  7. some people get blood clots with vaccines (greater risk of clots with covid), if they went to hospital they should get clot busters, if they don't go they are on their own but from what i hear they get headaches
  8. Like i said it depends how many chanotes, find out. You understand that 2 units knocked together still have 2 chanotes so 2 fees? it's not based on m²
  9. I'm sure Pfizer has a load of side effects like all the others, still worth the risk. As for feeling dizzy, i would ask the hospital where you had the vaccine
  10. how do you know it hardly makes money in the busiest times? you seen the accounts?
  11. if the condo has more than one chanote then it's officially more than 1 condo, double units are 2 condos so pay 2x fees. Some big units in VT2 are 1 unit so 1 fee. Thought everyone knew that
  12. No don't bother playing it. Lots of good courses to play organised out of the many golf bars. Siam old looks pi*ss easy apart from the greens
  13. i doubt that, i hear business owners saying how difficult it is here to terminate people
  14. could be unvaccinated, underlying conditions etc etc. A few weeks ago in the US, 98% of delta infections were the unvaccinated
  15. to be fair, everyone does that, lockdowns, lack of vaccines etc etc
  16. Obviously it will in most cases. You understand it reduces the severity?
  17. 2 for 1 bars otherwise known as buy one at double the price, get second free, people are so gullible
  18. If you remember pre covid a lot of places couldn't compete, the Retox places were in a tail spin before covid partly because of room rental changing to monthly. HH was the busiest place in town, you had to go upstairs to get a seat, the problem will be the buyer will screw it up
  19. No it's because someone will buy it and muck up the menu, prices up and key staff leave, causing it to crash and burn eventually aka Chunky Monkey effect
  20. Yeah that's a fair reflection of Beach road and Second road. That seems to be where the homeless go to
  21. Ah so it's not all of them, I know VT1, VT2 and VT6 have a fixed fee per condo
  22. Maintenance costs are low 500 baht a month I'm told, similar to the other VTs with 1000 condos, the unfair thing is a 38 metre condo will pay the same as a huge one
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