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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. You should be able to figure out what size you need for your room by just googling it.
  2. The ultimate sacrifice for trying to help save someone else. Very sad. RIP
  3. If this is the way he chooses to live his life then let it be. He’s not hurting anyone and he’s cleaning up the streets. Nothing to be ashamed of. Certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but no reason to belittle the guy for his actions.
  4. Well I think they are screwing the consumer on money back guarantee, but I guess there are many ways that they can adjust the wording or just tell the customer if they don’t like it, tough sht. The government won’t let me do it. ????
  5. And this is why the government should spend a lot more money on resources addressing mental health education, hotlines and Support services. Very sad. RIP
  6. I think their crystal ball is defective. No one will know the outcome until it’s over.
  7. It’s used all over the world without any issues. I guess it comes down to how the Thais use it. The only problem I see here is the lack of control or monitoring of those who use it.
  8. Good luck with that one. He’ll probably just say he is still the minister of defense or just ignore the request all together.
  9. I have used a guy to replace several of mine over the past few years and he is great and affordable. Send me a pm if you want his info. He is located in Pattaya.
  10. My insurance states it will only go up 10% if I have claims filed. That of course may change as the company has be bought again. Also they cover everything except any original exclusions like my BP. They have never rejected any payments on any conditions related to any future claim from any previous hospital claims made. I’ve been in the hospital many times over the years with the same issue and never been denied coverage. Maybe that is because I don’t have a deductible. Maybe they do things differently with that type of policy. Just make sure you read the fine print and ask a lot of questions. Better safe than sorry.
  11. The Thai all you can eat Seafood restaurants are packed. Mostly locals but I’m sure that will change when the Chinese bus loads come back. Unfortunately the nicer high end restaurants charging silly prices will fail. The baht is strong and people are more on a tighter budget than before. Many people are going to Tree Town now as it’s much cheaper than walking street. Sure you’ll get a lot of walking traffic but very few spenders. They should have bulldozed down 1/2 of it when they had the time and business were shut.
  12. Run baby run. The Chinese are coming back.
  13. 1,400 baht?? For what? To be assigned a seat, or stuck far away from the stage, wear your masks and be tested. Sounds like a great time. Hopefully they will relax these silly requirements, but with our Chinese friends I highly doubt it.
  14. I imagine 5 star resort/hotels are paying higher wages, therefore getting staffed more. If the others don’t pay more they will always be in this situation. They can also hire a few foreigners, which will cost more, but it’ll also increase their income and bookings. Nothing like going to a 3-4 star hotel and not get service. They will lose many future bookings. They need to start being more flexible with what jobs foreigners can do and they will definitely get more workers. You get what you pay for. Either nobody or <deleted> staff.
  15. It’s just the tip of the iceberg. Welcome back to all the quality tourists.
  16. Well we are truly screwed right now. Not even considering the Covid infections they will bring, the roadwork in Pattaya is far from complete and once all of those buses hit the road you best get ready for complete gridlock. The traffic is horrendous as it is now without the tour buses. Just wait till they block 2nd road, beach road and Threppasit road. It’s going to be a nightmare. You’d think they would use a little common sense and wait till the roadwork is completed. Just shows their ignorance and greediness. Can’t fix stupid.
  17. A fatal mistake on both parts. One crossing the road at night, didn’t look too dark with all the street lights, but still kinda like a deer running across the road, and the other speeding unable to stop in time. At least he stopped afterwards. Well by the looks of his car he had to. RIP
  18. Glad to see they are still helping the wild elephants that so many farmers are trying to kill.
  19. It should be exempt for retired people as well. They still don’t understand how much we contribute to the economy. We don’t even get the discount Thai rate anymore at the parks. Could give us a little break.
  20. Do they not understand that as the Thai baht strengthens people will look for better opportunities from other countries. Exports will continue to decline as long as the baht rises. Too many other options.
  21. Enjoy it while it lasts. I’m sure after the holidays it’ll go back down. I highly doubt that it will be like pre pandemic as we are constantly being told by TAT.
  22. If they stop age discrimination, low wages and allow foreigners to work they wouldn’t be in this situation. They can only blame themselves.
  23. He’ll. I think it’s a good idea. My son comes up for it this year and I hope he gets picked. Hopefully it’ll make him less lazy and understand hard work. Like most of his friends they just jump from job to job finding the easiest one out there. I wanted him to start working at 16, but his mom wouldn’t let him. I make him work for any money he wants from me whereas his mother gives him anything he wants and whines for. We all know the military is a bit of a joke but lessons can still be learnt.
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