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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Maybe Maybe he was in the process of using the shovel to clear up dog <deleted>. I have a similar problem outside my house with people walking their dogs and not clearing their dog's <deleted>. But then that used to be the norm in the UK years ago before their was a fine for not clearing up after their dogs. It will come in Thailand. Not in my lifetime or even my childrens, methinks. T.I.T.
  2. While having no sympathy for him although I hope he covers I would like to point out that when you reach a certain age health / travel insurance is not available.
  3. Walk out without his passport? It's d*******s like him that make it bad for expats in Thailand. This are the sort of tosh that the British tabloids love to feed the reading sheep. And the sheep believe it and bleat.
  4. TAT. Check the link.https://www.tatnews.org/2023/10/tat-and-ais-5g-launch-welcome-back-to-thailand-campaign/
  5. How does a tourist get a free sim card?
  6. Wasn't there a report recently that said the army and police were alleged suppliers of black market guns?
  7. As a poster said. 'It is a personal choice what one does to their own bodies.' For me, tattoos on women is a complete turn off. Why spoil a beautiful body with an inane tattoo? A Hummingbird on each tit will look like a couple vultures in old age. As for men's tattoos. I'm sure there are some that flocked like sheep to get one, are bearing tribal messages saying 'I'm a d******d' in the tribes lingo. But each to his own. But live to regret it, maybe.
  8. For only a year? It should be forever. Meanwhile, I expect anyone after a few enquiries, can purchase one on the black market. As my old mum used to say " If things don't change they will stay as they are."
  9. If a farang's wife died before him would the house automatically belong to him?
  10. Don't know how to and at ninety doubt I ever will know.
  11. With your ignorant attitude it's just as well you don't have kids. I'd pity them if you did. But then your selfish attitude might have been changed.
  12. Overwhelmed by the spirits at the religious festival.
  13. 'You have enough mouth for two sets of teeth.' Passed down by my mother. R.I.P.
  14. No. The spire with the priceless ancient gold artifacts and blue sapphires and gold rings.
  15. Trying to impress my kids at the airport restaurant asked for the bill in Thai. The waiter looked confused. My wife asked me what I had said to him. She said you have asked him to fill your tank up. Red face. Another one when trying to get a fine lowered after being wheel clamped at 2am on Walking St back in 1987. Yes, I think I must have been one of the first. At the police station I told the desk sergeant that my Thai brother in law was a police colonel. When coming out of the station I realised I had called him a head pineapple. Sopalot no Saluwat. He dropped the fine to Bt300 so he must have been impressed. My brother in law now long retired, is still referred to in the family as Chief Pineapple.
  16. I handed mine in a month ago at Jomtien. They didn't bother to look at it. If you didn't abide by the rules regarding leaving the amount in the account for the required time, then you will have a big problem when getting an extension. The reporting is a nonsense.
  17. The barber who was named as Khun Sweeny said he was tired and blamed the accident on break failure.๐Ÿ˜‰
  18. Gandtee

    Rabbit / Cage

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