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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Yes it was a "nothing burger.
  2. She started it in the first place by saying she worked at McDonalds. Harris is supposedly the honest candidate and Trump is the perpetual liar. So if a perpetual liar called me a liar I would prove that person wrong.
  3. Why stay sllent if Trump calls it a lie? Prove it was not a lie. Then this could have been an example that Harris is honest and is truly better than Trump.
  4. Franchise's change ownership over time. But at least she could have said location and the time frame of her McD experience. So far she has not. This is the problem. This keeps it alive. I'm not a Trump or MAGA guy but this gives him an issue he can bring up again and again.
  5. It's not that hard to prove where and when someoine worked in the US. Even if the work was 40 years ago. Also, you know what if anything I was implying? So now yiou can read my mind and know what my intentions are?
  6. I never said it did. It reflects what I made that year and I only workded at a McD's. So you were wrong to call the statement about my life "BS". So quick to attack? So read it again. You were in Tustin CA back in 1981?
  7. I am the same age as Harris. i worked at a McDonalds in Orange County CA in 1981. I was paid $3.35 an hour and maide $800 that year. My gross earnings were reported to the Social Security Administration and is reflected on my SSA account page. The same McDonalds is still in operation today. This should have been a "nothing burger" but I am not surprised by this. "Say anything and stay silent if people doubt you". This looks like a failed attemtp by Harris to make a connection with the average American. It's not like Trump has much in connection with the average besides eating at McD's. I also worked at the French Fry station and after two months I was promoted to the grill. Working the grill was much more difficult than working the fry station. Even back then the process at a McD's was very automated. "push buttons when the alarm beeps" was the mantra. I learned a lot from my time McD's and it was one of the few places that would give a job to young person with no work experience.
  8. The only movie that I wanted to see in a theatre lately was Deadpool and Wolverine. It was worth it. Most movies are like "nah" so watching it on a tv is fine. But when the blockbusters come out it's worth the trek to an actual theatre. Top Gun Maverick at the theatre was much much better than on my TV.
  9. Yes. In January 2024 from the LA Consulate for the OA. Used EVisa and this time the number of documents was less than in the past. Submitted everything on the Evisa website and got the approval email in 10 days. It was very painless and even using my US credit card to pay the fee ($200) was seamless. In the past it was "pain in the ass" get the charge through on Evisa if I used a US based credit card. For Evisa K Bank was the merchant of record.
  10. I spoke to a lady who worked at a local investment company and she heard the company that built Terminal 21 mall in BKK was interested in KSK. This was two years ago and now probably not so much. For years I was there almost every day and it was very convenient to have just about everything I needed. When the cinema opened I thought it was step in the right direction but like many companies Covid just accelerated it's death.
  11. I have had my experiences at 5 Star Hotels in CNX as well. Both properties were impressive with great rooms and swimming pools but the employees were a notch above trash. But when a white foreigner walked in the "smiles" were projected long and wide.
  12. I have never displayed emotion at a restaurant in LOS. 1) The locals could care less 2) It will draw attetion to myself 3) As an Asian American in LOS most think I am Chinese so they look down on me until I start speaking fluent English and this confuses them even more. "How can this dumb Chinese guy speak English like a white foreigner"??? 4) As the years have gone by in LOS I am slowly compiling a list of places I no longer frequent. 5) LOS is their country and I am not entitled to express my thoughts unless it is positive and comlimentary. Learning to live in LOS can take a while to figure out. I have learned my lesson the hard way. Ironically never had a problem at Burger King or McD's.
  13. From time to time the food I order (at a restaurant or delievery) has been unacceptable. Years ago I would send the food back. But a few times after eating the food that was redone has given me some stomach issues like cramps and a few times diarrhea. Since then when the food I ordered is not to my liking I pay and just walk out. The latest example was a chicken sandwhich that I ordered. The chicken had consistency of fine leather. It looked and smelled like it was made days ago. Also, in the past If I were to complain about food the usual reaction from the local workers has been like as if I had just insulted their mother. This is just based upon my experience but why does it seem like many Thai people get insulted and at times get upset when I have complained about the quality of the food I ordered. From my perspective it seems like because i am a foreigner I have lost my right to complain when the quality of the product or service I have paid is not to my liking. This does not happen all the time but it did happen enough times and I have decided it is not worth making this into a "federal" case. So what do others do when the food they ordered is not to their liking?
  14. Cheap = Value? In some cases yes. In some cases no.
  15. In some Asian cultures (I come from one) parents feel no one else can care for their children. In essence if they decide on suicide they will take the children with them. The most tragic case I was on scene for was when an Asian father in LA decided to kill himself and his two young daughters by igniting the family van on fire while all three were inside. At the last minute he changed his mind and jumped out of the van while his daughters burned to death. It was later determined he was in debt for over a million and had no way to pay it off. He also stated he did not want his daughters to feel the shame of his debts. He is now serving life in prison.
  16. The former and it is best when the TASER darts actually make direct contact with the skin and penetrate. Even a t-shirt can impact the effectiveness of the TASER. During cold weather when a suspect was wearing a jacket or even a thick shirt the TASER was usually less or at times not effective.
  17. I have used a TASER many times in the past. They are not as effective as many believe.
  18. I was at LAX two weeks ago and a large beer was $15 so I had just one. I realize a beer at an airport in LOS is cheaper but I sitll can't afford that many to get that drunk.
  19. Ah, long ago memories of me doing the same thing as airport police. Most highly intoxicated people feel little pain so the usual pain compliance techniques are ineffective. In the end it just takes a lot people to restrain him with handcuffs and leg restraints. If the airport has a dunk tank then let him sober up and face any possible charges. Otherwise he can take the next flight home.
  20. Absolutely true. Also, after years of being homeless many cannot adapt to the rules that come with living with others. Gettiing homeless into housing is even more difficult because many will not follow the rules(like sharing spaces, curfew, no alcohol etc).
  21. Tried to get to Dukes yesterday but gave up as I walked on the Iron Bridge. The water was about knee high at 100 PM in the area of Rimping. Also, on Chang Klan the water level was about ankle high from where Bangkok Bank was. Also, the bank was closed. The rain last night sounded like a steady drizzle.
  22. Ok Dude. Do not have a Pink or a Thai DL. So I will have to use the old passport. Got it, "Lebowski".
  23. This is one of my concerns. Also, getting a passport replaced or renewed can be 3 to 4 weeks. But in the end this is TIT. I do on occassion have a need to deposit cash into my Bangkok Bank account and I try and use the CDM as much as possible. At times the CDM's are not working and I have had to actually go into the branch to make the deposit. In the past an ID was not requird for such a transaction but I have heard that in order combat money laundering all bank transactions will require an acceptable ID in the future or even now? For most of us foreigners this means actually presenting your passport.
  24. Yes. I do but as usual getting clear, accurate and timely information from anything related to LOS is difficult. So making a deposit of anykind requires the person making the deposit to be identified. This I get but does this mean actually showing a passport or any other acceptable form of identification to the bank each and every time? From my last extended visit to the local Bangkok bank branch I was positively identified and registered again nto the bank database with my face being photographed from multiple angles. I assumed (I know never ASS U ME) that I was now cleard to make deposits without having to bring my passport into the bank each and every time. As in most cases getting questions answered at Bangkok Bank was "mission failure. This appears to be root cause of many problems for us foreigners in the Land of Smiles. All I ask is "be clear and consistent".
  25. Yes when I am back in the US my CA Drivers license is sufficient. But in LOS only a Passport will do. Big difference between carrying a passport compard to carrying a DL. Also, my CA DL has pretty much worthless in LOS. Also, I have not been called "Dude" in a very long time.
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