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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. Mate, I have lived here for 8 years and reall ydon't like carrying my passport most of the time. Of course this is the land of redundancy, absurdity and at times looney toons.
  2. As always this seems redundant (TIT) but a month ago Bangkok Bank directed me to come into a local branch to register again. This process as always required my passport being copied again and this time I had to have my face photographed from varioous angles like a booking photo after being arrested. Now that Bangkok Bank has all this information about me I still need to bring my passport in just to make a cash deposit. "Somewhere in the world former Aseannow Member Bob Smith must be smiling".
  3. Yes, that Is the way I have been doing for years but this time the actual CDM had a garbage bag over it. Of coures as usual in LOS no one at the branch was there to answery any questions.
  4. But But I made a deposit at a CDM last week. Of course TIT=Nothing seems to make sense.
  5. Went to a local Bangkok Bank branch in CNX to make a deposit at the CDM (Cash Deposit Machiine) and the machine had a garbage bag over it. Also, a vidoe posted by Integrity Legal states ID is now required to make cash deposits. I went into the branch and got a number to make cash deposit but gave up an hour later because only one teller was working and the wait time was incredibly long. Has anyone else heard about this?
  6. Wow. Did not know Buddhist Monks could consume caffeine. Do they drink a Chang once in a while?
  7. I didn't know monks drank coffee?
  8. yes. Grew up in several foster homes. So I wouldn't take bullet for a relative either. On the otherhand several people who I served with in A-stan or Iraq I probably would.
  9. What if one of the rounds fired by the Secret Service agent had hit hm between the eyes? Last time I checked you can't pardon a dead man.
  10. I can't think of anyone that i would go to prison for or get shot at for.
  11. Who says the shooter let himself get caught? He positioned himself in the brush behind the fence. Placed ceramic tiles upon the fence and placed the barrel in through the hole in the chain link fence. Some ballistic vests use ceramic as a chest plate for additional protectin from high powered ammunition. The USSS agent on the advance team saw the barrel and fired his weapon at the threat. The susepct then left the weapon, back pack and ceramic tiles behind and fled to his vehicle.
  12. When was the last time you fired an AK-47? An AK-47 can be used to hit long range targets. It is not the prefered weapon for a precision shot but with a 30 round magazine landing the rounds in the geneal area would get the job done. The AK is not a simple long rifle unlike an AR-15 but many have been kiled with it worldwide. Some of those killed with AK's were some of my fellow service members.
  13. Ok. So if you play golf and someone has an AK-47 and two ceramic plates outside of the course then "play on:?
  14. Former President so he gets less protection than the current POTUS.
  15. I just saw the news conference and the Sheriff gave more details. Agents on the advance team saw the barrel og the AK-47 through the shrubbery of the chain link fence and fired in the that direction. The suspect fled on his Nissan SUV. A citizen took a photo of the SUV and gave this to the sheriff's department. The Sheriff usd the licence plate reader and the SUV was spotted in an adjacent county and was subsequently arrested. The supsect left behind a Go Pro along with a backpack.
  16. Now it's an Ak-47 and the suspect was seen outside of the fence of the golf course. This time instead of asking for permission the USSS advance team opened fired on the suspect. Suspect was not hit and fled in a vehicle. It appears the susepct is now in custody. More details will follow and the the news conference will be held shortly.
  17. Yes but that is truly poor a exchange rate for USD. 65,000 Baht/ $2500 = 26 Baht to the $. Currently it is 33 to 1.
  18. Just perused the Washington DC Embassy and Los Angeles Consulate websites for the OA Visa and saw this: Recent bank statement showing the applicant's name and ending balance of no less than $30,000 or proof of monthly income of not less than $2,500/month) along with the current bank statement showing incoming income Based upon current exchange rates $30,000 is slightly over 1 Million Baht and $2500 is slightly over 83,000 Baht. if looks the days of the 800K or 65K for an OA Visa are over.
  19. Yes 7 Trillion in under 4 years in office. Where did the other 28 Trilion in debt come from? From both Dem and Rep administrations of the past 20 years. For the last few years the US Federal Budget has been around 6 Trillion per year. This is very big number but total Federal Revenue is not even close to this amount. On average the US Federal Government will collect just slightly over 4 Trillion in taxes. The majority of taxes is collected from those making over $100,000 per year. "Just Taxing the rich" will in no way solve this problem because the country will run ouf of rich people". The Federal Government has to find ways to significantly reduce spending. Besides national defense and entitlement spending there is plenty of room to cut. The negative impact of the deficit will probaly not be felt until i am long gone. Of course I am speaking as an old who has fewer days ahead and than the days I have left behind.
  20. I learned at a very young age that not all relatives are family. Just because someone is connected to you thorugh DNA or marriage means nothing to me and to those like me. Some of Walz's relatives in Nebraska support Trump and one of Trump's nephews claim he said 'Just let him die" when asked for help for medical expenses. It's only September so more of this filter out until November.
  21. Just a minor correction: A reference to Walz on his official campaign website as a "retired command sergeant major" was later updated to read he "once served at the command sergeant major rank" He did not retire as a CSM for MN NG.
  22. I have a hard time believing this woman was denied entry for not knowing the "number of trees and room color" Conincidentally I am writing this response while I am in Seoul. Korean Immigration Officers are professional and if a person is deniied entry there is always "more to the story". Single and solo Thai females are very likely to get extra scurinty because so man Thai citizens have overstayed tourist visas because they find work that iis n violattion of Korean labor laws.
  23. In LOS one can appeal a Not Guilty verdict adjudicated by a Judge?
  24. After the civil lawsuits are filed and adjudicated the Gray family will be barnkrupt. I was a firearm owner for over 35 years and what kind of responsible firearms owners gifts a long rifle to a 14 year old. 2nd Amendment advocates will have a hard time defeniding the father.
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