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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. I have never worked with a Forensics Technician that was 23 years old. Most are much older because of the education and training that is “normally” required. But were in LOS so “normal” may not apply. I have two questions (like she cares but why not)? 1. Does she know how to lift a fingerprint at a crime scene? 2. Has she ever obtained latent fingerprints by other means than powder? Like superglue fuming or Ninhydrin? In the end “the more attractive you are, the faster you climb the career ladder”. Good luck to her and possibly Chief of Police?
  2. Many years ago in Los Angeles we received multiple reports of a freelance male massage “therapist” who offered massages at the clients home. The male massage “therapist” usually approached attractive women at public parks or the beach. He was able to convince 5 women to hire him. In the end he was arrested, tried and convicted of 5 counts of digital rape(his finger(s)). As far as I know he is still in prison. Generally if the client gives consent before then “no crime”.
  3. Do you have a sense of humor? Also, as a foreigner how would I "fit in here"? Most Thai people will likely never accept me into their community even if I spoke fluent Thai.
  4. I understand how Austin feels. I look at it now this way: 1. Men are from Mars 2 Women are from Venus 3. Thai people are from Pluto. 4. Don’t go to war over 50 Baht. It the issue was 500 Baht then I would agree with him. I will never understand them. I limit my interactions with the local people to the bare minimum. I have my space and they have their space. We intersect only if I need to make a purchase, got out to eat and once in a while get a massage.
  5. Preaching to the choir but try telling this to a Thai person. As Jim Phelps was told "your mission should you decide to accept it"? But of course Jim Phelps of the IMF (Impossible Mission Force) never turned down a mission. I thought even the IMF could get Thai retail staff to change.
  6. I read through the indictment and some of the charges look solid. A new name popped up: Nauta. The conspiracy charge(s) look solid and showing classified information to non-cleared people also look solid.
  7. In CNX I have witnessed some odd behavior exhibited by retail staff. Some appear to be rude to many Asian customers and guests. A Thai lady I know who has traveled internationally for years told me many Thai's in CNX assume all Asian guests and customers are Chinese and assume that they will be rude. She told me a friend from Malaysia was treated rudely by a waitress at a restaurant because of this assumption. It appears many Thai's cannot comprehend the fact that not all Asian tourists are from China. Many are from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Tawan and other parts of East Asia. But of course never forget Rule #1: Never tell a Thai person he or she is wrong.
  8. “You can’t stop progress”??? So I have been told. I like the old fashioned way myself but BKK did not feel the same last I was there.
  9. Chances of Trump making a guilty plead? Probably zero. Has he ever admitted he was wrong? As far as I know he has not.
  10. Each girl would have a profile and contact info. Then the rest is “up to you”.
  11. The headline is somewhat misleading. It sounds more like multiple counts of making false statements and conspiracy. I have held two US Government Security clearances(DOD and DOS) rarely I have seen anyone prosecuted for mishandling or not properly storing classified materials. Most lose their security clearances. The key distinction would be if Donald Trump had actually provided access to classified documents to a non cleared person. Of course the full indictment has not been released so the extent of the seven counts is not known. For context retired Army General David Patraeus plead guilty to one count of providing classified information to his then mistress Paula Broadwell. Patraeus plead to a misdemeanor and paid a fine. So in US Government versus Donald Trump I hope the making false statements and conspiracy cases are strong because the improperly handling classified materials is not as big deal as many would hope for in criminal court. The only caveat is if Donald Trump had given access to classified information to any foreign national? This has not been indicated as of yet. I have never voted for Donald Trump and I have never owned a “MAGA” hat or shirt. I just experience in accessing, handling and storing classified information in accordance with NISPOM(National Information Security Program Operating Manual).
  12. I believe a famous soapy massage kingpin recently said “it will all move online”. We know all know what he meant by “it”.
  13. For men the taller you are the better chances of promotion. For women the more attractive you are then “the world is your oyster”. It is what it was, is and will always be. I have always been short in terms of American standards and well you know the rest. Just another day in paradise. Move along, nothing to see here.
  14. BAC of .0.19 is pretty low??? How many DUI arrest have you made? I have made over 250 and some of these people could barely walk with a .0.08 level. It depends on many factors: recency of alcohol consumption, body mass and weight, drinking on an empty stomach and alcohol intake tolerance. This old saying is true: “Alcoholics make better drunks”.
  15. A little off topic but I have had three implants all with Zirconia Crowns. The dentist told me the Zirconia crown is the most durable and were 15,000 baht per crown. I got all of dental work done in Chiang Mai.
  16. So the KKK comes in second? Just think about how many Thai’s are denied US Visa’s and why shouldn’t Harry;s Visa application be scrutinized if he actually admitted to past drug use. If he admitted to as such on his first Visa application was still granted a visa then nor harm.
  17. Or something like this happens: Due to technical issues caused by our payment provider, SumUp, we were unable to process card transactions for two hours at Aviva Stadium," the company said in a statement. This was in Ireland at an American College Football game so the consequences were no beer or hot dogs for two hours. Just imagine something like this happens for a longer period and on a larger scale. Essentially the future means just about everything will be electric and electronic financial transaction(meaning no physical money). Don’t ever lose your phone because you might not be able to buy anything until you replace the phone.
  18. Ok. It all depends on the county. In Los Angeles County not enough space in jail to detain people just for intentionally missing jury duty. A civil fine up to $1500 is possible in Los Angeles County but highly unlikely. What are they going do arrest me for not paying the fine? In the past I have seen people with thousands of dollars in traffic fines released by judges for various reasons. Some plead poverty but it was mostly the cost of housing people for nonviolent offenses. Catching jury duty violators is very, very low priority for California law enforcement.
  19. They do not issue arrest warrants for missing jury duty in California. Remember it is a very liberal state. Florida or Texas, maybe. Presently shoplifting is almost not a crime anymore.
  20. A potential juror does not know what type of trial he or she will be called to serve on. The first few days are mostly sitting around and staring at the wall. A randomly selected pool(allegedly) of juror candidate are then sent to a court room to be voir dired (to see if they are selected or dismissed). All this for $15 dollars a day which only starts on day 2 and in some places one has to pay for parking. Many years ago I was called for jury duty and spent three days looking at walls and was dismissed by the defense on a criminal jury because I was a retired police officer. For 3 days I got a grand total of $30 dollars minus $16 for parking.
  21. Your lucky it is not that easy in Los Angeles County. First of all no answer when I called and they insist on a written response to prove that I am not in the county.
  22. Some counties in California use the address on your Drivers License. In the past only those people who registered to vote were only called upon. This is my case and I plan on keeping an active Drivers License because one never knows how quickly I might have to return to the US on a permanent basis. I have learned to "never say never".
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