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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. In my case it was Los Angeles County Juror Services (twice in the last 4 years.) There should be a section on the form they send you where you can request to be excused. I checked the box for not in the county (more like not even in the country). I then submitted proof. I submitted copy of my passport stamps showing my presence in Thailand, a copy of my Bangkok Life Accident Insurance Policy (it was all in Thai except for my name), I also submitted a copy of my rental agreement (it was mostly in Thai but my name is clearly in English). I sent these forms back to Los Angeles through Thai Post with tracking. So far so good. I expect another Jury Duty summons sometimes this year. I plan on doing the same thing as in the past.
  2. If a foreign national is being held for ransom in the UAE then how about contacting the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs for guidance? I do believe there is a Thai Embassy in Abu Dhabi as well? If both agencies do nothing (this is probably more true than not) then at least one could state we have exhausted all options and need others to assist.
  3. If this had happened in the US somebody would have resigned or been forced to resign by now.
  4. Al Pacino can have as many kids aS he wants because he is Al Pacino. But what about Al Smith living on Social Security in a basement apartment in the BronX? Age is not relevant when fame and money are plentiful. J. William Marshall was 89 when married Anna Nicole Smith. Marshall was only worth 2 Billion when died at 90.
  5. Not in Chiang Mai. Both sides of Huay Kaew Road(one of the major streets in the City) from Ram Hospital to Maya Mall are not walkable. The north side has partially dried cement and large holes to access the pipes. The south side is torn up so new concrete sidewalks can be poured (whenever this happens). I go to the gym on HK road and for the last month I have to walk on the street with the vehicles. I would not recommend a wheelchair person to visit Chiang Mai. Also, I was in BKK last month and getting around in a wheelchair would be challenging in many parts of the city. In my old neighborhood we had a saying "What the heck are they smoking?"
  6. One more thing: Don’t expect anything from your embassy anywhere in the world. The only real service any embassy offers to its citizens is one two things: 1) Renew an expiring passport 2) Replace a missing or stolen passport. Everything else is just handshakes and photo opportunities.
  7. Hmm. What about the death of the unborn child? In other parts of the world depending how far along she was this could amount to manslaughter. Of course maybe not so much in this part of the world.
  8. Pursuing the F-35 for the RTAF was a foolish move from the start. A better choice would have been the KA-50 from S. Korea. It costs under 30 million dollars and Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines have purchase the KA-50:
  9. I wonder if the hospital will be pressured to let him go? I would attempt to negotiate a payment plan for the remainder of the bill. This is the time when an Embassy can get involved and work with the hospital and the family to ensure payments are made in the future. But just like the US Embassy I doubt the British Embassy wants any part of this. It would really look bad if his condition worsens while he is being “cared” for while waiting for the remainder of the bill to be paid. This is the “catch 22’ of this predicament: while he is in the hospital the bill keeps climbing. So as each day passes the current balance due gets higher and higher until he is discharged.
  10. The owner might have a civil lawsuit against the person who made the comments. I grew up in California and the central part of the state is very different than the coast. IF one drives from Bakersfield to Fresno you might think "is this California or Arkansas".
  11. You had me at "wife's boyfriend". I had a friend back in the US who was married with 5 kids. The wife had a condo and spent most of the time there. He did most of the child rearing. They had one rule: You can do whatever you like. Just don't tell me about it. This arrangement held up for 20 over years until the youngest child went to college.
  12. I watched him for years on NBC and TBS. His best days are behind. I saw a few clips of him in BKK and in one bit he actually officiates a wedding. So it looks promising but if it is on HBO it might not have a wide audience. Also, his fan base is mostly Americans so might not have huge impact on tourism into LOS.
  13. 1) Non Imm O? 2) Non Imm OA ? This would be the first question that needs to be answered.
  14. However, a duty officer at NYPD’s 18th precinct, who declined to be named, told TheWrap, “Nothing happened. It’s a bogus story. Don’t believe everything you read in the newspapers.” The 18th precinct is at 306 West 54th Street, the closest to where the chase took place. Key word: Bogus. Everytime a story about the fake princess is published I wait for Piers Morgan to respond. Piers had the taxi driver on his show. This cries of a desperate act to stay in the limelight. The most famous people who were famous for being famous were Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. At least they planned and executed incidents that were somewhat believable. Time for Harry and Meaghan to fade away.
  15. First Class? No. I have lived in 4 other countries besides the US and LOS. I have also worked on several US State Department contracts which required a lot of time inside of US Embassies. The State Department is a large bureaucracy. The only things that change over the years are names and faces. DOS(Department of State) people are mostly elitists (they tend often mention that they went to an Ivy league school). Dealing with American Citizens who are in need of assistance is not a priority. Therefore, if I went to the BKK US Embassy with a sob story a consular office will listen and then offer me loan so I can book the cheapest flight back to the US. Of course this is after my passport is noted with a travel restriction until the loan is paid in full.
  16. The US Embassy does not give advice to Americans who are out of money. They only offer a loan to get back to the US. They will not offer sympathy or empathy. Can you imagine how of these stories the US Embassy has heard over the years? Also, she probably does not have internet access.
  17. The “Stranded Foreigner without money” stories are getting to be a regular occurrence. This causes people to become skeptical. This person’s story could be true but how many stories like this are printed on a regular basis. If she asks the US Embassy for help this will be the standard line: 1)Contact a relative or friend 2) The US Government can loan the money to get back home. If the US Embassy actually loans an American Citizen money a notation is made on the passport. This prevents the person from making an international trip until the loan is paid off.
  18. My experience has been different. When I was living in Kuwait and I never realized an ATM could spit so much money I saw numerous Kuwaitis withdraw stacks of Kuwait Dinar. Kuwait Dinar was almost $4 to a single Kuwait Dinar.
  19. What is the Thai word for Concierge? I knew a few Kuwaitis and Emiratis(you know people who pay $10,000 for First Class Airline tickets) and when they arrive at a hotel they want to be served and served and served.
  20. What narrative. A defendant in a criminal trial can be found guilty. A defendant in a civil trial can be held liable. Also why would I start a GoFundme page for anyone? I believe it is you who has let the narrative get ahead.
  21. Wealthy people from the Middle East are very demanding and have very high expectations. Doubt very few hotels in LOS can meet these expectations.
  22. I don’t watch Fox. What did they witness? The main claims in the lawsuit were 1) Sexual Assault/Rape 2) Defamation.
  23. 12 witnesses actually saw the sexual assault/rape back in 1996?
  24. In my past life sometimes we called testify as testi-lie. Some will know what this means,
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