my views on ev's are lots of hype when they 1st came out, with various government's pushing them as a be all and end all to saving the planet, but 2nd hand prices are dropping more so then ice vehicles, on AN there is a big pro ev crowd, who try and convince all others to their merits, others like me are on the fence buying wise, but i do believe once the ev's are past their warranty period they will be really hard to sell on to others, with the price of replacement batteries.
The main Japanese car manufacturers have been slow on the uptake to ev's. leaving the Chinese to corner the market, but will ev's still be in use when they are 20-30 years old as many ice vehicles are
I also think until a work around for all types of housing occupants to have the facilities to charge at home, they will never fully replace ice vehicles, i know many will post that technology will sort out all these problems
ok ev lovers bring on the ' you are wrong' comments