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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. So the emoji poster doesn't get the joke! It is a continuation of the joke from my first comment
  2. The LGBT community should be entitled - to basic human rights!!
  3. Have you always been a Banker? Sorry, my english ist not good!
  4. A dumb title for sure! No mention of a topic. A better question would be, "Am I a Dumb Poster" Now that is a topic!
  5. It was absolutely dystopian without this forum!
  6. You are creating yourself as a lost cause. You have high standards. Then go out an live them. You have the power to control and manage yourself. A lot of life has challenges. There is pleasure to be had from how you deal with these and overcome them. Your first challenge it seems, is overcome your feelings of boredom Life is not the problem - it is how you are perceiving it.
  7. But in real life, probably very different! Even has an identity problem - who will you be tomorrow? And remember, self praise is no recommendation! You will see MY photo of me and MY name up there - nothing anonymous or pretentious. And yes, I can be fun at parties and I do get out a great deal!
  8. From a famous Brit to a famous Australian "Why are you so fat?" From that Australian to that Brit "Because every time I have sex with your wife, she gives me a biscuit!"
  9. Not just hotels and not just farang. They will rip off anybody who will fall for it!! I have learned from experience when on some occasions even my Thai wife, who normally stands no nonsense, I have been the one to say, I know what is going on here and I tell them so! One example, last year at Mo Chit bus station (after a long bus ride) we needed to get to Don Muang airport. I know it is quite close and doesn't justify a B400 asking rate taxi ride - obviously no meter and him being very rude that I will wait for a proper taxi to appear, that I also know will happen very soon. After less than two minutes, such a thing arrives and takes us to the airport on the meter and I think it cost B95 Tourists and the inexperienced will always be vulnerable in sometimes difficult local circumstances - maybe raining or in a hurry!
  10. That's because they never had the choice or opportunity
  11. Other Forum Members appear not to agree with you - quite rightly! Actually even those asking for troubles should be treated respectfully as much as possible. You mean not assaulted or disapproved of in any way? No more please!!
  12. For anybody to be walking down the road doesn't require respect; it requires to be given an automatic right to do so without assault or offence by those who don't approve of their haircut and their mode of dress. You didn't agree with me at all, you continued with the same narrative, with prejudiced additions, as your original comment - the kind of respect most people could probably do without! Sorry. Mr pancake, I don't approve of blaming victims!
  13. Nobody deserves to be beaten up and robbed because of the way they look. You forgot to mention she shouldn't be out at 2 am! Have a bit of sympathy for the victim instead of the thugs.
  14. I don't know if this will help but for a while I believed my computer was at fault for a hearing difficulty. Had it at full volume and then could hear adequately. I could hear ordinary speech OK. No tinnitus. But after some time, very recently, I went to my doctor and asked for my ears to be syringed. I did actually do this 25 years ago in England. He gave me some drops to be used twice a day at home over five days then return to doctor. I did this and discovered some wax emerging but not enough to have much effect. He decided to extract the wax himself. It took twenty minutes for each ear and what emerged was quite black, disgusting and of a volume that i found disturbing. But the result was so fantastic, that I had to put my hands to my ears as the noise from the traffic outside was deafening. My wife and the doctor talking with me so loud, I asked them not to shout. It took me a couple of days to get accustomed to the new situation but since then, everything absolutely fine. It is obvious that the wax had built up over a few years so the hearing loss was very gradual and therefore a natural thing with aging. One final note. I wonder how many people have been diagnosed with a hearing loss condition and bought hearing aids when all they had was a blockage.
  15. Thai wife, " I am cooking some chicken, would you like some lice with it?" Me, "Why do you like this house?" Her, "Because, it is just my sty!
  16. Recently, my wife asked me in English: If I do the washing, will you hang yourself?
  17. ChrisKC


  18. Perhaps English isn't your first language. Allow me to help you! Cows or "steers" is irrelevant to my point. Cows and steers eat grass and therefore they can be said to be grass fed! But "beef" does not eat grass because it is dead! Only live animals can be fed. I do not say that "grass fed" and "finished" do not exist! All of my original comment remains valid!
  19. Not holier than though and not vegetarian so too much doubt for you to be remotely correct
  20. There is no such thing as "grass fed beef". This is what I call "soft" language that disguises things that are not what they really are, to give the impression of people caring about animals! Beef (doesn't eat anything) is what remains from cows that have been deprived of their natural instincts, mercilessly slaughtered and chopped up to provide meat that will keep you alive while slowly killing you. Yes, I know you like it and so did I at one time.
  21. Although I haven't lived in chiang mai for a few years, I too, used this same doctor. New point here: every time I went there it was crowded but I waited only 40 minutes. This doctor knows his stuff and gets on with it.
  22. This topic would avoid any unnecessary attention if the topic itself was mentioned in the title.
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