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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. My comment refers to the use of "decades" and I think two of them satisfies my refutation of something not being the case "decades ago". If one means 40 years one shouldn't use the term "decades" in general, instead, four decades or more appropriately the 40 years.
  2. Well, I have been here for two decades and confirm, culture or not, that it was certainly alive and kicking (FFFFFFF) - that's musical notation so loud it would drown out a jet engine!)
  3. You could do that in England with positive outcome - here in Thailand, the places you can complain to won't do much; in fact they could easily be at the party themselves!
  4. Army Sergeant Drunk Driving Double Murder Still alive and well enough to admit guilt Result - a child now seriously injured to learn very soon her Mum and Dad have been killed as well. What a tragedy RIP RIP We know what needs to be done!
  5. This topic is about pit bull terriers, that have been banned completely by some civilised countries such as France, Holland, Singapore because they are dangerous. They are known for many years to be dangerous and unpredictable and they should be banned here in Thailand as the incidence of irresponsible dog owners (of all kinds) is far greater than in those countries aforementioned.
  6. Thank you everyone for helping me out here. I have since received a message from the guy involved and he will be able to supply proof of residence with copy of contract from his landlord. He will get himself what I believe is a 5 year elite visa and has an immediate proposal to deposit equal to 20,000 euros in the bank he can open it with. I imagine that ends my interest in the case. Thank you again
  7. Your age will have some bearing on what can be "dangerous" or any potential specific offences. How you dress and as others have said, wherever you are, flaunting yourself or your jewelry is best avoided. Nevertheless, I have visited the Philippines twice, once to Dipalog and to Davao, last occasion 2015. There is a general atmosphere of the Philippines in my limited experience that, while I was not affected as an older man by possible dangers, I felt uncomfortable with the presence of security guards everywhere and they all had some sort of weapon that was a bit scary to see. For a holiday, I would guess you would want to go to the places that tourists go to and therefore, as everywhere else, that attracts the unworthy of humanity. Thailand is not without problems similar but without that feeling of having the need to continue looking over your shoulder. I think wherever you go, you try to assess the risks, but take a calculated risk and in most cases, you will be free of trouble,
  8. I know through a friend that a Danish man with a tourist visa has tried to open an account recently with the BBK in Bangkok and was refused. i don't know the reason given but I would like to make the question simple. What is the minimum requirement, documents, etc for a foreigner to open a Bank account in Thailand? Thank you for the help
  9. None of that Duopoly brew or sell beer, it's lager ( they are brewed differently) and they can't make up their mind what it is, so they call it "lager beer" - a bit like whisky - gin! Given that I am from England, I know what real beer is and whatever might be said about the Thai public defaulting to choosing Thai lager in the event of a shake up to involve real beer brewers, I think they would be very happy to share an "Exmoor Ale" or an "Old Speckled Hen", or a "Theakstons Old Peculiar" with me! Oh and make that a pint, not that foreign litre stuff. And no ice!! Let's have a CAMRA here - Campaign for Real Ale Cheers, Skol or "Bottoms Up" whatever takes your fancy.
  10. Like you, I have travelled much inside Thailand over the last 20 years and recently as 4 days ago, to varying locations and never been remotely involved with Immigration. In fact. on my last four journeys, although I had my passport with me, my driving license covered me re ID, And out of interest, I didn't need my passport (driving license only) for five hotels and resorts on my recent trip to the islands. In essence, Immigration don't even know I have left my home Province for two weeks!
  11. Even at this early stage I see it as a no brainer for any foreigner to accept this plan to buy land in Thailand under the details so far - so many potential problems: Who are the main beneficiaries of this idea? Government, Real Estate Agencies, Corporate bodies. These wealthy people; will one rai be enough and where will it be located? When the Thais know it is for the "Wealthy", up will go the prices to stupid levels. Who could you later sell to and would potential buyers be "qualified"? Who can legitimately inherit the land apart from Thais? With the changes every five years - who will benefit? Linked with Retirement extensions, work permits, etc For those who are elderly, investment opportunity not much of an issue. It's a "get rich quick" scheme and is not the way to grow the economy that should be planned for gradual improvement, especially as it relates to catching up from all the losses incurred re Covid. The people who spend the money are the likes of us over many years that help provide jobs for local businesses, regularly bringing in foreign exchange, etc My point is that objections by the Nationalists are unnecessary as it will affect hardly any average Thai person.
  12. Some people will have heard of "spills". I think that they are effectively very thin candles and up to about 30 cm long. They go through narrow grating easily. Don't need to drop anything through the gaps. Where to get them in Thailand? no idea
  13. It is obvious you only read some of the news and haven't heard from all the independent people who DO have the truth to tell, in many cases with videos and spoken testimony from both Russian and Ukrainian soldiers that include intercepted messages every day. You should by now, understand some basic truths of this war and therefore you have little reason not to be proud of a person that has spoken a basic truth that the Thai government is out of touch with the rest of the world and as important as anything, out of touch with its own people.
  14. What I find strange is that the Bangkok Post every day for a few weeks now when reporting under Covid, is showing Zero infections. This is not the same as there being a previous announcement that infection rates would no longer be recorded. So my interpretation that showing a figure, albeit zero cases, is being shown, suggests that all those tested for covid were negative and nobody registered as infected at a hospital. If this is true, and I doubt that very much, with no infections in all of Thailand, how would it be possible for anyone to catch covid? And of course, apart from other reasons to wear a mask, why is the majority still wearing and for some not so doing, inviting the black look?
  15. And if you do, do they fall in love with you?
  16. I think Thailand is voting on the principle of neutrality rather than the facts and circumstances of the case, that would enable me to vote in favour of the motion with a clear conscience.
  17. This week I have had confirmation that to conform to Thai law, PayPal can only accept Thai citizens and in what will be known as "PayPal Thailand" and my account of ten years will cease to exist from the end of November. The only transaction that will work is withdrawing any cash surplus actually in the PayPal account and if not done by 15 December, I will lose it. I have had my PayPal account linked to my bank for 4 years and the system allows to offer a payment through PayPal itself or default the payment to my debit card. In some cases, I have had some money in PayPal but wasn't enough to cover the payment but no problem, as they used all that was available from that and the remainder from my bank. I am disappointed about my account being lost but this is Thailand's doing, not PayPal.
  18. Not to mention, that in order to "pronounce", one needs to speak!
  19. You seem to have been to some nice islands already. Go back to your favourite and find something locally with help from a local about options for the kinds of accommodation. Over ten years, a few things will have changed. If your plan is a for single one month holiday, you could try Koh Lipe, considered by many to be the best island of Thailand, but then again, these things are a matter of taste and therefore subjective. My wife and I went there last year for about a week and we loved it - nobody around because of covid. If you are looking for the best of all worlds then only you know what will suit you!
  20. He's got a thing about the past and that nobody else ever involved in a past war should help those in need!
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