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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. W T F is for those who don't have time to write what is effectively foul language - there may be ladies reading them! Middle finger emoji's as in real life are provocative, unnecessary and would only only be posted by those who know they can remain anonymous! I don't want to see any of that lack of integrity on the forum!
  2. The Thai referred to in the article was not killed at the UN
  3. If your partner has the will and some ability she can set up a YouTube Channel (free) and make videos about anything she is interested in and over a period, learning about editing and so on (also free) maybe she can start earning for her future and maybe with encouragement and little financial help from you, create something very worthwhile for herself! You can both be a part of this; Starting now!
  4. Well, that saved you writing anything constructive; like most of your posts with little more than six words!
  5. The world isn't crap! it is simply your perception of it. Made worse by the drink that you said you would quit. You are only ever one thought away from thinking something completely different - something positive perhaps! YOU are the problem in your own life, Bob!
  6. I would take that "bill" to an official PEA office and that then can be used to alert all their customers through a written message than can be delivered by the man who reads the meter. in my own case, our monthly bill is paid automatically by direct debit.
  7. The question is meaningless! A bit like, what is the meaning of a knife and fork! An alternative is, what is the purpose of life? Then you need to ask: All of nature or just humans? Very broadly speaking: The answers are these: for all of nature other than humans, there is the default position (not purpose) of, self-preservation and self-perpetuation. For humans, there is personal purpose and societal purpose. No such thing as divine purpose!
  8. He is right - you actually stated something about having no control and then illogically you said your are following a healthy lifestyle - which is absolutely within your control!
  9. The answer to the direct question posed is NO! Some people would be stupid if they did retire overseas without properly understanding what a complete change surroundings would actually be like. For many, habits of a lifetime might not fit well with the difference in culture, language and real life situations that have to be managed. Any amount of research will only provide a means of personal perception or an image that may come crashing down from sooner than expected experiences. It's a step too far for most people and I think they would be scared of the unknown, compared with what they know of their current circumstances - "better the devil they know..."
  10. The best reason I can think of for not wearing a mask is: when I lose face!
  11. A cynical remark that has no merit. You haven't met most farang, so you cannot possibly know.
  12. Don't put animals down like that- they don't do those things, or hate, and they are not religious.
  13. The HEADLINES for today!!
  14. There are a number of things you can do: Think about if the "problems" exist at this time or if they are about fears of the future. If the problems are real, at what level of severity. Discard those "problems' that are outside of your control - they won't resolve by just worrying about them. Prioritise the most important of the problem(s) and consider what you can actually do to minimise or even resolve it/them One of the biggest effects of anxiety is insomnia and/or sleep apnea - when you reduce anxiety, sleeping patterns can be expected to improve; the benefits can be much more than you would think. Three suggestions: Try short periods of time, simply sitting still and totally relaxing. Sit on an upright chair, close your eyes, be completely quiet; say nothing, do nothing for a minimum of just 5 minutes. If this works, do it three or four times a day. Then try for 10 minutes. If you wish, do some deep breathing. Inhale through the nose, hold for three seconds, exhale slowly through the mouth, repeat for about two minutes. Go to YouTube, there are thousands of people there with videos by professionals and those with similar situations as yours. that are keen to help, keep going until you see what seems to help and that resonate with you. Try some light walking exercise: you don't need to go anywhere. Whatever space you have around you, use it to just get your circulation moving and some oxygen to the brain. Start with five minutes, build up as you become accustomed to it. Develop some self belief that you can overcome your feelings of anxiety - the most difficult person in the world to beat is yourself!
  15. The minimum you are is a pessimist. A realist is someone who recognises that anybody receiving your callous remarks would be upset! But the truth is you are emotionally cruel, lacking any kind of sensitivity and integrity. Wow! some people!!
  16. One doesn't need to pick up a bar girl. In very short time they will pick you up. But it won't be because of your personal appeal In, out, in out, shake it all about, That's what it's all about, Not to mention a good shake of your wallet
  17. Are any of your posts remotely interesting or constructive? They are all about YOU! And don't tell me I don't need to read them because I don't know it is you until I click! Stop trying to be smart and being special with what you think is unique or profound! Have you packed your bags yet? And please, no more of the god stuff - some of us are smarter than that!
  18. Being smart and believing in gods do not belong in the same sentence - unless we are talking opposites! Have a nice trip!
  19. Not interested in an IQ Just hope my intelligence is enough to acquire wisdom - much more important!
  20. I haven't had enough personal experience of Thai police in over 20 years so not able to make a generalised judgment. I just believe what I read on this forum!
  21. That's the problem; the gospels are not truth!
  22. Jesus came forth and missed out on a bronze medal.
  23. All this while reality passes you by completely unnoticed.
  24. Here is my take on that one. Don't put off until tomorrow that which you can put off until the day after.
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