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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. This is a serious matter. I insist on my passengers wearing a seat belt or they don't travel with me. I am assertive but not hostile. As the driver, I believe I am responsible for my passengers safety and comfort and cannot imagine how I would feel if by not wearing the belt and they suffered serious injury or death while in "my care". I do it for their safety. In fact I have found small children are receptive to wearing the seat belt where previously they never did! After only one trip, I found then belting up without any reference to me. I told them I was proud of them. Childrens' ages? 3 and 5. Adults are not so easy to persuade but they don't ever refuse!
  2. This morning while out on my bike ride, an on duty policeman on a motorbike passed me and after a second or two I saw coming towards him and me, the wrong way, a motorcycle with passenger, without helmets. Two offences but they each passed the other with no apparent reason for the policeman to stop and enforce something! I gave the policeman the benefit of the doubt in believing he was making his way, about one kilometer further on, to a recognised checkpoint where he perhaps had a schedule to man the post with others. I was wrong! The checkpoint was unmanned, although to be fair, on my return 90 minutes later, it was! How can, particularly at this time of officially stated intentions, an Officer of the law blatantly ignore two obvious situations in which stopping would seem to be the right, dutiful and proper thing to do?
  3. Why wasn't that three months used prior to enforcement. Another three months of unnecessary deaths. As you were everybody!
  4. Even if there is the will to enforce the seat belt law, I wonder how they will see those wearing them or not. It seems to me that most cars have tinted windows, that means technically all vehicles will need to be stopped. This will create a queue that will enable those behind to belt up and avoid an offense already committed before stopping.
  5. This new ruling will mean throngs of traffic police everywhere we go enforcing it all - maybe. But out and about yesterday, on the first day, I didn't see anything that looked like a policeman.
  6. I have been wearing a mask in all buildings except my own home for two and a half years and in my town I would be very much in a minority if I didn't and possibly inviting more unwanted attention as a foreigner! I agree with the OP and other posts about the perceived futility of it but... When I am confronted with an irritation in public, and in private for that matter, it is easier to concede than be angry and argue the principle that isn't worth it and it definitely saves time, heightened stress levels and potential embarrassment from a watching audience.
  7. A comma after "cutting", would have saved the ambiguity that was not intended. Editor missed that one!
  8. They inherit and copy their parents - the irresponsibles of their own children, the police and the Government
  9. I would like to address the precise question in the OP No!
  10. An observation: The one that has tattoos in places he cannot even see himself. What possible personal enjoyment is there of a piece of art on his back that requires him to constantly remove his shirt in public? So that his attention seeking maybe enhanced by all those that stop and exclaim, "how beautiful and cool"
  11. Tattoos are messages to other people. Look at ME!
  12. An interesting topic in which it becomes more evident that supply exceeds demand for just about anything in Thailand - yes including the women!. Those from England and other countries, I guess, will remember the little hardware shop just down the road that seemed to have everything. Sometimes, one wouldn't have much hope they had something unusual but somehow, the two men and often a woman that had owned the shop for 40 years could come up with it! Packed away in a cupboard or on a high shelf that only the people who knew their stuff could offer. Well, while I often go to the superstores (those mentioned above) where there seems to be more staff than stuff, or Customers. don't have the precise thing I am looking for or who want to sell me a pack of 100 screws for the job I want to do that needs only 4! The good news is that round the corner from me is a store just like those of the "old days". The Owners have been there for donkeys years; they have a lot of the bits and pieces I need and when it comes to the 4-screw job, I can buy a dozen. Yes, the place is packed out with "stuff" and they know where it all is - customers have no chance of finding it without their help. It is a pleasant experience! The trend is to sell everything by the large Corporates leaving little room for the small business. This is why I try to buy a few things from Independent Traders in my locality or places like Lazada where there are small businesses aplenty.
  13. The gamble that is life in Thailand came off for Mrs Rooster who had her third lottery win of the year. Three tix ending in 42 did the trick. Not just the 6,000 baht but “sabai jai” went through the roof because the tickets were bought while making merit at a temple for her mother who died a few months back. All the AN stories about mystical numbers appearing were, surprise surprise, wide of the mark. My wife was 50 % as lucky as Mrs Rooster, winning B3,000; posted this result on Facebook, to receive several request from friends later, "where did you get the numbers from"? Her sister was also a 50 per-center, having won B10,000 this week but received only B5,000 as she had to agree earlier with the Lottery Vendor; "if you win, you only get half! Who gets the other half, I asked - "don't know" was the reply. Every Lottery number is a different product and I have personal experience of where one number I chose cost more because it was a lucky one! I am left with a smile that says simply, "ugh"
  14. I referred to that point in my comment. My gripe, if that is what it is, amounts to a "new" system of reporting cases that doesn't allow for a proper comparison between then and now. The average reader will be confused and mislead about how many infections there are in reality. I think I am entitled to believe there are 30,000 per day, at the same time as 2,000 per day! We are not told that it is a guess or pure speculation or based on anything at all! And that difference in numbers is worth understanding properly. My interest in Covid has been heightened recently by my own wife being effectively quarantined for two weeks and wanting to avoid contacting others and giving Covid away to them! And while I am here, if 30,000 ?tested positive with or without symptoms, with or without masks, wandering around at will can infect others, I am concerned that those "others" might easily involve those more at risk of serious illness or even death!
  15. I don't understand this! The Bangkok Post records the infections every day and although I don't follow it too seriously, over the last couple of weeks the infection rates are averaging about 2,000 daily including for yesterday. 19 August. It doesn't differentiate between those who are simply infected and/or those who are hospitalised! This latter point mentioned in a post above. When my wife tested positive about two weeks ago (she is better now), the Doctor at the hospital told her about 500 cases in that day there (Lampang). I thought at the time how strange this was as the total for the Country was showing about 2,000, meaning Lampang had 25% of all cases in the Country. Has something happened in my brain or is something not quite right?
  16. With this comment and suggestions I make no reference to the testicular element of the condition, or known abnormal spinal problems For anyone with back problems that are most common in the lumbar region (the lower back) it is a useful thing to remember that proper supportive shoes can make quite a positive impression for the relief of back pain. in addition to which helps improving posture. Your regular seating needs some kind of (lumbar) support that "pushes" that lumbar region towards the natural shape of the spine. Try a fairly hard cushion on your chair and use it in your car also for driving, Initially, you don't need to buy anything special. Your bed should also be appropriately supportive for your back. One more thing, when bending down to pick up anything (especially if it is heavy) bend your knees and unbend - letting your knees do the work - on rising. These suggestions pre-suppose your back isn't in need of clinical treatment. I am 77 years old and have practiced these things for more than 40 years. I don't have any back pain!
  17. For the man: What makes the heart grow fonder? Pussee! For the woman: What makes the heart grow fonder? His money! I am talking Thailand and a generalisation of serious age gaps between partners In this generalisation, there is the scenario that both know what the other wants and is happy with the arrangement of mutual benefit. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. Another scenario is where the man will suspect that she only wants the money but - but he goes for it anyway. And yet another scenario in which the naivety of a man will allow himself to believe there is real love between them; sooner or later ending in (his) tears! In most cases the woman loses little and he might lose everything, including her! Yes, there some success stories! Of the four aces in the pack, she holds at least three!
  18. I wonder how many expats didn't already know this - and more!
  19. "Thailand is reported to be one of the top five destinations for Chinese tourists" Thailand should be reported as False Prophets!
  20. One thing that you shouldn't say to a Covid patient: "Stay positive"
  21. My wife, Jeab, has Covid! She tested positive three days ago. We went to the hospital where she consulted the Doctor and was prescribed some medication and advice. All free! Both of us have ben fully vaccinated as well as booster jabs. In the meantime, we have domestic arrangements in place that prevent any physical contact and she is improving from her symptoms of fever, a cold and unusual tiredness. I am taking care of her general daily needs and confident she will be fine in a few days time. it is interesting that she has been more vigilant than me in mask wearing and social distancing but the one who has become infected - she suspects from a student at the University! I have tested negative twice so far.
  22. Is that a response to my comment? Do you think I exclude children? You don't care but some of us do! I don't want to hear of people dying or suffering even if they brought it upon themselves! This matter of wearing seat belts and crash helmets should be taken seriously by everyone, including Government but in twenty years I have been here, that same everyone, has done just about nothing!
  23. TAT will tell you: All the tourists they have been predicting
  24. "Softly. softly", "go easy (on irresponsibility), "fines discretionary" While people continue to DIE! And for the Country's populace to be publicly told this! Sets the example I won't be taking - or ever did!
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