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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. So easy to ignore the facts... 1. The IDF has never targeted civilians. 2. Before bombarding any hamas-Isis location the IDF notify civilians telling them to evacuate their location. Since day 1 of the current war the IDF has been telling civilians to go south, to safe grounds, yet hamas-Isis block civilians way and forbid them from leaving as they need then add human shields. 3. The IDF has never kidnapped civilians, never raped young girls and women. Never cut babies it of pregnant women's bellies. All the above was done and documented by the hamas-issue terrorists and broadcasted live on the internet, so it's not propaganda, it's facts. 4. Since 2005, when the last soldier left the Gaza stript grounds, Israel has supplied to Gaza electricity and water as well as allowed transport of all other goods to Gaza. Gaza's other neighbor, Egypt, had blocked their side of the border. 5. Israel has allowed thousands of Palestinians workers from Gaza to enter Israel for work so they can earn money. 6. Israel has allowed thousands of Palestinians from Gaza to enter Israel for medical treatments in Israeli hospitals. 7. Hamas-Isis had used money sent to Gaza for humanitarian proposed for building missiles and rockets, to fortify Gaza's underground metro. 8. Hamash-Isis still hold more than 500,000 liter of fuel right now, but they won't give any of it to the civilian population. But sure, go ahead and be hamas-Isis supporter, and one day they will get you too
  2. Gaza has been free of Israeli occupation since 2005. That is a fact. What happens now started on October 7th with horrible crimes against humanity. Killing civilians, beheading babies, cutting pregnant women's belly while still alive, killing the unborn baby and then killing the mother. Don't trust me on this. Check what the hamas-Isis happily broadcasted to the world to see. And if you think they'll stop if ever they can eliminate the state of Israel - think again. Read their charter. After Israel they will go for the rest of the world. And even if you are a Muslim, you won't be safe. They killed their own people as well.
  3. So how was my information incorrect? You did ecxectly what I wrote: changed registration from Bangkok to Phuket and then transferred ownership...
  4. Transfer of ownership must be done in the province the car is registered in and it makes no difference if the buyer\seller is Thai or foreign national. If the car you bought is with Bangkok plates you can only make the transfer of ownership in Bangkok. The way around it is to first change plates to your province's plate - must be done by the registered owner, and once you have the new plates you can transfer the ownership in your province. For a small fee agents can do it all.
  5. It's not an emergency electricity, it's a temporary connection, and AFAIK is double the normal rate and not 4-5 times the normal rate. As some people already replied - once the building is done and you get the blue book, you go with the blue book to the PEA and ask to remove the temp. Meter and have a new one installed
  6. So you might like this Palestinian testimony. He's actually the son of 1 of the Hamas-Isis founders, and was a member of the Hamas-Isis:
  7. Kinda BS. The TLV airport is operating as usual. Most non Israeli airlines have canceled their flight into TLV, some airlines such as Blue Bird, TUS Airways, Fly Dubai, Etihad - still flying in and out of Israel. So no one is taken hostage by anyone on the Israeli side. On the Gaza side - well, Gaza has borders with Israel and Egypt. The Israeli border crossing was open for civilians and goods crossing both ways until the 7th of October. Thousands of Palestinians were allowed to work in Israel throughout the years, as well as thousands of Palestinian civilians who were allowed to cross over to Israel for medical treatment in Israeli hospitals! The Egyptian border crossing however, was always CLOSED for Palestinians to cross over to Egypt. Electricity, water, fuel - were all supplied by Israel. It is known by now that at least 500 Hamas-Isis troops were trained IN IRAN prior to the October 7th attack. So how exactly is it an open air prison? "no side is better than the other" << Really?????? Have the Israelis ever gone into Gaza to murder, rape, decapitate, kidnap civilians? Have the Israelis ever cut a baby out of a pregnant woman's body, beheaded the baby in front of the mother and then beheaded the mother? Have the Israelis ever took 85 years old civilians hostage? The main claim of Hamas-Isis is the fight for freedom and end of the Israeli occupation. Well, the last soldier has left the grounds of the Gaza Strip in 2005!!! 8600 Israeli civilians were moved out of their homes and livelihoods in order to give the Gaza Palestinians self rule. And what did they do? 1. They burnt and ruined they houses and greenhouses that were left by the Israelis intact and ready for the Palestinians to use for their own benefit. They burnt all fields. They painted everything green (the colors of Hamas-Isis) and then they voted for the Hamas-Isis to rule them instead of the Palestinian Authority. Try to observe the facts before you write about fictional "facts" https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cy4Im6KPs7O/
  8. Well, that leaves about 15,000 who do....
  9. So what you're saying is that passengers should be designed to fit the airplane? I think it should be the other way around...
  10. Add long as it comes with the same % discount for those under the average I'm all for it
  11. Or their pilots are braver than other airlines' pilots. Israeli airspace is open and done flights still operate - just check flight radar 24. Many airlines just stopped their flights to Israel, same as happened in 1991 during desert storm
  12. What do you mean Israel doesn't help the US? They are the guards of the edge of earth. Without them keeping guard you would probably go look beyond and fall into the abyss. You should say thank you!!
  13. Not if the article wants to be true to the facts.....
  14. I wouldn't worry about it unless you have shares and liability in AN
  15. Good point. I should ask them to pay for their part of the fun. Going to visit the neighbors now
  16. I'm not registered as married, and usually the officials that ask me about my marital situation are soooo cute I find it difficult to disappoint them ????
  17. Yes it is. When you transfer ownership at the land office they'll ask if you are married, if you say yes they'll need her consent. It's not only for foreigners, also for Thai citizens. However, they don't check any records so you can simply say you're single and that's that.
  18. While China and Taiwan can't seem to get along, Chines and Taiwanese people can. There might still be hope....
  19. I'm not sure if you're saying the bank refused to open for your wife a 2nd business account or a personal account. I have a chequing and savings accounts for my business (limited company), the same for personal use (although I haven't written a personal cheque in years so I don't even know if it still exists), I have another personal account in another branch same province, and 2 more accounts in same branch on a different province. All at kbank. All accounts are linked to the bank's app.
  20. The sign is in Thai AND English. So the Thai people are good with it. The meaning of the name of the temples is actually East\West, so instead of trying to write it in a way that might sound to a foreigner's ear as the correct name (but if that person tries to ask for direction using that pronansiation he'll get nowhere) wouldn't it be better to translate instead of transiliate?
  21. Can simply write East\West
  22. Nah, probably reporting gone wrong
  23. You want to know who might benefit from the new tax? Just remember who's government it is now. Who's actually in charge of things behind the scenes (for now, might be at the front sooner then we all expected....)
  24. No, but you might have an issue when trying to sell it.
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