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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. As the land and house were purchased\built before you got married - it's all hers. Doesn't matter who paid for all. You obviously have the right to live there till your death, but according to your stories about her is not going to be a pleasant life. As someone suggested above, let her find a new lover in the hope he'll be willing to buy back your rights for a reasonable amount, even though it's not actually saleable (unlike a long term lease). Option 2 is come to an agreement with her that she can do whatever she wants, as can you, but you will still share the house. Option 3 (which I think it's the most viable) is just bite the bullet, take what's in your name (car and bike?) and move out. Good luck.
  2. I'm not sure about the legality of edibles, but the no sale for under 20, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers - that was there from the start. I'm pretty sure it was there even before June 9th, when all you could get at cannabis clinics was oil. As for smugglers - that has nothing to do with legalising cannabis. It's just like sales of other illegal drugs and smuggling of other products. Where there's a market there will always be those who try to make a profit through the back door. I know I'll vote for Anutin, and I'll try convincing anyone who listens to vote for his party so he'll have enough power to keep cannabis legal. So that's what I do for cannabis and cannabis lovers.
  3. I doubt you'll find relevant courses for veterinary degree in English here in Thailand. Here's a list of veterinary schools in Thailand. I suggest you check each 1 and see if they have courses in English and if your credentials are acceptable. https://edurank.org/medicine/veterinary/th/
  4. A slight correction: certificate of residency is a letter foreigners can get from immigration as proof of address for opening a bank accounts, getting\renewing driver's license etc. What you refer to is just permanent residency. Quota per country is decided upon and released to the public near the end of the year, every year. As for citizenship - one must hold a work permit and pay taxes for 3 consecutive years prior to applying, and keep working and pay taxes throughout the process, same as for PR. On top of that, in order to be qualified to apply for citizenship one must hold a PR for at least 5 years. Also had to be over 40 years old on the past, not sure if this rule still exists. AFAIK a foreigner married to a Thai citizen can skip the PR part and after 3 years of working legally and paying taxes can apply for citizenship.
  5. Wow. THAT is in the news feed? Must be peace all over the world now.
  6. Had 50 degrees with 40% humidity the other week. That's 81C heat index. No wonder it felt like I was walking through a convection oven ????
  7. Can I have the address please? Seems to me she's good.
  8. And what's wrong with personal enjoyment? Many would argue that enjoyment carries health benefits.
  9. If you want to be 100% sure you can go to the local land office and ask them to come survey the property. Depending on how busy they are, it can take some time till they'll come, but you can always pay a bit more and they'll come after hours as well
  10. So true! Together with those who buy alcohol and cigarettes, and those who pay for sex or Mia noi's, and those who pay way too much for imported junk food... Get a life man. If you don't like it, don't use it.
  11. So in a condo building only 51% can be sold to Thai owners? Are there specific units only that can be sold to foreigners because they are registered somewhere as under the foreign quota? If there are only 2 identical units available for sale - 1 owned by a Thai national and the other by a foreigner, the % of foreign ownership is under 49% (so a foreigner can still buy a unit there), does the unit owned by a foreigner worth more than the other? I'd say the answer to all those questions is no.
  12. I am pretty sure I wrote that the price depends on supply\demand, just as you wrote here...
  13. There is no such thing as foreign\Thai quota and no difference in price. The price is determined by demand\supply and the ability to negotiate. At any point that a foreigner wants to buy a unit, the condo management have to check the current situation - how many foreigners own units in the specific building, and if less than 49% they'll issue an official letter to the land office. It's not that units number X,y,z are in foreign quota and the rest are in Thai quota.
  14. I'm a member of the public and I want offended. Bring her back please. Pretty please?!?
  15. Great idea. But then they will have to pay tax and social security. Would they really like it then? Will the customers like paying the extra to cover those expenses?
  16. Being a ceremony, it is the choice of those who arrange it. It's not a law. The fact that you cannot understand the culture and the importance of the event to this woman doesn't make any difference. In many such events (and that includes big weddings in the West) the parents it those who throw the party expect or hope that money given by gifts will cover the costs plus give some profit. Many of those get it totally wrong....
  17. Anyone knows if it is possible for a Mexican national to get an extension of their VOA (they got in in March and got 30 days). This is about Visa on Arrival, not visa exempt. Will appreciate any information. Thanks
  18. Judging by the number of people living and visiting Pattaya I'd say it is very desirable.....
  19. Tried it just now on my phone. Not enough space for the questions (it scrolls in 1 line so difficult to make sure you wrote correctly) and not enough space for the answers. Seems like I got only part of the answers due to lack of space as you can't scroll down.
  20. Many countries around the world don't allow foreign guides. And yes, there are Thai your guides that can speak most if not all the languages you listed
  21. Hello Thai people: The pandemic's over now, pretty please, ditch the face masks! Why do you care what other people do it wear if it doesn't effect you? Were you happy to be forced to wear a mask during COVID restrictions? Live and let live.
  22. Or he might have realised that there's enough money in the country's coffers four him to rob, again His "war on drugs" didn't eliminate not reduced the problem. All he was fighting against was the big money around it (as well as the big money behind the illegal lottery) so there won't be any power big enough to remove him from absolute power. Cannabis used to be legal before, as was kratom. Cannabis was put on the illegal list of hard drugs around the world due to American pressure, and in America it was done for political reasons only. Lots of lies and misinformation was published to make cannabis seem as bad as addictive drugs such as Coke, heroin and all the other opium based drugs.
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