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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. Or he might have realised that there's enough money in the country's coffers four him to rob, again His "war on drugs" didn't eliminate not reduced the problem. All he was fighting against was the big money around it (as well as the big money behind the illegal lottery) so there won't be any power big enough to remove him from absolute power. Cannabis used to be legal before, as was kratom. Cannabis was put on the illegal list of hard drugs around the world due to American pressure, and in America it was done for political reasons only. Lots of lies and misinformation was published to make cannabis seem as bad as addictive drugs such as Coke, heroin and all the other opium based drugs.
  2. 10 years for adults, not 8. Used to be 6 years and changed to 10 a while back
  3. The ID number is given when the birth certificate is issued and stays for life. The 7-70 mentioned in an earlier reply refers to the age Thai nationals can get the ID card. The card is valid for 10 years, but a card that was issued for someone over 60 valid for the rest of their life
  4. you can pay the road tax at any DLT office in any province regardless of where the car is registered.
  5. Both don't make any sense, and both have nothing to do with the juristic office. House registration is issued by the district office and lists the THAI people who are registered as living in this house/condo unit. Chanot (title deed) is issued by the land office in 2 identical copies and apart from the property details it list all previous and current owner of the property. 1 copy is kept at the land office and the other by the owner of the property. Any amendments made to the chanot must be made at the land office by officials and recorded in both copies. Why would immigration need those documents?
  6. Another way is to have your wife present at the airport when you check in and wait around until you and your son clear immigration. If there is any problem at immigration they'll be able to talk to her and clear everything up. You could also have your wife give an affidavit witnessed by a lawyer or at the district office (all they'd have to do is sign as witnesses and not issue any formal document) or maybe even your Embassy.
  7. No one is forcing you or anyone else to use ganja, even though it is legal. I don't drink alcohol (legal) but I don't tell those who do that they shouldn't. As for your 18 yo son, well for HIM it is illegal to consume ganja, but for anyone over 20 it is NOT illegal and that's how it should be.
  8. A couple of years ago I had 2 structures built - both walled up - and if I remember correctly I paid about 180k all included (workmanship, materials including electric wiring), so seems this price for an open carport is not cheap at all
  9. I never heard of this rule but it doesn't make any sense as it is not compulsory for non Thais to be registered in a house book.
  10. How do you work out when you're there? Do you switch it on\off manually? If so, just show your bil how to do it.
  11. I guess that on the UK the buyer has to wait longer to get the car. I know that this is how it works in some other countries - a customer buys a car that is usually already on stock, but road tax and customs haven't been paid yet, and the customer will get the car only after all is paid for and ownership transferred to them. Here you can get the car immediately if in stock, but as not registered yet you get it with temporary plates.
  12. You can drive it of province, but must register the trip in the brown log book of the plates. The after dark used to be enforced many years ago, then the relaxed it. Red plates are issued and supplied by the government as well. There is a cost for it and therefore dealers have a limited number of them. Some dealers in the past used fake red plates with no logbook when they ran out of real ones. The process of new owner registration takes time. During pick sales times can be longer than a month. Another issue is that some owners request nice or "lucky" numbers which night take even longer.
  13. You can only get an IDP in Thailand if you have a Thai driver's license. Same in every country on the world - the IDP is based on the local DL
  14. Just to make it more clear for the OP - visa validity 90 days means you can enter Thailand within 90 days after the visa was issued. The permit to stay will be 60 days from entry date, entry date included
  15. You only need the ticket on order to pay the fine. Nothing else. As was mentioned by @stevenl anyone can pay the fine. The police officer is not going to ask any questions about who you are and why you are paying. As for the amount vehicles on the road & the amount of licences issued - there's no relation between those numbers anywhere in the world. How can those numbers be related? Some people have a license but don't own a car, some own more than 1 vehicle, and of course there are many vehicles owned by companies
  16. She's not actually going to run the country either. IF she becomes PM she's only going to be a proxy for her father...
  17. Just turn this on on your phone and you'll have internet. If you don't have a set package for data (internet) usage you'll pay per kilobit used, a higher rate than if you have a set package. However if you only use it rarely to do simple tasks it might be cheaper than paying for a monthly package.
  18. Misconception. There's no foreign quota. At any time a foreigner wants to buy a condo unit (doesn't matter who the seller is) the condo office has to check the ratio of foreign ownership and issue an official letter to the land office of the ratio at the time of the letter issuance. There can be times that foreign ownership is more than 49% - for example if during a short time period few foreigners are in the process of buying units at the same complex but none of the sales has gone through yet, the condo office will still issue the letter with the same ratio. By the time all sales go through there might be a situation that more than 49% is owned by non Thais. The next foreigner that will try to buy a unit from a foreigner won't be able to do so as the current ratio won't allow it. So getting a higher price for a unit really depends on many factors.
  19. I built my house using CLC blocks. They are light and easy to work with. The only mistake I did was using the thin blocks (7.5 cm). Insulation is still good in most days, not so good in very hot\cold days. The blocks and special mortar needed are more expensive, but as the blocks are bigger and need a very thin layer of mortar the total costs are not much higher.
  20. Your friend can fly to any country, including the PH. All your friend has to do is go through Thai immigration with the passport he entered Thailand. Go into the other country on whichever passport he wants and depart that country using the same passport he entered there, and finally enter Thailand using the Thai passport. As was mentioned above already, you cannot switch passports at border crossings.
  21. On your first reply you wrote he managed to get his money back. But he only got a used car which would probably could be sold for about half what he paid for it, and he got noting for the house...
  22. If I remember correctly, that case was a divorce case, and the end result was the woman got the house and the man got a used car.
  23. When they make female like Android they will probably make male like as well. I think most, if not all man, Western or Eastern, will have a hard (soft?) time competing with those...
  24. So many unhelpful comments... Here's my 2 cents: As the house is mortgaged there are 2 issues here. 1 is the transfer fee and tax. Just take a copy of the chanot to the land office where the house is and they'll tell you exactly how much you have to pay. It goes by the value assessment by the land office and how long your wife owned it. If she's registered in the house blue book and owned it for more than a year there's less tax. If she's not registered there but owned it for longer than 5 years - same. Now there's the mortgage. AFAIK you can't really transfer the mortgage to another person. The actual way to do it is the buyer has to get a mortgage from his bank. Pay you the full amount for the house, you have to pay what you owe your bank and the bank removes itself from the chanot (that will cost you about 1% of the sum loaned). Then the buyer's bank gets registered on the chanot after the title deed was transferred to his name. That will cost the buyer about 1% of the amount loaned to him. You should ask your bank how much you still owe them.
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