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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. Ok, you made your point. You own a Rolex. You win...
  2. It can be the same with any payment method if people aren't prepared with the payment in advance. Fishing for the wallet, finding the right notes and coins, or looking for the cc. However with cc and scanning the cashier doesn't have to count and recount the money, doesn't have to count and recount the change, and the customer doesn't have to count the change and then look for the wallet to put it in.
  3. She stopped being funny the minute she came out of the closet.
  4. Used the local official clinic THC oil. Helped me sleep better, but never got any buzz, even with 10 drops. Tried home made oil - 2 drops. Got great buzz. Deeper and longer than smoking. But it took 2-3 hours to start getting the effect (which also lasted longer than smoking or vaping) depending on how long after dinner I took the drops. With both oils I putu nderthe my tongue. the reason I prefer vaping or even smoking is that you can adjust the dosage of need to because the effect is within minutes.
  5. Dry herb vape recommendation anyone? That's the topic
  6. I already bought one, for under 3,000, but if you can send some links for dry herb vapes I might buy some extras
  7. Weed before / after 5 sessions, 4 minutes each:
  8. He must have been going really fast for this to happen.
  9. Since my expired a few years ago I only use the "withdrawal without a card" option..
  10. The car under loan is actually registered to the bank\finance company, not the person you're buying it from. I only sold once a car still under a loan. The buyer and I agreed on a price. We went together to the finance company (kbank). They calculated the final amount due to the bank, the buyer paid off the loan and gave me the balance. I signed some docs, but signed some docs, can't remember who paid the transfer fee. Kbank transferred the car to the buyer's name and sent him the updated blue book. For me, the seller, the process ended right then and there at the bank, after recieving the money from the buyer.
  11. Thanks for the detailed information. Very useful. About the 20 minutes - what I meant was that about 20 minutes after vaping it felt like the high is peaking. It lasted for over an hour, but the peak was shallow somewhat. I did 2 more 4 minutes sessions after that using the same load, last try was on 200c. So it lasts long enough but not high enough. As you wrote - it might be the weed (triple gorilla) which also in joints feels less than the Wedding Crusher or Mimosa. BTW - the guy at the shop said you can do 10-20 sessions on 1 capsule...
  12. Got it. Starry 4 + silicon cover + 1 extra capsule total 3,150THB. Now starts the learning curve... So I did a 4 minutes session at 191c. Realized that not much vapor shows if taking short tokes, but getting more for long ones. Flavor is better than joint, but nothing special (3G). Feeling is ok, but not strong after about 20 minutes. Oh, it gets hot.... Glad I bought the cover. Will try with the silicon mouthpiece next time. Question: How many 4/6/10 minutes sessions can you get out of each capsule? Thanks
  13. The elderly? Mrs. Rattanaporn, 48.... So she became a grandma at 34.... Been with her husband for over 30 years, so since she was under 18, and he's not the grandfather of the kids, meaning there was someone else when she was even younger?
  14. OK, seems like I'll go for the Starry 4. Will go to kondee's420 shop to get it myself. On their site they seem to be the cheapest for the vape but more expensive for the accessories, but might be different in person...
  15. Found the Starry V4 for 3,190 THB at https://kondee420.com/product/xmax-starry-4/ but can't find the accessories as per @HugoFastor and the XMax V3 Pro Dry-herb Vaporizer for 2,890 THB https://kondee420.com/product/xmax-v3-pro-dry-herb-ของแท้รับประกัน-1-ปี/
  16. Google translate to the rescue?
  17. which 1 are you using / tried?
  18. can't watch the VDO as I don't have any account I can log in with. I see a Fenix 2.0 for 4590THB.
  19. Hi, I've been looking for a good but cheap dry herb vape for a while now. I have a DynaVap vape that was working great at the beginning, but not very good lately (probably reassembled wrong after cleaning). I see now that there are many electronic vapes for reasonably low prices (under 2000THB) such as Virgo, Gemini, Edge V2, Pathfinder and more. Anyone here using one of those? Recommendations? TIA
  20. Not really. Might be regulations. In the travel industry in Thailand there is a separation between airline tickets and ground services (hotel, tours) and not allowed (or at least wasn't allowed in the past) to issue 1 invoice for both tours and tickets due to the different was VAT is calculated.
  21. I would guess the separation is for taxation reasons. The 10% service fee is supposed to go to the employees so probably not taxed as part of the business income
  22. Until 30th June 1997 the THB was linked to the USD at a rate of about 25:1 as a directive of the government 13 years prior. When the banks reopened at the beginning of July 97 the THB depreciated to about 27:1 and kept depreciating to approx 57:1. Later it started gaining to 4x:1. So the level we see now is nothing like 1998.
  23. Maybe he's one of those who clicked confused....
  24. Sound strange. Go to court for a traffic violation? Were you driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs? Were you involved in an accident? DUI is taken seriously and might lend you in jail and heavy fine. Can't think of any other traffic violation for which one would be attested and sent to court. Even in cases of deadly accidents the police tries to bring the case to an end without going to court.
  25. I don't know about these specific movies, but Netflix has somewhat different content in different countries. Lots of movies and series I'm watching on Netflix are not available on Thailand, do if you have a VPN you can try different countries to see if there they have what you want
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