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Everything posted by tomazbodner

  1. Only a couple of percent in for Nevada but...
  2. And to add salt to injury:
  3. Very tight race... Certainly looks like Harris' win!
  4. Go inspect Melania's immigration and work history...
  5. Is that profession reserved for Thais?
  6. Nearly nothing wrong with that photo. Trump, OK. Garbage truck, OK. He's just in the wrong place, should be at the back, not the front.
  7. I might have some ideas how he ended up in a wheelchair in the first place...
  8. The look has definitely changed of the newsletter, but I think it's more airy now, easier to read, so I like it more. The forum pages also changed. Not so sure I like this one more than the previous one, but... we got to learn and adapt, right?
  9. Would it be even more stupid comment if I informed you that Trump has 4 children with immigrants, 1 of them even using Czech name Ivanka, while his vice presidential candidate pal has an Indian wife and son named Vivek? Yes, they absolutely hate immigrants...
  10. I think after De Havilland Comet, and before COVID, that was some of the most rewarding jobs out there.
  11. I'm not sure I agree with his last sentence that "Republicans are a party with a good sense of humour"... Thinking this guy is funny would require a terrible sense of humour. Which kind of sums up this comedian wannabe loser.
  12. He actually looks amazingly well for a guy who was very recently so sick he was on the verge of dying of undefined terminal illness, so sick in fact he couldn't even hold his head up, required neck support for that. What an amazing recovery! His medical team should patent their therapy for a chance of winning a Nobel prize in medicine!
  13. Absolutely agreed. Point was to illustrate that facts no longer matter. You write something completely fabricated and both sides will try to use it to further their cause. People just don't care what's true and what isn't, as long as it supports their own beliefs. Sad really...
  14. Come on, he's Lao labourer, not some crown jewel of western immigration to Pattaya...
  15. It just shows that in front of cameras, they are all enemies throwing poo at each other. But when cameras are off, they are all best buddies plotting how to squeeze the last penny out of the populace...
  16. Of course he didn't because in today's day and age, facts and truth don't matter, else how could a conman who told over 25,000 lies in the past 10 years be even a candidate for a president of a country, with a good chance to win? Yeah, go ahead. Fact check me. I just made that 25k up.
  17. Isn't that what so many of you demand for Thai baht? And how good it would be if it fell, increased competitiveness, more tourism and all that yadayadayada... So, following this logic, labour government is a God-sent to UK to save its economy and make life easier for the expats there!
  18. Communication error. Robinson department store doesn't carry those. They are UK brand "Robinsons" and I haven't seen these small ones anywhere in brick and mortar shops, but have ordered them online from Lazada. Here's link to lemon/lime: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/robinsons-real-fruit-mini-lemon-lime-66ml-66-rebranded-to-mini-i2149198727-s7176322494.html 189 THB plus delivery, arrives in 1-2 days in Bangkok, unsure how much longer for upcountry - shop is in Bangkok and dispatches more or less immediately.
  19. I got Robinsons from this shop in Lazada:https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/buriram-expat-food-and-drink
  20. Was buying Mio in US whenever there, but is there a place selling it in Thailand? I switched to Robinsons, similar stuff from UK but limited on flavours. Mio tastes better even it's not "all natural" as this one claims. Anyway, if you know where to find it locally, please share. Thank you.
  21. I can't wait for this elections to be over, whoever the heck wins I don't even care. But the forums here have turned from cracking jokes and helping each other to all out war of supporters of opposing, both terrible, sides in the US elections. Vote for whoever you want to and move on. No need to go to war over it.
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