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Everything posted by alanrchase

  1. Decided to give it a go. Downloaded an app and went through the verification. Passport picture, driving licence, visa/extension, face etc. Stumbled with the driving licence as it wanted both sides but wasn't giving the option to photograph the back side but it eventually gave the option. All approved so transfered some money into the account via mobile banking which was easy. Converted some of that to Bitcoin and decided to try an online payment using that. This is where the problem started. The vendor gives a page with the bitcoin amount to pay and the wallet address to send it to. The wallet on the app has boxes to enter the amount and the address, easy enough with copy and paste. Couple of verification steps and transaction is confirmed. What I didn't realise is the crazy way the transaction fee is taken. It comes out of the amount you are trying to send not out of your account. The app transfers the money but the vendor says the transaction was not completed. Vendor does not decline the transaction for being the incorrect amount and there is no way to get your money back. Seems you have to manually add the transaction fee to the amount you want to send to make sure the vendor gets the correct amount. I am out of pocket but both the vendor and crypto exchange have made money. Fortunately it was a small amount.
  2. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.qHFFW https://s.lazada.co.th/s.qHvyk
  3. Buy a litre of food grade alcohol on Lazada and add to your taste.
  4. https://www.truckaccidentattorneynetwork.org/truck-accident-statistics/
  5. Approximately 120 truck accidents a day in the USA caused by brake failure, 30% of all truck accidents. Are they all making it up over there as well? Not saying the driver in this case is not making it up but if brake failure is that common in the US it is probably more prevalent over here.
  6. Make a plate that matches your speakers and bolt that to the top plate of the stands. Put some silicone caulking between the plates before you bolt them together just in case they vibrate against each other.
  7. What is your point? Trump was a strongly pro choice Democrat that donated to Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton at one time.
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 84 seconds  
  9. Ask the motorcycle taxi guys. They know where everything is.
  10. I had an MRI at Siriraj government hospital about 18 months ago. Went to the imaging department for an appointment and got the MRI the next day, doc did say it could be a two week wait. Pelvic area with contrast for 15,000.
  11. When my 4×4 Toyota Pickup needed new tyres I checked a lot of reviews on the internet for various different brands. The only thing that stood out was that all name brands are both fantastic and rubbish according to different reviewers. I ended up changing from Bridgestone to Yokohama Geolandars due to price and never had a problem with them.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 146 seconds  
  13. That is a typical lie though isn't it. Biden is building another 20 miles due to the funds being appropriated during the previous administration. Unfortunately he has no choice other than to throw more money away on something that obviously is not working.
  14. Why isn't Trump's wall working? Billions of dollars squandered.
  15. I refuse to pay for anything so they no longer come round.
  16. This is the result of a sting from a paper wasp while I was trimming a shrub this morning. Instant sharp stabbing pain lasting a few minutes. Swelling and itching started about an hour later. From previous experience the itching will get worse and it will start getting better in about five days.
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 115 seconds  
  18. "Waiting times no worse than ANY private hospital" I was referring to the waiting time in the government side. People say you will wait for hours which has not been my experience. For OPD you are asked to register your arrival half an hour before your appointment so they can get your medical record ready. Normally seen no later than an hour after your appointment. In the private side I was seen 45 minutes after my appointment time. When I saw the specialist in her own department waiting times were similar.
  19. I was referred to Siriraj by a doctor in a Bangkok Hospital. Didn't know anything about the place other than it having private and government buildings. The only easily accessible parking for the public is for the private side so I ended up visiting there. Registered and got an appointment for the next day. Saw the doctor and he referred me to a specialist but said if I used the private side the appointment would be in several weeks time but if I went to the government side the appointment with the same specialist would be sooner. Registered at the government side and got an appointment for the next week. I've continued using the government side for the last 18 months. Waiting times for OPD are no worse than any private hospitals. The OPD has just been renovated and was a bit too cold for me last visit. I got the impression that the private hospitals were pushing me towards government hospitals as I self insure.
  20. Georgia is a state that allows non US citizens to vote in some local elections so the only surprise is that the percentage was so low. Nothing illegal going on and nothing to do with Biden or Harris.
  21. I didn't know that having a driving licence in the US entitled you to vote. I thought there was this thing called voter registration that had to be completed first. Strange that there have never been any complaints about people that are too young to vote being issued driving licences.
  22. You are blaming taxes for the slow delivery. You are claiming Thai Post check the contents and write an invoice when Thai Customs are the ones that check and decide on any taxes imposed. You are also ignoring the fact that none of that can cause any delay until the item arrives in Thailand. You are wrong on every claim you make.
  23. The package has not arrived in Thailand yet it is between the origin and destination countries. How can Thai Customs, not Thai Post, check the contents before it arrives in Thailand? Once it arrives in Thailand then you can start blaming Thai Customs and Thai Post for any delays.
  24. It has nothing to do with taxes yet. His parcel has left Poland but has yet to arrive in Thailand. Registered mail does not show the whole trip on the tracking site, just the departure country stages and the destination country stages.
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