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Everything posted by itsari

  1. Does a Asean now reader benifit anything in knowing the registration plate number of a vehicle ?
  2. From what you educated me was it was called rugby football . Rugby is rugby and football is football by at least 96 percent of the world population in 2023
  3. Around 4 percent of the world's population would agree with you. Refer to football and 96 percent would think of a round ball.
  4. A bit like beer is spelt xxxx to make it simple for the locals .
  5. Rugby union and rugby leaque is not football . Football is football , be told .
  6. Was it not the Australians that came up with limited overs cricket ? Mr Packer I believe was the man behind the introduction of the reinvented rules of cricket .
  7. There are no pleasures in a fight , but some of my fights are a pleasure to win . I am so fast that last night in my hotel room and got into bed before the room was dark . Qoutes from the greatest
  8. First reaction by humans in this modern world is to grab the phone and take a video instead of going to assist a person in need of help .
  9. Disgusting dishonest practice , especially when considering truemove has a 49 percent ownership by a Norwegian telecom company that would be barred from business if they done the same crap at there home base.
  10. Australians ate rabbit because they could eat for free . They were not thinking of any other thing than survival.
  11. You got used to the taste of rabbit in the depression years . Can't be better than cold pork pies .
  12. I have no desire to be a mod. But I would like to see the mods do there job in following up on there rules .
  13. Do what the rules on this site say. Take your racist comments back to where you come from
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