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Everything posted by itsari

  1. I hope this man manages to unwind himself from the lost/stolen car situation. That should not be difficult. Reminds me of a case of a woman reporting het car stolen from Gatwick Airport. After some investigation they found her car where she had left it at Heathrow Airport.
  2. Hi Bob , enjoy your posts by the way. I have read over the years that to shed weight you need to raise your heart rate 20 to 40 minutes per day to burn fat. Of course that becomes more difficult the older you are .
  3. As long as you can show you provided the funds for the car you can pursue the claim in the cival courts. If the owner claims you bought the car as a gift you have to prove otherwise. If you have any contract written between you and the car owner that will help more than a verbal contract. You need to show you have an equitable right to the money paid outon the car.
  4. Make the magic 10,000 baht vote buying scheme go to the 600 baht a month pensioners as that will help the children of the pensioners too.
  5. The Thai Chinese businesses have shown to be using there logic to circumnavagate the rules on Chinese ownership in Thailand as proved in an investigation in 2016.
  6. Investigate where the Chinese are staying and where they are taken to shop . Look into the bank accounts of the hotels and shops they are using . It seems as though the local Thai businesses understand what is happening but the authorities prefer not to know.
  7. Buying a job and a unhealthy lifestyle.
  8. Greed is often the scammers best tool. The modern world of the internet has opened a new industry of scamming that shows to be a growth business .
  9. Georgealbert explains that the victim was pierced below the left jaw. Perhaps combining the right jaw with the left caused the event to happen. I try to avoid using verbal contact with my fellow road users .
  10. If you can show you financed the purchase you can recover the money . Cost of the exercise may be more than you will recover.
  11. Your statement that every foreigner residing in Thailand longer than 180 days needs to pay tax is not correct. It depends what countrythe funds are coming from , how rhe money was earned and how the double taxation agreement is with the two countries as they are far from the same. The annoying part is that it seems that all foreigners residing in Thailand over 180 days will have to submit a tax return in my own situation but I will not have to pay tax in Thailand.
  12. I have often thought why they polish the concrete on a driveway. It does not make sense at all. If you complained about it you will be guaranteed to receive the classic Thai giggle. I will suffer in silence. Thank you for your reply
  13. We have 9 bathrooms and 7 kitchens therefore we need a high volume capacity pump. We should have two tanks rather than one as we run the risk of the tank running out faster than what the supply from the mains can handle it all outlets became in use at the same time. Has not happened yet. We had a smaller pump before and that supplied everything but lower pressure. That was a Hitachi. It was also noisy Worth checking the noise level before buying.
  14. The filter and tank can be cleaned with this arrangement.
  15. Watch out for polished concrete surfaces leading into service stations and large shopping centres when on a motorcycle. I came off the bike as I was turning right into a Thai Watsadu parking area . The back wheel slid round rapidly and as I corrected the front wheel so the bike flipped to the other side and I was thrown of and landed on my right shoulder that has now got a torn ligament that is still painful after 2 weeks. I also badly bruised my left ankle . Not sure how that happened. I was not going fast at all but the roads were wet from the rain .
  16. I have put systems together before. I can send you a photo of my system if you would like. I purchased a new pump about 2 years back as I have more bathrooms now. Works well. Grundfoss from Denmark
  17. A non active post at the firing range perhaps
  18. You are welcome. I saw evidence of rats chewing on my water supply pipe that was going through a section of drain. It had not gone all the way through but I changed that section anyway.
  19. I thought there was the computer related crime act 2017 to regulate false news in Thailand.
  20. Provoking disorder accusations are just to shut the man up. Free speech on the British governments terms. Unacceptable by many ordinary British citizens .
  21. I am far from a supporter of the man yet I am supporting free speech. The British governments have actively done there level best to silence the man.
  22. Agree , he is leaving more than a footprint driving around polluting the enviroment in his desires for friendship.
  23. I agree , the prime minister of Thailand is little more than a fiqurehead and has little to no real power or influence.
  24. Incorrect, she will be saying hey Dad , this stress was not in the grand plan made in Dubai.
  25. Running a pvc high pressure water supply pipe in a drain is susceptible to being chewed away by rats. You should pressure test your system to check for leaks.
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