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Everything posted by itsari

  1. The best quality beef from Australia is exported.
  2. Trick photography used to be the way to go.
  3. It would be comforting to know that the inspectors know nothing about the practice of adding extra tanks and therefore not guilty in aiding and abetting manslaughter. Somehow I find it unlikely that the inspectors have no knowledge of the extra tank installations practiced by bus companies . Thank you for your reply
  4. Best of you can take as much as you give Sir Except Vegemite of course
  5. I mean people that eat Vegemite. The main diet was for some years rabbit in Australia as explained to me by an Australian years ago The same man told me we had no complaints as that was all they could afford at the time. He never gave Vegemite a mention. He was a very likable man
  6. Or people that have good taste
  7. Its more of a hazard after you have eaten it
  8. A Shelah can be bought cheaply if you can get your arms around them that is, Asians come at a premium
  9. Not a bad idea but you have to realise that Wise is not a bank. Certain risks involved in leaving money with them eventhough they place most funds in other banks that may save you if the company went bankrupt
  10. Let's hope so. Thanks for your reply
  11. Similar principles would appy . Enforcement is the problem Corporate liability could be applied in Thailand as well
  12. Deal with them in the same way Sir. They are just as responsible as the bus company under focus. Find some room for the inspectors responsible for allowing the practice in the first place. A massive undertaking for sure and this government has a chance to prove themselves
  13. Tampering with evidence , obstruction of jutice ,negligence and perviting the course of justice should be a good start to have the company owners placed in custody until the investigation are complete. The victims families need to be shown that the authorities are serious .
  14. If you can see you can not get through the junction you stay at the green light. Book him Dano
  15. If you read the post I was answering to I am not wrong. Most of not all social agreements the UK has started or stopped for that matter was before Brexit. So how is the UK saving money On pension payments to pay for asylum seekers hotel bills.
  16. You are more than likely correct. But dentists have been known to send cash out overseas and pick it up later while on holiday
  17. Looking for cash in the mail cash in the mail could be one reason
  18. A bowel movement moving forward perhaps
  19. The UK Goverment began saving money on pension payments by discriminating what country a pensionist chose to live in the 1950s. So not much help in covering the 2 billion a week shortfall from the Brexit blunder.
  20. Prince Philip made the same remark. Of course he was heckled by the offended offenders
  21. That does not make the UK Government right in any way. Oh , go to the Philippines they say. That does not help if you want to live with your children in Australia. Totally unfair and unjust in my opinion
  22. Yes indeed they are and when considering that many pensioners go to Australia to be with there children that have made Australia there home one can realise how unjust it is.
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