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Everything posted by natway09

  1. A little off subject but I think you also nowadays need to ensure that a Non B extension is cancelled before they will issue an 0 retirement visa. Some offices actually tell you that need to leave the country, please correct me if I am wrong
  2. Always found the Labour Dept very helpful & never had a hassle with them. Just paid the fees . Used to get a 3 year W/P. Are you sure all is in order, correct amount of employees, correct registerd salaries etc ? Maybe she needs to "cook the books" a little to qualify things
  3. Big cream or sprinkle clear containers,,, same Co, same water, same process one for cooking & kitchen washing vegetables etc, the latter for looking good in a cool water dispenser, We have both
  4. She had a green arrow he a red light, just as she was going to continue she saw this Benz coming at her hell for leather so hesitated,,, I fail to see why she is a moron !!!!!!
  5. How about some tyre spikes that pop up when the lights turn red, No, one step forward, two steps backwards
  6. If you read the article & look at the picture you will find this is about encroachment on Zebra crossings not going through a red light. The classic one is Nana & Sukhumvit where the lights turn red, green for pedestrians & at least one or 2 cars go straight through even with 1 or 2 gendarmes in their elevated box. Never be first away at the lights walking or driving in Thailand & keep an eye out for concrete trucks. It can be treminal
  7. Very concerned not only for local farmers but the insecticides used in the Chinese market gardens to control pests are a worry in that I am sure as access gets easier the more will be sent with no checks at the border by the Ag' Dept. As to meat imports,,,, well, enough said, but food poisioning could rise & the "grow faster & fatter" along with "look better" chemicals will become a major health concern going forward
  8. Without the details hard to judge, but why would you come here (bring your wealth) start, develop & operate a business when after 10 years ??????? Can they own the business or must it be 51% Thai ? Need a lot more details if they are ever forthcoming
  9. With literally millions of migratory birds using Thailand at this time of year to escape the harsh winters to the norh of us it is a tall order to control
  10. Maintenance never was Thailand's strong point but this warning device has been out of action for close to 3 years & heads should roll. I bet the budget has been spent
  11. I think you will find that taping or videoing anyone for any reason is illegal without the express knowledge & CONSENT of the person or persons concerned
  12. If you have cataracts you will see them plain as day on your eye photo that they put up on the screen as big as a good size TV. Yes or no. They cannot hoodwink you
  13. Chances are that there may have been many guys in Soi 8 with guns last night, It would be an event if nobody carried
  14. More confirmation that he has no idea of what is going on around him even if I agree that a household should be allowed 6 plants
  15. Take a walk & see where the transformer is for these wires 200 yards away & get back. Incidently, you pay for the transformer if needed but still does not belong to you only moveable for a fee if to the same sub district
  16. So, reading all the comments above, there are not going to be many of us left. Having worked & lived in 8 countries I am staying as long as I can (31 years already) Always felt welcome here, more than can be said for some of the above. To the Wakky who suggested that Thailand should pay you a pension, it is time to go back to your "nanny" state or take your meds. Never been treated with anything other than great respect by Immigration on my annual pilgrimage & have never been hassled by them. It is part of living in a foreign country The grass is always greener,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  17. If the rating & comments on a forum that the Hotel has asked for are & are honest & true, they have nothing to worry about no matter how bad. It will cost them nothing if the above is the case & if the Hotel insists on taking to court they will end up paying court costs for wasting the courts time. The Hotel is bluffing unless the comments are of a derogatory nature
  18. He just clipped the left hand non sealed area, overcorrected ,,,,finish
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