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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I'm betting I could get a few thousand empty unsealed envelopes postmarked fairly easily.
  2. Would point out men can usually take a few punches to the head, whereas women usually can't.
  3. Any election, where the outcome is reversed by postal votes counted AFTER the in person votes have been counted must be considered suspect IMHO.
  4. Surprised the financing company would pay up front for a non-existent truck. Sounds like some sort of fraud between the importer/dealer and finance company.
  5. Looks like this place to me .......... https://steemit.com/thai/@campingkinteaw/hww2v
  6. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/mousetrap-i3067557725-s11243468489.html I use these, and they work really well, just buy 2-3 and put them down around the areas you see the rats. I just used a crust of bread as bait, and the rat was trapped within 1/2 day. 80bht each.
  7. Not pro-Trump, but .............. If the President of the USA can't view and share their countries secrets it just seems wrong. Surely it's all up to him? If I were president, my defense would be, "They're my secrets to do with what I will"
  8. Shocking ........ didn't look like that much of a fall. Hard to see what use insurance is anymore, if they'll refuse a claim like that.
  9. Yeah but that quote was 4x the normal price for a 5kW system. I paid 100kbht for mine, the batteries being 1/2 the total cost.
  10. I don't know, I don't live in Petchabun. But there's very little farmers burning around CM, and there's a lot of forest on fire every year.
  11. Do they mean crabs? Thought they were gone from Thailand due to 'deforestation'.
  12. Not true IMHO. My Thai woman is small, came from a rural family where all they had to eat was rice and what they could find in the fields. Her daughter, raised by me, is tall, same size as my western children, fridge full of meat and milk. If you look back to the middle ages, Europeans were small due to lack of nutrition. Plenty of tall Thai kids to be seen around these days.
  13. Go to Hanoi, Food walking tour Cultural walking tour Halong Bay cruise Ninh Binh, Tam Coc and Mua Cave Plenty of stuff to see and do, and not expensive.
  14. The smog comes from the burning forests on the mountains surrounding Chiang Mai. It's not from the farmers, diesel vehicles or foreign countries. The villagers are out burning vast areas of forest every year, and nobody stops them.
  15. I always ended up with having sex with an attractive woman! Obviously not free.
  16. My misses used to run a bar/restaurant scam in BK, she said almost every bar or restaurant would participate. She'd enter alone, sit at a table alone with a new bottle of whiskey from the bar. Along would come a Thai guy and ask through a waiter if he could buy her a drink. She'd reply, can he pay for my bottle .......... which would disappear back behind the bar. Then she'd eat and drink at his expense all evening, and the waiter would give her half the cost of the bottle which the bar would then sell again.
  17. I've got a thousand baht for a date, they can eat it in the evening, or take it home with them in the morning.
  18. Completely wrong. Children are treated free at all government hospitals, no need to be registered.
  19. 300-500bht at a clinic. Kids are free at ALL government hospitals, no need to be registered. I think it's up to age 15, but it might be only to age 12.
  20. BritManToo

    Moving to Korat

    Don't do it, or you'll be sorry!
  21. Ah yes, believe your government and it's agencies!
  22. Fingers, from riding a m/c a lot in UK winters. Before cannabis they were too swollen to wear a wedding ring, too weak to open twist top bottles and the pain kept me awake most of the night. Surprisingly the swelling and weakness went as well as the pain.
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