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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. An incel is a guy that wants sex (with a woman) but can't get it. I have no problem with white women, as long as they weigh less than 50kg, are under 35 years old and are happy to bang an old guy after a date costing me less than 1,500bht (cash/food/alcohol, their choice).
  2. If you think you're getting it free, then your minds already gone, and you're living a fantasy.
  3. No such place, if they can get a girl, then they aren't incels.
  4. I got my prescription from Vision Centre! 555 PS. Over 60 and your prescription doesn't change much.
  5. It's probably because you're speaking Central Thai which they understand. But they reply in Lao which you don't understand.
  6. Just before nightfall is not a good time for trekking in the jungle.
  7. My glasses ............. progressive ...... Vision Centre 8,000bht Zenni Optical $50 I now have new glasses from Zenni every year. Frames last forever, but the coating on the lens start to go after 18 months. But so cheap at Zenni it's not a problem.
  8. The Conservative government says, Lets forget about banking problems, EU trade problems, Inflation, Boat people and concentrate on something really important like punishing kids who do graffiti!
  9. If your inlaws were so great you wouldn't be worried about your 'investment' in Thailand. You're next, and you know it! Not that a house in her village has any resale value!
  10. Are you suggesting 'Thai youth' are too stupid to use LINE or other mail order stores?
  11. I don't spend extra money on drinking water either, tap water is fine in Chiang Mai. Electric and water around 250bht/each per month.
  12. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/tornadoes-and-climate-change/ "In fact, when you remove small tornadoes from the record, the data does not suggest any long-term increase in tornado frequency. If anything, there may be a slight decline in the number of very strong tornado events."
  13. It's the "I cannot tell a lie" fools promoting the burning of bridges. Your government lies to you all the time, not matching their morality weakens you as a person. I have ZERO problems with lying to liars. Oddly enough the same "I cannot tell a lie" fools, have no problems lying to other expats and hookers in bars about their SAS past.
  14. My 12yo Thai son doesn't have a Thai ID card yet, his school do them all at age 14-15.
  15. Never been asked for any iD at short-time resorts (some quite upmarket). They usually have a daily rate on display.
  16. Adult Thais are required to carry their Thai ID card at all times. Foreigners are required to carry Photo ID from a government source at all times (not having the Thai ID card). That's the rules. I never carry my passport as losing it would cause me much more trouble than a problematic Thai cop ever could. But I do have a Thai DL in my wallet. Been here 14 years, nobody on the street has ever asked to see my passport.
  17. Their body, their choice ......... apart from COVID vaccination, which is the government and big pharmas choice.
  18. I'm prepping for the approaching Zombie Apocalypse! Climate change will all be forgotten after you've all been eaten.
  19. No overwhelming majority of scientists. Just some paid globalist shills forwarding their controlling government agenda. But still, I must be ranked among the top alarmists activists as I've got solar power. An I on't use air-con, just fans. How about you Ozzy? what have you done for your cause? Turned your air-con off?, stopped driving a car? stopped using grid power? Moved house to be above the rising sea level? Your leaders buy beachfront property, drive hummers, fly around the world. You (and your leaders actions) hardly give us deniers much reason to believe.
  20. How are you so sure that climate change is undesirable, or even possible to change? My opinion is that climate change is just something that happens and we should learn to live with. Seems pointless to destroy our civilisation while control of India, China and Africa is out of our hands. But as you're a believer, do you mind telling us how you have changed your life to follow your beliefs? I'm 80% solar and I don't even care, so you'd think those that do care would be making some pretty extreme personal sacrifices ..........
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