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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Would point out immigrants are not expats. Give me Thai nationality and I'll learn the language better.
  2. More a reflection of the worthlessness of the multitude of Thai languages. Nobody in my family speaks central Thai in normal conversation. More useful to learn Spanish, Mandarin or Urdu if you want to know more languages. PS. I can speak, read and write central Thai for normal commercial transactions. Almost worthless IMHO.
  3. Odd that, because I learned Thai men are ready to pile in on any fight given a chance and enough of them. Especially if it's with a foreigner.
  4. off topic, Imagine living in Germany where they shut down all their coal/oil power stations and decided just to use gas from Russia. This winter will be exciting for the Germans. back on topic, At least Thailand hasn't destroyed their country over an imaginary 'climate change' crises.
  5. I use these ....... 150bht https://www.lazada.co.th/products/timer-220v-10a-i3646512976-s13701326918.html
  6. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i3309043879-s12261992241.html Although as @Crossy mentioned earlier, hard to tell if new or s/h. Same for the 'new' cells from China, new, s/h or factory rejects, hard to tell.
  7. Currently 6,000 pounds per year per household. Considering this months bill was 271bht (66 units), I prefer the prices in Thailand.
  8. Multi bar lights are a fashion fad aimed at n00bs. But if you must have one, plenty for sale locally on 'led grow lights thailand' fb page for under 25kbht.
  9. Plus $143 shipping. Seems a lot of money to pay up front in the hopes you can grow anything.
  10. Do you also think it's dangerous to connect a nuke power station and a coal fired power station to the same grid?
  11. The urge to 'believe women' is strong in Australia!
  12. As long as both packs had their own BMS, and you connected them when both reading the same voltage, I can't see a problem.
  13. Kingbrite are good, but those appear to be 2x the normal price for quality leds. Not sure why you aren't buying the more normal locally available quantum boards with meanwell drivers at 5kbht for 240w. As you appear to be going for a commercial grow, buying a fashion light doesn't make much sense to me.
  14. My 16x 200ah CalB store about 5kWhr (usable storage) and cost about 30kbht (complete) ....... not worthwhile IMHO. I had to buy 18 to get 16 that actually worked OK. If I had my time over I'd buy new, probably this one ........ https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i2393934477-s8157207174.html I'll sell you my CalB (inc BMS) for 25kbht if you want to try. I also built another 48V battery using the green Sinopoly 100ah batteries. That is even worse, only about 2kWhr (usable), and I needed to buy 20 to get 16 that worked. I'd sell this for 12k (inc BMS). Essentially I'd sell either of my s/h batteries for less than I paid, or you could buy. I have no reason to think the batteries I purchased are any worse (or better) than you could buy from Lazada/Shopee. Wish I'd bought new!
  15. Running costs on a sailing boat would be ZERO.
  16. I'm calling BS on this. Almost all indoor growers top their plants, which produces smaller buds but a bigger end crop.
  17. It's the root canal that takes 4 visits. Cracked tooth always has a root canal before a crown. I still have the temporary crown from 10 years back, didn't bother going back for the crown. A few small chunks have fallen off the sides, but I suspect the temporary crown will last longer than me.
  18. It shouldn't have hurt after the root canal.
  19. My latest slice of R9 (gold) brick (100gm 450bht) is consistent all the way through. No dirt or seeds, not any more stem than my home grow. As for bud size ........ does it really matter? I've found the bigger the bud, the more stem you need to remove. All I care about is THC content, and quite frankly I can't tell THC content by appearance, smelliness, stickiness, seed content or bud size, I have to smoke it to judge it.
  20. I would say it's because their computer system doesn't work. Just the same as their fingerprint scanners don't work, their metal detectors, submarines and aircraft carriers don't work.
  21. As far as I know Russian/German isn't taught in Thai schools from age 7 to age 18. After 11 years of learning English at school you'd think she would be pretty good at it.
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