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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I love the jacuzzis in short time resort rooms.
  2. If you have the passport in your hand there's nothing she can do. Do your 90 day report online.
  3. If they want more than 200bht they'd have to shoot me and take the money from my cold dead wallet.
  4. Would point out morning after pills are available in every pharmacy (40bht). Loads of 'worship and honour all women' nutters wanting men to pay for her choices. I'd walk away and never contact her or the kid again, only way to deal with blackmail IMHO.
  5. I would say it's nothing to do with Mr. Baldwin, but a case for the prop manager and the movie insurance company.
  6. Nah, they want the medical each time these days.
  7. Did you forget vegans?
  8. Age 67 now, nothing left I want. Except another drink, another joint, another pizza and another turn with a hooker 1/2 my age. Enjoy the rest of your non-drinking life, it may not be long, but it'll sure seem like it!
  9. Immediately stop paying her any money. No school fees, no 7500bht. She'll soon change her mind. If you were never married you are under no legal obligation to pay anything.
  10. They do an important job of stopping maniacs driving through your home.
  11. I think I'm 100% smarter than you!
  12. Almost everyone has had a marriage failure, it's normal. Being disappointed with that failure is also normal. Thinking a woman 10 or more years younger wants you for yourself is the thing that's abnormal.
  13. I can't remember ever heating any of my homes in the UK to comfortably warm in winter. Wasted money IMHO.
  14. Pension goes to your current bank account in the UK (using existing UK address). Use your UK bank phone app to transfer money to 'WISE' in the UK. Use your 'WISE' bank phone app to transfer money to your Thai bank.
  15. Don't tell anyone where you are going or what you are doing. Leave your home address at it is now. Nobody ever checks you still live there.
  16. Sounds perfect to me!
  17. No dirt in the block I purchased.
  18. Who hasn't/isn't? Thank god he didn't have a reputation for hiring prostitutes! I thought he came across as a normal, decent guy in his video.
  19. A normal part of any divorce is a restraining order to stop the guy seeing his kids and get him out of the house immediately.
  20. Agreed, laws are designed to provide the police with opportunities to extort. And their easiest victims are short term foreign tourists.
  21. Police helmet cameras were erased ............. who would have guessed?
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