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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I've found it the best way ........... Agree to anything she wants, but never get around to actually fulfilling her demands.
  2. Condo is owned by an individual. Apartment is owned by a company.
  3. Agree, 1gm is the correct size for a joint, these cones are exactly 1gm each.
  4. Two rules in life....... For being a man. 1. Don't care about anyone else's feelings. 2. Never show, share or discuss your own feelings.
  5. 1000w LEDs seems unlikely, beware of scammers selling lights that won't grow anything.
  6. Cheap is less than 10bht/gm. Expensive would be more than 150bht/gm. In Thailand an indoor grow using imported hybrid seeds could not exceed 25bht/gm in grow costs. Anything on top of that would be profit/greed.
  7. And the answer is ................. "Loyalty, honor, gratitude, and duty are male Christian values that we men project on women, but which very few, to no, women actually possess. We aren’t born with these values; they are drummed into us from the cradle on by society/culture, our families, and most definitely by the women in our lives (sorry, but that includes you too, Mom). Women get different indoctrination, so they have different values; mostly, for a woman, whatever is good for her and her (biological) children is what is best, full stop. So, do not expect that the woman in your life will be grateful, and sacrifice for you, when you can no longer provide for her and hers. And make no mistake, you have never been, and never will be, part of what is hers. What are hers will be first herself, then her (biological) children, then her parents, then her siblings, and then the rest of her blood relatives. The biological imperative has always been to extend her blood line. It stops there, and it always will."
  8. Shame they didn't have a level. Inverter looks sloping to me.
  9. 555, my package arrived yesterday, didn't like the look of the bag and told Kerry to take it back.
  10. Amber Heard (Aquaman), but she'd have to promise not to poop in my bed. Obviously, no problem if we were in her bed. Before that it would have been Kate Bekinsale when she was 20 years old, she looked amazing naked in Haunted.
  11. The mortgage on my 2Mbht 3 bed house in Thailand is 220pounds/month. Doubt I could rent a 3 bed house in Brighton for under 2,000pounds/month.
  12. Why would anyone let DWP see their passport? When anyone in the uk asks to see my passport, I say I don't have one. If they managed to discover I did have one, I'd then say it was stolen.
  13. Maybe if you were just starting as a child. But as a retired old person, I don't think what you eat will make much difference.
  14. I would choose Boris over Teresa, and Trump over Hillary. I only voted in elections 3x in my life ......... 1. Maggie's Conservative party (win) 2. Arthur's Socialist Labour party (lose) 3. Myself (win).
  15. UK pension is 9,300 pounds, tax allowance is 12,500 pounds. Some may consider a private pension of 3,000 pounds/year a 'whopper' ...........
  16. All 4mm single insulated from my local builders shop @ 10bht/m.
  17. Ice cubes don't fit in beer bottles, so I have to pour it into a glass.
  18. Didn't Prayut pay a fine for not wearing a mask? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/04/26/thailand-prime-minister-coronavirus-mask-fine/ So both PMs are COVID criminals!
  19. Comes with a case, screwdriver and 2 bags of test powder. I always set mine in a glass of milk, in the milk and screw until reading Ph6.6.
  20. 120bht, screw adjuster, works perfectly. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ph-led-ph-i1659122611-s4622618788.html Currently growing in 50/50 bag soil/Peat moss mix. Apart from the plants stretching this year (not sure why), everything seems to be growing well. A few seeds from the UK, more seeds from Facebook at 200bht/100. Too many have germinated, I have about 50 seedlings growing at the moment.
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