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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Diabetes, get a test.
  2. I think it's quite reasonable to not to expose children to sex in school. Obviously the woke teachers were still pushing their deviant views on sexuality through books, so steps had to be taken. Dismiss the teachers is the only real way forward out of this mess. The four intellectual pillars of wokeism are: 1. Anti-white racism disguised under the euphemism social justice. 2. Rejection of traditional morality, which is primarily carried out by the promotion of sexually deviant lifestyles such as homosexuality and transgender. In a truly surreal inversion of reality, they paint traditional morality as immoral by charging it with being homophobic, transphobic, and similar terms. 3. Environmentalism based on the notion that it is desirable and possible to arrest climate change. 4. Intense hostility toward Christian religion, which they negatively paint as patriarchal, intolerant, and oppressive. This woke nonsense needs to be stopped.
  3. Been there often, great for beer, bars and women. Too expensive to visit the ruins, so never went. Most overpriced tourist attraction in the world.
  4. I don't see trichromes on any dried buds. The glitter goes when it dries.
  5. You forgot petrol stations, always get out and watch as they start and end the fill. Else the pump will be at 200bht before it starts pumping. Never pay a 100bht bill with a 1000bht note or they will claim you only gave a 500bht note.
  6. If you're over 40 a sexless relationship is all you will get in the west. And you will still be expected to pay for everything. As for bar girls, I think they're amazing, and generally good value for money.
  7. Happiest ending any man could have IMHO. Fall in love, build up the pressure for 2 years, consummate your love for a week, then die before you fall out.
  8. I have a ceremic filter, and a klong just outside my back garden.
  9. Looks nice, but life would be better if there were a couple of hotties in small bikinis around.
  10. Looks OK to me ......... https://www.facebook.com/Charlene517/videos/3306729432899812
  11. Depends entirely where you live and drive. If you live in CM and drive around the moat in the mornings you'll be stopped every week. If you live in MaeJo/Sansai no police stops ever, so no need to tax, insure or wear a helmet.
  12. Fairly normal for a female Canadian.
  13. Me too, which is why I paid an extra 50kbht for batteries. Need another 40kbht of batteries for full freedom. Come the Zombie apocalypse I'll be OK!
  14. I thought it was 110 ..... everyone is 10% more stupid than I thought. And I was having a senior moment.
  15. I suspect the legs weigh a lot more more than the wings. So if you got 10 legs for 500gm, and 20 wings for 500gm, that would explain the difference.
  16. Me too ...... my misses signed up for True (without my permission), after a couple of months she stopped paying. Every year they sent a letter from a solicitor asking for money, I just chucked them in the bin. 4 years later they made her a new offer, 399bht/month 1000/200 + router + Tv box + free call internet sim. Same house, same name, seems they forgot about the money she didn't pay. I'm still sticking with 3BB.
  17. 25% higher .................
  18. Nah, they thought the white candidate was the way to go. No other consideration entered their minds for a second.
  19. All the fried chicken shops around me charge 15bht for wings, leg is 20bht. They don't seem to sell breasts. Back on topic, When I was living in the UK (2009) all the pensioners (mostly widows living alone in big houses) had to choose between heating or eating every winter. Would have thought the obvious answer would to have been renting out their spare rooms. Never saw any professionals short of food.
  20. I put it own to the low average IQ of Thais, 11% less than average western folk, 30% less than me.
  21. Travelling from CM airport to China (I was the only non-Chinese on the flight), the Air hostess said "rows 1-10 please" and they all charged the gate, I stood aside, the 4 air hostess at the gate just ran away and let them fight it out. It was actually very funny if you weren't standing in front of them.
  22. Stop and stand your ground usually works. They won't walk into you.
  23. Lipoma ...... Fairly common, usually near the shoulder/neck area, not harmful. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lipoma/symptoms-causes/syc-20374470#:~:text=A lipoma is a fatty,readily with slight finger pressure.
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