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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Can't see it that way, Shopping malls are an Americana experience, the rest of the world aren't that bothered by them. Promanada was a total waste of space, too far out of town with no real access, and mostly empty of shops and people.
  2. There is no yearly form. A far as I know they never write to you in the UK,for any reason, after the letter with your 'invite' code.
  3. These are better value, I already have some. 345W @3,400bht delivered. Why pay more? https://www.lazada.co.th/products/bluetech-poly-345w-dsm72-345-345-polycrystalline-solar-panel-345w-5bb-30-i1904040329-s5997000562.html
  4. If they filmed me, I'd buy a copy to show my pals in the boozer back in the UK.
  5. Generally I found such people a little stupid, but obsessed with making money.
  6. Baked potato with nam prik ong is good. About the only Thai food I eat.
  7. My thoughts are, There should be no sexual partitioning in any sports. Sure, divide them into weight categories, but that's it.
  8. In 2019 TaT was counting 110,000 incoming tourists daily. So that's 92% less coming now. Anyone running a business that reduced it's customer numbers by 92% in two years would be sacked for gross misconduct.
  9. One of you leaves ........... give her the choice which one, but mean it.
  10. I would change that to 'in some countries they are more obvious'.
  11. I thought the story was they weren't a couple. She was attacked while walking alone on the beach, he was passing nearby, heard her screams and ran to help.
  12. I'd not get married or co-habit in the west. Save my money and have holidays in Asia every 6 months (temples and beaches). And be a GBP millionaire when I retired (age 45) from all the money I had saved.
  13. Longest gap I had between one leaving, and a new one moving in was a week.
  14. I've never had a bad experience with a Thai woman. They were all great, even the ugly ones I woke up with after a night out with a few too many beers.
  15. I just get government minimum insurance, and there's no requirement to service anything. I think my last tax/insurance/test on my 20 year old pickup was a total 5,000bht. On the m/c it was more like 500bht.
  16. I ignore them and they ignore me ........ that's perfect.
  17. Yes, I've also encountered a couple of (fairly odd) white guys that couldn't even attract Thai gold diggers. Non beer/whisky drinking 'intense' vegetarians seem to top that list.
  18. Not impressed ........ Login to view prices ........... Press login ....... this page is not available.
  19. Just had 3x HP sauce bottles delivered next day from FV. Heinz baked beans are 59bht/tin.
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