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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. You don't understand, NATO needs a clear and present danger in order to secure money from it's members. Without the obvious enemy, Russia, it would lose all it's funding.
  2. "Dear sir, Please give my husband John, a VISA so he can stay with me" Signed 'Lek' ID number 123456789 Thai phone number 083 xxx xxxx Thai or English is OK.
  3. Opened as restaurants with fully clad dancers waitresses. Why would you pay inflated prices for that? Same action as outside any 7-11, but the large beers half the price (55bht).
  4. One of the first things I learned to do ....... read Thai, very useful. Speaking and understanding ........ not so useful.
  5. Really good prices on tinned tuna, sausages, bacon, cheese, orange juice, M&Ms ........ Fruit and veg, much cheaper in my local market. Apart from apples, can't beat Chinese pinks in Makro!
  6. 50% of marriages end in divorce, every woman promises a fair split at the end, almost all change their minds. Only a fool doesn't consider the failure rates and the consequences. You are 100% right to plan for YOUR future and YOUR assets. There are only 2 ways to do that anywhere in the world. 1. Get a 90% mortgage in her name. 2. rent. Ursufruct/Lease/land and house split, just means they need to kill you to keep it all, which many Thais are happy to do, given a reasonable chance of getting away with it.
  7. I doubt the JD official store on Lazada (my link) is selling fakes.
  8. 6kWhr of storage costs around 30,000bht. If you have grid available use it for the big power items. Keep the batteries for lights/fridge/freezer/entertainment. My battery (6kWhr) just about lasts from 3pm to 7am, with about a 50% chance of being able cook the morning rice. Huawei Luna 5000........ 5kWhr for 150,000bht ......... they must be joking! https://www.lazada.co.th/products/huawei-luna-2000-5-5kwh-lithium-solar-battery-storage-i2724326701-s9868009968.html?&search=pdp_v2v Here's 12kWhr for 50,000bht ......... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/nmc-catl-48v-232ah-12kw-smart-bms-active-jikong-150a-i2937766522-s10775080147.html?&search=pdp_v2v
  9. How many Brit MPs were jailed for 'expenses' fraud a few years back (5)? List your home as an office, hire your wife/gf as your secretary, etc. Invade a country for 'weapons of mass destruction' when it doesn't have any and murder thousands of women and children. ZERO prosecutions. I paid 40 years of NI contributions for my Brit state pension. Where I live while I claim it is NONE of their business.
  10. 740bht delivered for 120w version https://www.lazada.co.th/products/jd-solar-lights-120w-218-smd-3-solar-cell-jd-8120-i672070739-s1306076946.html?search=pdp_v2v
  11. Cut the wire, push through a small hole, solder and tape the wire back together. If the cavity causes a problem, push a straightened wire coat hanger through, tape the cut wire to the end, pull it back through the hole.
  12. I've had 3BB for 10 years, whenever I move (3x), just a trip to their office, sign a 'move' form and they wire up the new place. I guess there may be a problem if you've only been with them 3 months, but for me excellent service. I wouldn't move somewhere they didn't cover, easy to check first at their office.
  13. 1 panel produces 1unit/day and cost 3450bht. At 4bht/unit that will take 862 days (2 years 4 months).
  14. My electricity bill was 600-800bht. Now I've installed 3 more solar panels I'm expecting it to drop to around 300bht/month.
  15. I've not noticed any Thai people having friends as we know it. They have their family, and people they want something from, whom will be quickly discarded.
  16. Almost done ...... 9 panels about 3000w of solar, currently producing 1740w at 11:30am on a sunny day. 3 panels bolted down, 2 panels with holes ready to bolt down, 4 just laying on the rails. All wired up and producing. Too tired to continue ......... hoping for no high winds in the next couple of days.
  17. Complete anti-white racist .......... Calls us white folk 'animals' in the song 'Made in Thailand'. I stopped listening to their music after I heard that song.
  18. Nope, it's the county that's responsible for the damages ......... They employed her, they should have sacked her for refusing to do her job (gross misconduct) and employed someone who would marry the couples straight away.
  19. You're forgetting Thailand makes no money from the pre-flight test, which is why they scrapped it. Thailand makes plenty from the 5th day test, and possible COVID prison hospital. It's all about making money, and nothing to do with health.
  20. If I were the sort of person to do 'good deeds', giving all my money to a lazy Thai gold digger probably wouldn't be my first choice. Although the occasional 1,000bht donation to a female Thai university student's educational expenses isn't totally out of the question.
  21. Odd how everything that gives them more money quickly becomes 'Thai culture'. If she wants 'modern', I'd buy the ring and forget the sinsot.
  22. March in Chiang Mai ......... we've had 2 days that were a bit hot so far this month. Currently (12:05pm) sitting happily in my living room with the doors and windows open, don't even need a fan.
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