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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Most of the world live on the cheapest food available and live in 'mud huts'. White man privilege doesn't extend to the rest of the world.
  2. I can't say, haven't been in a bar since Siem Reap the day before the borders closed (March 2020). All my pals died or left Thailand before then. But prior to that I had some good nights out in LK, don't mind buying a lady drink for a woman under 35 years old and weighing under 50Kg. Usually any problems (for me) in LK bars are caused by white male tourists, not hookers or LBs.
  3. I have unlimited amounts of quality weed, so that isn't a consideration. If I want a stronger effect, I can just smoke more. I don't have money to waste on another vape.
  4. And as an old guy, I've sat with young women laughing about the younger foreigners they had in tow. Generally they disrespect all men, we're all marks/customers/suckers to them. Thinking your one is different ............. or you're different ............
  5. Please post photo of girl so we can judge her worth!
  6. I hate him too, and that's just from watching this one extremely dull video.
  7. I've found exactly the opposite ...... no effect when I vape it. So I just smoke it American style (no tobacco), I used to smoke it Euro style (50/50 tobacco/MJ).
  8. It's legal to buy, why would anyone care about their 'personal data' being available?
  9. 0.5gm of high THC smoked before bed puts me completely out for 6-8hrs. I use it primarily to stop arthritis pains in my knuckles the next day. Helping me sleep is a welcome side effect. Brick works just as well but you need to smoke a bit more 1-2gm.
  10. I have been guilty of overpaying women before, I don't do it now.
  11. Bad luck, I also transferred at 8:15am this morning, and it was in my BKB account by 14:10 this aft. Best not to run yourself out of money at the end of the month.
  12. It's rare you see any white guy that isn't working class in Thailand. All the guys I met here were, house painters, plumbers, fruit pickers, drywallers, postmen and the like. As for the young, 'hansum', male tourists, very rare for them to rock up with anything but fat fours as partners, the Oz lads had some real shockers trailing along. Sucks to be them.
  13. Because at the moment there's no restrictions of any kind, and there won't be before September/October (if then). Obviously current smoking laws still apply which is fines for anyone smoking in public. So buy your cannabis, but don't smoke it anywhere you can be seen. Easy enough to understand and follow.
  14. I'm guessing the new rules will be no sales to under 20s and preggers women.
  15. No, if you recalled correctly I said I have never been tested (too risky for a foreigner IMHO). My family tested themselves with the kits, and were positive.
  16. Just logged into my BKB account, no problems. Also used it all day yesterday no problems. Same for TTB.
  17. 250-500bht (size dependent) for a rooted female 'big name' clone in Chiang Mai (Market stalls) . Maejo University was selling female unbranded Thai variety rooted clones for 30bht each last month by the side of the road.
  18. If I take into account all my equipment and operating costs ......... This cost me 25bht/gm to grow and I still have all the equipment left for next season. Although it might not be the best, I was more than happy with the result.
  19. Can something that is impossible be made harder?
  20. Then get killed by a policeman on a m/c ...............
  21. All of my family have had COVID, none of them have developed 'serious symptoms' then or after. The symptoms they had at the time were no worse than regular flu.
  22. Can't say I can tell the difference. Obviously the 'quality grows' have higher THC levels than Laos brick, but it's all about price in the end. 1gm of quality Vs 50gm of brick for the same price and I'll take the brick every time.
  23. I don't think anyone knows how to address climate change. Shutting down all the power stations in the world won't help anyone. The EPA were formed to stop big companies polluting the air, water and countryside with toxic substances, not to try and control a harmless gas, CO2, even if it were possible. IMHO the Supreme Court were right to restrict the actions of an 'out of control' Federal bureau that has twisted and perverted it's original mandate in an attempt to follow liberal political policies.
  24. The Vault want 25 pounds delivery. Attitude charge 10 pounds. Seed prices from both are the same ....... so I use Attitude.
  25. I prefer to pay cash, rather than pretend I want to 'befriend' a woman.
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