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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Really great sausages are just under 20bht each. Under 200bht for a breakfast should be easily achievable.
  2. No different to COVID, and that's lasted 2 years.
  3. I'll be staying indoors as usual to avoid idiots chucking water over me.
  4. What country was this? There was certainly never any requirement to reveal you had HIV to any person or authority in the UK or EU (which is most of the western world).
  5. My government has never been honest with me (or any other Brit citizen), why should I be honest with them? Only a fool plays by rules made up by lying, thieving, two faced cheats and mass murdering war criminals As for honesty, that went out the window (with the rest of my Abrahamic imposed morals) once I started using my Western financial superiority to leverage a much younger 3rd wold female into my bed. I'm a lowlife, same as all the other white guys in Thailand. Dishonesty is the least important part of my personal moral turpitude.
  6. That's not really a problem now I've replaced 2 cells. The pv output is around the same as @Eff1n2ret, couple of days hit 2.5 then the smog moved in and down to 1.75kW
  7. The good news this month, now I've been mainly off grid for the past 3 weeks ....... 1 week with 7 panels, no battery (wasting the excess) 2 weeks with 7 panels + batteries (couldn't fully charge the batteries) 1 week with 9 panels + batteries (full charge + a little waste) My total PEA electricity bill ...... 95units ....... 372Bht (down from 1500bht before solar in the same month 2 years back). (the 3 months before going mainly off grid, I was using 170-180 units/month)
  8. Plenty of free ruined temples to walk around, if you like that sort of thing.
  9. 'Cos they are different ............ 4x BlueTech 345w, 3x XinJing 330w, 2x SunPoly 330w Impossible to buy matching Solar panels unless you buy them all in 1 order.
  10. This guy is doing the best deal at the moment, 4x 100AH LifePo4 batteries for 3,100bht + 200bht post. https://www.facebook.com/groups/595023491452031/user/100001625929592/ or Lazada https://www.lazada.co.th/products/battery-lithium-life-pro4-100a-32v-sinopoly-diy-i1945022429-s6165348967.html I wouldn't buy the S/H CALB 200AH batteries again, only getting 6kWhr out of 16s in a 48V pack (25000bht) ....... just not good enough.
  11. Was living there in 2016, didn't notice any crowds, just a normal city high street. Brit high streets are empty these days, everyone shops online.
  12. Second season of 'Bridgerton' is out. "Woke warning" Brit Queen Charlotte is non-white (don't think German royals were mixed race at that time), her closest Lady is black, half the ladies presented at court are black, Asian, Indian ....... gotta laugh at multi-cultural Regency England. I'm quite enjoying the period drama, even if the casting is ridiculous.
  13. My misses came home with a Kratom tree last week. Something new to try she says.
  14. I went to Siem Reap loads of times, never entered Angkor Wat, $30 to visit a temple in a 3rd world country? they gotta be kidding! Had plenty of 50c beers and $1 cocktails though.
  15. Mine too, but I sent her to weekend school, it's free. She graduated high school then went to university, but dropped out after her second year. Back to the OP, Why even worry about what's happening the other side of the world? You can't do anything about it, even if you wanted, so you end up worrying over nothing, which IMHO is pointless.
  16. The employer also pays 13.8% (unlimited) towards NI contributions. Employers usually aren't charitable, so effectively that payment comes out of the employees 'potential' wage.
  17. Telephone system that lets you have a phone number in different countries/towns using a computer or smart phone. For $90/year I can appear to have a landline phone number in London.
  18. BBC you can use 'free vpn' which is an addon for Chrome. Doesn't work for ITV. The free version off Browsec chrome addon works for BBC and ITV
  19. What documentation would this be? All my Tax/NI/State pension is done online through my gateway account, anything that can't handle is done by phone via my Skype London phone number around $90/year). Nothing is done by post. (I did need to phone a couple of places to buy some extra years NI, and a free VPN to make my state pension claim online) Banking/private pension, all done by phone using my Skype London phone number, I don't require a UK debit card. UK banking mainly handled by bank and Wise phone apps. If they really must they can email me, or phone me on my Skype London phone number. Paper and post are things of the past.
  20. I've always avoided eastern Europeans (including Germans) anyway.
  21. State pension is specifically excluded from 'benefit fraud' by law. Wrong to even think it's a benefit. Benefits are given free to the poor and needy, benefits are means tested. State pension is purchased with 20% of your wages, if you paid you're entitled.
  22. Why would anyone that's returned to their home country, bother with divorce? Better not to get divorced IMHO, without her husbands signature/approval, she can't enter France.
  23. 'not my country, not my business'. I think the Thais are very sensible about world affairs.
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