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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Complete nonsense, longest day in Thailand is 13hrs. If what you suggested is true every outside cannabis plant would immediately flower after germination.
  2. I've always found the best way to cut costs is to cook your own food. Generally street food is 3x the cost of DIY. Today yellow chicken and potato curry, around 100bht for the ingredients, good for 7-10 servings.
  3. Oh well, its good enough for me! (for the price). As a pensioner I need to get value for money.
  4. Never been as it was always cheaper to fly from Chiang Mai to Vietnam/China/Cambodia than Phuket.
  5. But normally they fall in love with a woman in her 20s to early 30s. Why would anyone choose to start a relationships with a 48 year old prostitute? Even I wasn't that stupid when I arrived here!
  6. Would point out her daughter would not graduate university until age 22. To make manager she'd need to be at least 25 years old. So I'd say the DoB on her ID card was probably correct, born 1974 and her current age is 48. Thai hookers generally have a different FB account for each long term customer they run.
  7. 3 wine coolers with sausage and chips improved my lunchtime.
  8. They all used to have black tape crosses on their nipples. Not exactly nudity, but close. And the closing act in the shower cubicle alway looked naked to me. It was all in the best possible taste.
  9. It's mandatory for a teacher to reveal their sexuality to their pupils in the UK? That sounds unlikely to me. More likely is you have reading comprehension issues.
  10. I've never encountered one teacher who mentioned their sexuality or partner in a school (to the kids). In the UK it would have been considered gross misconduct, and probably grounds for dismissal. Teachers should keep their private life completely out of the school.
  11. In the UK my indoor grow problems were always heating the room. In Thailand my indoor problems are more to do with excess humidity, mould and insects (thrips and spider mites). So no, not much the same at all Today's problem, went to pot up a germinated seed (Banana Bomb) Ants had moved into my bag of Greenterra peat moss, never encountered that in the UK. Solved it by putting the peat in the microwave, 800W for 2 mins. killed the little blighters.
  12. Can someone explain the difference between a 'luxury condo' and a 'bedsit'?
  13. You're not my enemy, but..... The nutrients you use are not available to us. The climate in which you grow is not the same as Thailand. The pests and cures you encounter are not the same as those we encounter or the pesticides we have access. So you're not much use to us either.
  14. I'm not sure why you say miserable. To me miserable would be living in a cold damp UK bedsit surrounded by Syrian refugees. Here my pension buys me a nice house, younger woman in my bed, plenty of beer and MJ. I'm not entirely sure what some posters expect from life in their twilight years. Time for a mug of typhoo tea and a bacon sarnie...... Can life get any better?
  15. How many grows have you done in Thailand? From which country do you ship your nutrients? Your advice on plastic sheeting was nonsense. In Thailand you often get very strong winds before the rain, plastic sheeting would be ripped off, but you don't seem to know that.
  16. That seems unlikely, houses would have been bursting into flames. Did they mean 240-300V?
  17. He's from NZ, probably part Maori, many of my NZ family look like that (guys and gals), complete with face tattoos.
  18. If I don't like the girls I see, or the place is empty, or too many thuggish white guys........ Why would I stop and drink there?
  19. I wouldn't dare buy any meat from a 'fresh market'. There's a guy near me that works the markets, no refrigeration for the meat he has remaining overnight, Just plastic bins with a bit of ice, all sold on the market next day. House stinks of rotting meat.
  20. Chicken breasts in Tesco were always 35bht/400gm.
  21. All recreational drugs should be made legal, and therefore cheap. Let those who want to harm themselves do so, but remove their need to commit crimes against the rest of us. Without drug profits, criminal gangs will have less impact on society. Without drug laws, crime and prison numbers will be reduced.
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