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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I've never found that. My Brit wife wanted 660,000 pounds 'after the event'. The girls here are more attractive and less expensive.
  2. In the USA many firms have changed from the tradition wee test to a test that only detects usage in the last 24hrs. They had to change because with the 6 week test they couldn't keep enough employees to keep their company operational. Just imagine if they started using a breathalyser that detected alcohol consumption in the past 2 months!
  3. If you live in the tropics, expect to take antibiotics 3-4x a year or risk a nasty death.
  4. If he got sacked for failing a cannabis test, it was because he was smoking it, then lied to avoid the consequences of his actions.
  5. I think, Your irrational and baseless fear of antibiotics is more of a risk to your health than anything else.
  6. Sounds like BS to me. Cannabis has to be cooked to work in edibles, you can't just sprinkle it on a curry. How many times has a male friend cooked me a meal, zero times, its always takeaways.
  7. It's not as if divorcing wives have ever been known to tell lies in court to get a bigger settlement.
  8. ........ for weeks. 1. It's not as if they are trying to keep his money. 2. It's not as if he is going to lose any interest on the money.
  9. At 700bht a gram you're worried 'they' will slip some in your 30bht Grapow Moo?
  10. Pop singers having sex with teenage girls ...... what has the world come to?
  11. I'd say the stupid one was the one without a degree. Works every time on this forum.
  12. Mars Hydro 4ft x 2ft ........... from Lazada around 2,500bht.
  13. Why not? A tourist spending money, is a tourist spending money. They all pay for transport, food and accommodation. Their entertainment, be it trips, beer, hookers or weed ..... what's the difference?
  14. I bought a few Thai seeds on Shopee, just to play with. Wiang Ping, OG Kush, Red Cocoa. Don't know if they're feminised ..... Red Cocoa didn't germinate. Might put the two that germinated outside (or their clones). But the Attitude seeds are reliable, so they'll be the main crop. As for outside, I did try a few last year, but they were eaten by slugs, thrips and leaf miners. The tropics have much higher concentrations of pests than temperate zones like California. I guess outside on a high balcony would be easier than at ground level in a garden. MaeJo University near me grow thousands outside without many problems. University open day last year ............
  15. Attitude seedbank. Plenty of free seeds with your order. They all germinate.
  16. It wasn't a great as you imagine. Lots of boredom, limited access to TV, movies, books, music, sex, money. It's way more fun now in Thailand as a pensioner than it was in 60s Britain as a teen.
  17. I wasn't any of those guys. Isn't the definition of 'bigot' treating all members of a group/race as acting the same way or sharing some kind of group responsibulity?
  18. There are no current laws on registration or number of plants. The 'voluntary' app suggests permission to grow 2 plants ..... but it's not the law. PS. The photo is of a large flowering MJ plant grown in a single season, it ain't 'mother', mother is only for plants in Veg.
  19. As far as I know there is no current limit on the number of plants you can legally grow. They are talking about a limit of 10 plants per household, but that's only talk, no laws yet. But there's an easy way around that!
  20. Quality seed, 5 pounds, most pro growers clone hundreds of plants from just one seed. Choose the most expensive seed you can find, it doesn't add to a pro growers cost. MaeJo University sold 4,000 female clone seedlings for 30bht each last week, and they made a profit. Electricity, I've got solar power, my tent has been on 16hrs/day since the weekend, hasn't cost me a dime so far. Even without solar power, 4 units of electricity/day for 6 months (3,000bht) will grow you 20oz (560gm). Total grow costs So the electricity costs of a premium indoor hydro grow is approx 5bht/gm. Add the seed cost at 210bht/560gm = 0.5bht/gm Add nutrient cost 0.5bht/gm Total grow costs 6bht/gm plus profit and labour. I'm still of the opinion 150bht/gm is a reasonable price, anything more will be profiteering after September. Obviously the current sellers were growing illegally, so they deserve a little more at the moment for the risk they took. Surprised there is so much available at the moment, but another 3 months and the crops will all be totally legit with no excuse for the silly prices.
  21. How many seeds have you received from them delivered to you in Thailand?
  22. You forgot us 'boomers' who appear to be blamed for every wrong in the world. All I did was get born in the 50s to get that insult.
  23. I think all of us white guys in Thailand have experienced racial abuse, some even violence. Once in Hua Hin a couple of Thai guys jumped off their m/c to give me and my pal a beating. But then they noticed (when we didn't run away) that we were a lot bigger and tougher than they were and ran off. I get called 'Farang' on this forum all the time, and nobody seems to want to stop it.
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