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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I don't think Russia has the power to 'end civilisation as we know it'. More likely Eastern Europe will just return to the squabbling mess it always was, and the rest of the world will continue as new normal (masked and restricted).
  2. I'd either do a 'twist' connection or use a busbar (cut to size) ........ depending on accessibility to existing wires. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1623204777-s4460638141.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2782755804-s10125819774.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ylt-terminal-i2381371761-s8082394375.html
  3. Mainland vintage cheddar ..... 265bht for 500gm in Makro. And those crab sticks always go down well.
  4. Yeah, but you're like 80 ......... once a month probably isn't that much of a chore!
  5. They normally claim frequent beatings as well ...... I always assume what they say about the last guy, will eventually be said about me.
  6. That's great ........ Now if only I could get back into Thailand without all the 'Thai pass' money extraction scams/nonsense.
  7. Yes, it would be great if you could apply for her citizenship without having to actually live there during the process.
  8. You should know better by now not to even try. Just nod your head and say 'good idea' every now and again. ...... and let him buy all the beers.
  9. I've always thought it was more to avoid a positive alcohol/drugs test.
  10. If you don't take them to the UK, they can't get access to the UK court system so no worries. I'm led to believe Australia is different though. If you're worried, probably best to just not get married, or only have a village wedding. Don't tell them what you have or where it is, they're unlikely to find it. As for your Thai home, I just paid for the 10% deposit and monthly repayments, most of it still belongs to the bank, and they're happy for me to live in it as long as I make the monthly repayments. It's another 18 years before I have to worry about that being taken from me (and I doubt I'll be around to see it).
  11. I've always suspected Russia had much less in the way of Nuclear capability than our beloved leaders would wish us to believe. You need to scare your population into compliance. Anyways, my life is pretty much over, it's been great, but I'm not all that worried about missing out on the 'Zimmer frame' period of my life.
  12. On the other hand with a Brit husband and a joint income of 18K pounds/year a Thai wife is a Brit citizen in 5 years. And only needs to apply 2x in the 5 years. My pension would cover that ...... but who in their right mind would want to retire to the UK? But you're trying to sidetrack the issue ................ I can't retire to the US or Oz either (not that I would want to). I can retire to Mauritius/Cambodia/Philippines and much easier than Thailand.
  13. Not even slightly true. In Cambodia you only need $300, no requirement to ever visit immigration. In the Philippines same, but they want $50 every 2 months, no requirement to visit immigration. In Mauritius, you just need $1,500 a month brought into the country, no checks until the end of the first year. Thailand want $25,000 in a Thai bank (2 months up front), and an all day visit to immigration every year (along with 90 day reports).
  14. I claimed my Brit pension in September (received an invite letter) online, no paperwork required. It was paid exactly on time in January, on the day it was supposed to be paid. (partial payment as only 3 weeks between birthday and payment day, full payment this month) I was quite surprised as 'late pensions' have recently been a bit of a thing in the tabloid press.
  15. Finished now. Was all easier than expected, apart from drilling the holes for the solar panels. Producing just under 1500W at midday today from 7x 330W solar panels. One item still to arrive and fit ..... power meter from China @280bht.
  16. I've recently rediscovered tinned tuna in soi oil (45bht/tin). Takes me back to my UK childhood where mum always made me tuna sandwiches for tea. 1 tin is good for 3-4 meals, and my son enjoys the sandwiches too, just had one for breakfast.
  17. The good news is everywhere is selling Cavendish bananas this year (30-35bht a bunch). I've been eating loads!
  18. There have been no bars open for the past two years, you can only visit restaurants now.
  19. On a similar note, The 4400 remake. Remade with an almost entire cast of non white 'returnees', and white/evil/neo nazi police/guards, but despite there being 4400 of them, they only had the budget to employ around 20 actors. The original wasn't great, but what a steaming pile of poop the remake is ...........
  20. I have the ability to walk into a room with 99 nice women and 1 violent psychotic woman ....... And I'll leave with the violent madwoman every time. No need to even talk, I want them and they want me. Pheromones, psychic attraction ........... I have no idea how it works. I didn't realise what was happening, one of my pals pointed it out to me. Obviously it's still not free.
  21. Can't say I care about Russia or the Ukraine. (or Europe for that matter) Of course NATO and their new globalist world order are seen as a threat to the non-aligned.
  22. As a Brit 16 is OK to me. If I were French 15 would be OK. Until a couple of years back 13 would have been OK to a Spanish person. Although I've only ever wanted women in their 30's .............
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