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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. No need to converse with Thais at all, they have nothing to say that I have an interest in hearing. Simple commerce can be done using photos on my smart phone. As for my partner, everything a woman says is to manipulate and extort money. Best not to be too chatty with them.
  2. Central Thai is a worthless language only spoken by 40% of the Thai population as a 1st language. My family all speak English, if I wanted to speak another language (in addition to English French and Spanish) it'd probably be Chinese.
  3. Have most of my house with WiFi switches and no neutral, just capacitor across LED in ceiling. No buzzes, no problems. Don't know about dimming as I have none. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.nRG63
  4. My $60 glasses have progressive lens and titanium frames. After 12-18 months I just order again and chuck the old ones. You aren't getting the answers you wanted because nobody is daft enough to purchase from Thai opticians more than once.
  5. All women are bad 'serious relationship prospects'. Women were genetically designed for 'short-time'.
  6. I've not found 'decent Thai women' to be any different to bar girls. Women naturally steal, cheat, lie, betray and manipulate. Your pal needs to learn they're all interchangeable, and when you lose your turn with one, just move onto another one. That's what's great about Thailand, no months long wait between losing one and finding another, you can be in bed with the next one that same evening.
  7. I'm currently drinking frozen daiquiri. 1.5 Oz Hong Thong, 2 squeezed limes, 3-4 teaspoons sugar, 8-10 ice cubes and blend into a slush. So what are you guys mixing?
  8. 2 accounts, one for daily spending, one for immigration. I don't even bother updating the immigration bank book, just pay 100bht for a 6 month statement for immigration every year.
  9. A hooker named Anal Toys .............. that can't be her real name!
  10. Same with my Samsung, 13 months and power supply blew 2kbht, 18 months later, power supply blew, not worth fixing, in the bin. And my Samsung Air-con 5 years broke then binned. And my Samsung fridge, 6 years and broke. I also now avoid all Samsung products.
  11. What's your rush? I'm retired, plenty of time, standing in line in air-con isn't the worst thing in the world.
  12. 8000+bht from local shops Vs $60 delivered from China. Up to you!
  13. State pension up from 10k5 to 11k4 so your tax code will be down by 900 pounds.
  14. That's a good start. Next sever all communications with her, just walk away. You can still enjoy your retirement without her, plenty of nice places to choose from as a single man. Nice houses to be rented in Chiang Mai from 10kbht/month or wherever you choose to live. You don't need her and her bad choices dragging you down, the world is there for you to claim as your own. Good luck! Look forward to your retirement in 4 months.
  15. Just downed a frozen daiquiri (1.5oz rum, 2 limes, 3 teaspoon sugar, 8 ice cubes). Next will smoke a gram of sherbert queen.
  16. She was hustling (as prostitution is borderline legal) , he was haggling (trying to buy for less money).
  17. Hustle is to make money from someone in a barely legal way. Haggle is to try and save money on a purchase. I understand Australia has the worst education system in the western world and many citizens are barely literate. You aren't doing yourself any favours with this sort of post, exposing your ignorance.
  18. What about Laos, Cambodia and Burma? Plenty of them working in Thailand. " IOM estimates that Thailand is home to 3.9 million migrant workers from Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam (2019)." https://thailand.iom.int/labour-mobility-and-social-inclusion#:~:text=In countries of destination%2C migrant,and Viet Nam (2019). Some claim expat = white person, migrant worker = non-white. https://theconversation.com/whats-the-difference-between-a-migrant-and-an-expat-69265 Others claim you need to be working in a foreign country in order to be classed as an expat. And yet others claim expat = person from a wealthy country working in a poorer country Migrant worker = person from a poor country working in a wealthier country.
  19. 75" isn't really portable, it'll be installed on a wall in one room and stay there. Do you carry your tv from room to room? Field of view is important for an immersive experience. Biggest screen + closest seating = best viewing.
  20. I've always bought the base models, and the screens have always been perfect.
  21. I posted it more of an inflation/deflation thread than a TV thread, although it was the TV prices that got me going. Just dug out my TV feet for my current 60" wall mounted LG, it cost 21kbht. Thought it was a 65" ........ can't believe it was purchased in 2018, seems like yesterday, thought it was only 3 years old but in reality 6 years old.
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